Stargate - Empire at War Final 1.0 Thank you for downloading the modification Stargate - Empire at War. We wish you a lot of fun! Installation Before the installation: - Install Empire at War with Patch 1.05 - delete all old versions of the mod - this mod is NOT for Forces of Corruption, but for Empire at War Simply execute the installer and choose your Empire at War main directory. That's it. After the installation you can start the Mod via the stargate.bat located in your EaW/gamedata directory or the mod launcher(not included!). Features of the Final 1.0: - new units - new buildings - new animations - new effects - new sounds - new maps - new galactic conquest maps - new events in galactic conquest - new game mode -> BBS (Base-Build-Strategy) What is BBS? BBS is a new game mod where you can build your complete base totally freely. You have a builder unit(MALP or Jaffa), with which you can order the buildings you want. You can place them whereever they fit and rotate them by right clicking the building and moving the mouse. In the building, you can immediately build the units, they don't come from above but directly out of the building. Try it out, it needs a bit practice but then it makes a lot of fun! To enter the BBS Mode, go to the Skirmish mode -> ground battle -> own maps and choose one with the "BBS" in the name. The AI can't use the new system so play it against other human players! Known bugs: - Bombing run causes crash on the ground maps in galactic conquest - some events can be defect, cause crashes or game freezes under certain circumstances - Projektils still hit the shield mesh, although the shield is already destroyed - Some heroes are incorrectly set or even missing on some galactic conquest maps - When you attackt the ground in galactic conquest and choose the auto battle option in the little menue, the game crashes sometimes - there are still some [MISSING] in the whole mod - there are still some Star Wars sounds in the mod These bugs will be either fixed with the hotfi that comes soon or with the first update. Unfortunately we haven't had enough time to fix them all. We apologise for any inconvenience! The Stargate Modding Group is: Sascha "Kane" Selinski = Project Lead and Lead Designer Community GFX André "MerlinGalgotta" Johannes = Project Lead, Modeler, Rigger, Animator, Community Manager Thomas "Larkis" Dettmann = Project Co-Lead, Lead Artist Jens "Hok'ta" Verhoff = Lead Coder Jan "Hugussi" Schlottbom = Event Coder Benedikt "McKay" Hug = BBS Coder Marius "Klon" Meierhöfer = Lead Mapper Marcel "Hermiod" = Lead Sound Designer Rudi Tom "Thor" = Sound Designer David "Spinobreaker" Bax = English sound designer Florian "Selmak" Krause = Texter Phil "Tomahawk" Meister = Translater Lukas "Alanos" Stilp = Translater Dominik "Blinvan Camlost" Kirchdorfer = Translater Andreas "Maverick" Wimmel = Homepage design and code Daniel "Sylar" Györvary = Community GFX Designer Thx to our former members and helpers: - Franzmann - Master - Zeus - Daniel Jackson - Frankie - whats_his_face - munkyfish - Attractor - ONeillJack - and to everybody i have forgotten to mention! Special thanks go to: - SMG Steiner Modding Group for helping us with the codes - Frankie for the programming of the FSMMeshGlow Shader - Dave 975 and DKealt for the fantastic models and textures - RionE for the Wraith cruiser - Taurus group, developer of the Stargate Mod for Nexus for giving us the Asgard ship(from the lost tribe) - mistapoopoo for the Traveler ship - and of course Rommel2K, who has startet this fantastic mod! Visit our website or our ModDB profile! !!!!We do not allow anybody to use our selfmade stuff like models, textures, maps sounds, effects,... for mod, that shall be officially released! You are only allowed to mod our modification for private purposes!!!