Unit Speech Sounds
In general we’re always happy about more audio translations. Contributions are greatly appreciated, since we are a fairly small team, and the process of cutting sounds from the series, if done well, is somewhat time consuming.
We have both, units with german and units with english sounds missing. Feel free to look through the mod’s speech directory: TPC\Data\Audio\Speech\
For the missing audio, there are placeholder files already included in the mod - these could/should be replaced with actual content. You can easily spot the placeholders by the file size of 5KB and the length of 00:00.
Here for example is Adria’s speech folder where it looks like we only have german speech sounds so far:

There might be others where it’s more mixed or even some where it’s completely the other way round and we only have english ones.
If you decide to help out, here are some tips to get good results:
- The clips shouldn’t be longer than 2-3 seconds
- This is the tricky part that sadly makes many good lines unusable: There should be little, ideally no background noise or music (Exceptions may apply for special sounds that don’t play repeatedly, like low/critical HP). If the speech sample is just too good to pass up, sometimes you can denoise the clip and still keep the speech quality at a somewhat good enough level
- The volume should be boosted to maximum (without clipping) and normalized, where appropriate