If you read this,you have downloaded the Final 0.7 of the Stargate Mod for Empire at war. Have fun with it! Installation: Execute the installer,it's in german,but it should not be a problem to find your way through it! Simply choose your Empire at War\Gamedata directory,when you are asked to choose the installation directory. That's it! To start the Beta,execute the playrommel2kstargatemod.bat lokated in the gamedata -directory or the desktop icon! The nations use following ships: Ta'uri alliance: X-301 -> fighter F-302 -> fighter Puddlejumper -> bomber X-303 -> corvette captured Ha'tak -> corvette Asgard battleship Belisknerclass -> assault frigate Asgard researchship -> frigate Asgard battleship O'Neillclass -> battleship BC-304 -> cruiser ISS -> replaces old rebell base Heroes: Steven Caldwell -> battleship Daedalus Col Pendergast -> improved X-303 Selmak of the Tokra -> alkesh Lt. Colonel Cameron Mitchell -> improved F-302 starfighter Goa'Uld alliance: deathglider -> fighter alkeshbomber -> bomber needleglider -> scoutship alkesh attackcorvette -> corvette standart Ha'tak -> corvette Apophis' Ha'tak -> frigate Goa'Uld battlecruiser -> battleship Goa'Uld starbase -> replaces old imperial base Heroes: Prime of Anubis -> superbattlecruiser with superweapon Anubis -> replaces imperator(not yet Ground ingame,modell still missing) Ashrak -> replaces Boba Fett((not yet Ground ingame,modell still missing) Baal -> replaces Darth Vader(not yet Ground ingame,modell still missing) Yu -> replaces Grand Morph Tarkin MerchantSpacedock is replaced by the Supergate Ta'uri players can build the ancientscruiser Aurora Goa'uld players can build an Oriwarship Pirates are replaced by the Wraith(not completed so far!) The Mod in this status is developed for Skirmish battles,so don't be to angry about bugs in Galactic COnquest or the campaigns(it should not be played now!) You have problems with the Mod? Visit our homepage www.stargateeaw.de and read the FAQ! You have found bugs or proposals? Visit our homepage www.stargateeaw.de and write into the forums! New in Final 0.7 for EAW (Normal) -better graphics -a lot of bugfixes -adjustment of the ship sizes -4 new,selfmade shaders to have a better look -new maps -Colonel Pendergast with the Prometheus -Selmak of the Tokra with captured Alkesh -new sounds for Mitchell -Baal with Anubisglider -Ashrak with needleglider(gateglider) -first-class supergate -deathmodels to some ships -almost all ground units and buildings for the Ta'uri -new Menüs for Loading and Planet information -Musik and Sounds for Ambiente Important: the supergate is only fully presentable with a NVidia card and Pixel- shader 3.0. Unforunately ATI cards have a problem to translate the .shader Ground units and buildings for the factions: Ta'uri: units: -SG Teams(4 soldiers with MP5 and special ability "coverage") -SG Snipers(2 soldiers with SR-25) -SG Support(1 Medic,1 soldier with M249,2 soldiers with M136 rocket launchers) -Major Davis(Fieldcommander)not yet ingame ,garded by 4 soldiers with M16 -UAV as scout drone(not yet ingame!) -MALP with cal 50 as light vehicel(not yet ingame!) -F302 groundfighter -Goauld Jaffas and Snake Guards. -Death Glider and Alkesh Bomber for Grounds. buildings: -hangar to build F302 and to call in bombardement -researchcenter to buy different equipment -different Railguns to defend your base The Stargate Modding group is Rommel2k = Lead Designer/Manager/Shader Coder LordKane(Lord Sokar) = Lead video designer/2nd Leader Zeus = Video designer Franzmann = Mapper Klon = Mapper MerlinGalgotta = Community Admin/english support/modeler Anubis = Community Assistent munkyfish = English Sounddesigner Larkis = Skinner Avalon = Model Designer Kronos = Deutsch-Englisch Übersetzer Daniel Jackson = Sound Designer/cyclopedia Frankie(from Spaceaddon) = assistance modeler(e.g. optimization of the Railguns) Special thanks and credits -SMG Steiner Modding Group for helping us with the XML-Code -Frankie for helping us coding the FSmeshglow Shader -the Beta tester -Dave 975 and DKealt for the fantastic models and textures Come on www.stargateeaw.de or www.stargate-modding.de