Frohe Ostern!
Hallo nochmal!
Wie Ihr vermutlich schon gemerkt habt, waren einer oder mehrere Teile der letzten News mööööglicherweise nicht ganz wahr ;)
Aber Spaß beiseite, es gab tatsächlich ein bisschen neue Informationen: Das neue Basismodell für die Tau’ri Infanterie.
Aber natürlich werden die Soldaten nicht auf der Karte herumlaufen und mit ihren Mörsern Heilkräuter zerkleinern.
Sie werden eher diese Art von Mörser benutzen:
Und wo wir vom Heilen sprechen, hier ist der neue Sanitäter:
Aber heute haben wir mehr als nur Bilder für Euch: Ein neuer Patch für die Pegasus-Prolog Kampagne erwartet Euch!
Wir haben vorallem auf der Wraith-Seite große Fortschritte gemacht. Die Wraith zu spielen, sollte sich jetzt deutlich abgerundeter anfühlen.
Vergesst auch nicht unser Wiki für mehr Informationen über den Pegasus-Prolog.
Ihr könnt den Patch wie immer über den Launcher herunterladen. (Nicht vergessen, unter “Optionen” den Benutzermodus auf “OpenBeta” umzustellen).
- Upgrade icon for charging Goauld planetary staff cannon in space skirmish updated
- Fixed an icorrect GUI bracket size of the Dreadnought
- Added/removed hyperspace capabilities of some fighter units were it was necessary
- Removed ‘Spotted’ SFX from faction files
- Fixed an issue with the Dreadnought version of Moros not having any speech sounds
- Melia will now die ‘properly’ - no more hero head icon after death
- Delphi and Pride of Troy are no longer major heroes (they don’t respawn after death)
- Changed tech level of the Ancient_Space_Building_Sensor_SS from 4 to 3
- Increased damage of the GTSW from 2000 to 6500 and changed the construction costs to 3500
- Increased damage of the GTSW and changed the construction costs to 3500
- Removed the pop cap of the Kamikaze Dart
- Removed hyperspace capability of the Exp. Dart
- Added price reduction ability to the PP Queen
- Increased damage of the GTSW to 300 per projectile and changed the construction costs to 3500
PP GC (Ancients):
- Fixed an issue which would cause convoy mission transports being stuck at the exit point
- Slightly increased performance of the script at various locations
- Fixed an issue which would cause the Tau’ri starbase to spawn if only Asuran units were on the map
- Added the Fortress for the Asurans
- Decreased the chance for the Arcturus mission still being active even after the Aurora tech already became available
- Increased the time for the player to construct the Arcturus device before the mission times out
- Increased the chance for the Asurans being friendly towards the player for a longer time making it more lucrative to invest in their research
PP GC (Wraith):
- Added debug events for the Wraith story line
- Removed the AI lock for the Vanir planet which caused the planet to have a red glow. The AI will not move there and the Vanir are allied to the Ancients anyway.
- Significantly changed the story script for the Wraith. There is now one single attack function for all attackers
- The Gonta revenge fleet list will now try to spawn at Dagan
- Tried to make the story mode service code more efficient
- The Asurans now spawn a lvl 5 starbase
- The Arcanus attack fleet and the Gonta attack fleet will now both try to spawn on Taranis to make it less likely that the fleet will arrive after the resp. mission has been accomplished
- Removed some Ancient starting forces on lower difficulties
- Fixed non-working price bonus for the Hive on Arcanus
- Significantly decreased the difficulty on lower difficulties. Especially the attacks at the beginning are much weaker now
- As soon as the Dreanought event starts some of them will be spawned on Taranis
- Fixed a potential crash in the Moros upgrade event (Sleep was set _after_ TestValid())
- The Dreadnoughts produced on Taranis will now properly attack the player
- Fixed Delphi not being registered as dead in the Gonta event making it unable to win
- Added additional fail possibility for the Gonta event in case the City Ship retreated during battle
- This also prevents the possibility of an incorrect text of the Ancients evacuating the settlement when they take the planet back even if Delphi wasn’t present
- Also fixed an issue which would cause the Delphi-successfully-defeated event to trigger even after the planet was lost and the mission failed
- Increased the chance of Asuran or Dreadnought attacks compared to regular Ancient and Vanir attacks if either of them are active
- Added ‘final hints’ text strings to the story dialog so it would finally show up and not just show an empty log
- Fixed an issue with the finale text not being displayed due to duplicate event names
- The Athos/Orakis final missions will no longer time out after they have been played
- When the final mission is won, the player fleet will no longer retreat
- Orakis Mission:
– Reduced the difficulty for this mission on Easy and Medium settings (Wave strength and number of defense satellites)
– The Wave spawn entry point is now a bit further away from the area that needs to be secured
– Added missing objective to secure the landing zone if they player killed the under construction ships before the timer was up
– Reduced the speed of spawned capital wave ships
– The wave ships will now properly move toward the landing zone
– The mission is now marked as ‘won’ in the log after it has been completed successfully- Atlantis Mission:
– The transport ships will now properly move towards the descent zone
– Fixed hero death events not working (Find_First_Object() requires capitalized input strings!)
– Added a function to track the status (spawned, dead) of each hero that triggers player victory
– Fixed an issue which could cause a hero not to spawn as tranport escort
– Revealed spawn area of Melia and the first transport
– The mission will now be lost when all Wraith ships have been defeatedText:
- Various text and spelling improvements, especially for the English translation
Bitte behaltet beim Spielen im Hinterkopf, dass es sich hier immer noch um eine Beta-Version handelt. Die Kampagne kann nach wie vor instabil sein und abstürzen, also speichert euer Spiel häufig!
Bitte lasst es uns wissen, wenn Ihr Crashes oder sonsitge Probleme habt. Wir freuen uns natürlich auch über jede Art von Feedback und Verbesserungsvorschlägen.
Aber jetzt erst mal viel Spaß mit dem neuen Update - und Frohe Ostern!