Mod Versions
A few of our older models have been updated like the Asgard DanielJackson-class, Asgard O'Neill-class and Ori mothership.
There are also other visual changes like new icons, new particles and maps (more on those below).
The majority of Patch 3.2.6 however are lots and lots of changes to the Stargate Galaxies GC which include the addition of an Asuran AI and tuning of other AI like Tau'ri and Replicator AIs.
Unique event chains have been added for the Atlantis Expedition (Tau'ri) and to find eyes of the gods (Goa'uld). X302 will join Tau'ri players as minor hero at the beginning of the GC. For now it just spawns for you to test it and give us some feedback.
Later on the minor hero will be moved to an event chain of its own. Issues with the dig sites after reloading saves should be fixed now.
Also P2X_338 has been added while Talthus got removed from the GCs planetary roster.
To make sure you get all this changes working its best to start a new play-through of "Stargate Galaxies". Old saves might still work but their function cannot be guaranteed.
Also: The mod release version now gets displayed in main menu (bottom right corner) so you will know at a glance if you're running the latest version or not. 3D:- Add new models of Tauri_Space_Unit_DanielJackson.ALO, Tauri_Space_Unit_ONeill.ALO and Ori_Space_Unit_MotherShip.ALO with their respective DCs and texture (one for all 3 )2D:- Add new terrain image for Taranis, Wraith Homeworld and Wraith Clonebase- Overhaul of some of the upgrade icons- Add new icons: Wraith Repair Satellite Deconstruct, Ra's Pyramid Ship, Wraith Hive Upgrade- Add new icon of Hammond to Prometheus for Antarctica Mission (resolves #3435)- Icon update for replicator BS with nanite missileParticles:- New particle effect for thor antireplicator weapon- New replicator conversion ability effect- New wraith corruption effects- New Asuran system corrupt effect- New antireplicator weapon and effect for Thor- New doci weapon effect (space unit)- New bombs for Ori fighter- New sensor ping particle- Fix effect for replicator beliskner weapons for non shield hit- New ori beam muzzle flash- New ori weapon flashes- "New" planet explosion effect General:- Display mod release version in main menu (bottom right corner)- Fix Doranda having 3 space structure slots instead of 2- Fix duplicate name in command bar components- Micheal's infection ability no longer auto-fires to prevent unintentional damage to allied units (Resolves #0003656)- Updated ZPM unit code- Fix ZPM not being available when starting the battle using a pathfinder slot- Removed a few sfx debug warnings- Moved dig side units in GOF to get mod load back to 0 pass- Fix Repli Beliskner and Repli Hatak not being buildable for AI- Coded Replicator Ground Fighter- Correct some wrong placeholder maps as well as zoomed terrain indexes- Coded new Asuran heroes Lia and Koracen (WIP) - resolves #3692- Renamed Asuran_Aurora to Asuran_Aurora_Prop in order to avoid naming conflicts with space unit- Fix syntax error in Props_Stargate- Add P2X_338 and remove Talthus from Stargate Galaxies GC- Add deconstruction dummy for Wraith healing satellite - issue #3674- Fix issue with wraith extra money when inactive caused by thread kill command. Should solve other issues regarding dig sites and other events failing- Update information on tag Autoresolve_Health: The tag does not exist in the binary.- New replicator damage type and weaken ability with effect for battlecruiser- Various bug fixes found by Locutus- Fixes to pathfinding for rest of ship items- Fix silly SFX error- Huge changes to the way replicator missiles work - fear the new missile!- Minor changes to Doci Beam weapon and hardpoint- Add small income stream (25 credits) to ori and replicator AI barracks- Allow AI oberoth and replicator-BC to use abilities- Made better masks for OberothTauri:- Add SFX to captured Hataks Tauri- Add Asgard beam effect for Daedalus nuke- Add deploy ability to anti replicator satellite- Add 2nd way to get Apollo- Add eventual ability for BC 304 MK2 to be built at any asgard shipyard after the defeat of Ori and Replicator AI- Make Prometheus missiles fire better - issue #0003666- Fix auto target for the 3 plasma beams on the Sleipnir- Fix bug with dig site code related to save games- Fix description text for No-Beams-Odyssey- Minor fixes to the time jumper- Thor-GC has some shiny new toys- Made sure MK2 and refit cannot be build in other GCsGoauld:- Add hyperspace effects for system lord heroes- Buff super hatak shields (and Anubis mothership) due to being too weak.- Reduce shield drain of System flagship power to weapon abilityWraith:- Slightly nerfed standard hive ability so it isnt so crippling when fighting more than 2 hivesAsuran:- Removed super laser from SK Oberoth and replaced with virus abilityReplicators:- Replicator ships can now be built by replicator faction in GC- Add nanite missile to Repli-Carter- Minor improvement to replicator BS- Increased cost of replicator ground units as they were SWARMING- Fix for replicator starbase- Given other AIs a home system, improving AI performance in GC and removing bug - thanks Cody!- Add more comparable costs to replicator ground fighterStargate Galaxies:- Add mine to Rhenus which was missing from planet and ability description- Various bug fixes, text changes, and SFX to dig site units- Minor bug fixes/improvements and edits to files to spawn correct units, tidied up so other planet spawns in GC- Improved and fix many AI spawns in large GC- Add missing replicator heroes to GC- Rebalanced cost of Ori Warship in GC (4900 to 6000)- Add GTSW to Asuras- Sped up midway station lane to make it beneficial for when midway is opened- Modified starting time for replicator AI, giving more warning before the AI activates (Tauri/Goauld)#- Add tech levels to Asurans and Replicators (Tauri/Goauld)Stargate Galaxies - Tauri:- Move Thor spawn to Adara- Add X302 experimental fighter minor hero to Tauri start- Make anti replicator satellite buildable on any world with the DJ (Thor) and an asgard shipyard- New pyramid upgrade for Anubis when all eyes recovered- New Atlantis Expedition event chain- Add new event to ZPM chain to avoid confusion with Atlantis Expedition- New System lord AI activate text event for Tauri- New Tauri event chain for Asuras with explodey planets, danger and rewards!Stargate Galaxies - Goauld:- Add goauld dig sites for 6 unique eyes. Extra goodies in the form of other ships have also been added. Anubis's mothership upgrade now needs any 3 eyes to unlock, and you no longer sacrifice the eyes.- Add Goauld Asuran event- Fix typo in lord Yu death event when killed in space- Fix small bug with goauld replicator invasion- Anubis mothership upgrade now needs superhatak in orbit to complete, as per text- Made some planets around Anubis start slightly easier as they were bottlenecksStargate Galaxies - Wraith:- Fix one of the Repli prereqs - Add Map_GC_Ground_Sodan (resolves #0000289)- Add Map_GC_Ground_Gamma_Base_MilkyWay.ted (resolves #0000255)- Add Map_GC_Alpha_Base_P.ted (resolves #320)- Updated Abydos Ground- Updated Jenev Ground- Updated Kallana Ground- Updated Kallana Space: change planet prop to a more fitting one- Update Revanna Ground: Add some Tokra spawns- Fix missing AI Zones Celestis, Cunae, Gamma Base Milkyway, M6H-987, Wraith Clonebase and Wraith Homeworld- Fix Map_GC_Ground_Cunae using MP Reinforcement_Points - Allow passing arguments to planet count callback- Create new plot triggers- Add statistic change to lua XmlRewardsAI / Large Uni AI:- Allow all Ori buildings to be constructed by AI- Allow all current Asuran buildings to be constructed, and made each ground unit and warship buildable with reasonable costs and time for AI. This will allow Asurans to be more deadly when their AI activates.- Additon of Asuran AI- New AI hints for planets with mining- Removed scripted attacks from some minor factions in replace with actual AI- Add Cimmeria to AI hint list for shipyards- Fix bug where Tauri AI would send wave after wave of SG teams trying to corrupt a planet- Made Freyr no longer buildable by AI- Add replicator, and Asuran AI tech progression- Tauri AI can now build BC304 Refit after 30 minutes and MK2 after 1 hour in game time- Increase chance of building mining facility, large shipyard and initial starbases/groundbase if planet has mining site.- Increase chance of upgrading a starbase if planet can build large shipyard.- Made planets with mining more desirable to attack and valuable to the AI. - Added new Replicator convert sound effect - Various Text Updates- Text update for anti replicator sat3.2.6 (08.03.25)
Christmas is coming early this year! The Fire and Water map shall be our present to you this year.
Do you love to play as your favorite hero? Would you like to have all the canon BC-304 ships? Then this map is exactly for you. - Potential fix for game soft-freezing in galactic for Tauri/Goauld: Change the garrison of Wraith Artillery from TIE_Scout_Squadron to TIE_Scout_Squadron_Real - Add Abydos (Ground) and Oannes (Space) skirmish maps to the open beta- Pangar Ground: Fix oversized pyramid prop (GC and skirmish)3.2.3 (22.12.24)
This patch contains yet another fix for the auto-resolve loop and a bunch of new + updated maps.
To make sure you get all this changes working its best to start a new playthrough of "Stargate Galaxies". Old saves should however still work. - Replace TIE_Scout_Squadron starting forces with Probe_Droid_Team, hopefully fixing the autoresolve loop - Updating pathfinding on Map_GC_Ground_Atlantis (also affects Asuras) and change the prop template to Template_Ground_Prop_Medium to avoid the "spiral to heaven" for flying units on the map. This is a workaround as the flyers will now go through the props.- Updating Map_GC_Ground_Cunae- Adding Map_GC_Ground_Taranis.ted- Adding Map_GC_Ground_Wraith_Homeworld.ted- Adding Map_GC_Ground_M6H_987.ted- Adding Map_GC_Ground_Wraith_Clonebase.ted3.2.4 (03.01.25)
Christmas is coming early this year! The Fire and Water map shall be our present to you this year.
Do you love to play as your favorite hero? Would you like to have all the canon BC-304 ships? Then this map is exactly for you. - Potential fix for game soft-freezing in galactic for Tauri/Goauld: Change the garrison of Wraith Artillery from TIE_Scout_Squadron to TIE_Scout_Squadron_Real - Add Abydos (Ground) and Oannes (Space) skirmish maps to the open beta- Pangar Ground: Fix oversized pyramid prop (GC and skirmish)3.2.3 (22.12.24)
- Potential Fix for game soft-freezing in galactic for Tauri/Goauld: Prevent Wraith AI from building TIE_Scout_Squadron- Added hyperspace capability to the Genii fighter as a workaround to prevent an infinite loop which would look up the game- Fix Jaffa tents not spawning units on Kallana- Fix Abydos ground map not being assigned to the planet in code- Fix Tauri starbase causing micro-freezes when firing missiles (Found by community member Pacoz)- Updated some files to make use of new official petro patch features:- Added new tag Master_Decal_Slot_Count option to GameConstants- Added new tag Show_Blob_To_Enemies: Yes to the Sensor_Jamming_Ability so that the ability effect can also be seen by enemies and not only by allies- Change Volian placeholder ground map to one with enough structure markers- Remove Vanir Homeworld's unit restrictions- Fixed missing / incorrect icon names for Ancient Ship Items - Celestis Ground: Update map to a 10x10 version which should be way more playable- P34_353J Ground: Fix Attacker LZ not starting under under attacker control- Alpha Site Ground: Fix Humvee affiliation with Anubis3.2.2 (01.12.2024)
This patch fixes a major bug in the Stargate Galaxies GC causing the game to be frozen when playing as Goauld or Wraith.
Four new unique ground maps have been added (including the iconic Abydos!) and many custom maps now feature indigenous Rebel Jaffa or Tokra.
Further, many enemies have been added to most of the new planets and factions now all have better expansion progression in the early game.
SG1/SGA will now go on respawn cooldown if ANY member dies in tactical (the old script didn't work reliably).
Many minor issues have of course been addressed as well, see below for details. Icons/Textures:- Created new terrain images for Abydos, Cimmeria and P8X-412- New Icons General:- Updated space retreat (retreat now takes longer but units no longer speed up)- Removed SG1 respawn helper script and change SG1/SGA to go on respawn cooldown if any member dies in tactical (the old script didn't work reliably)- Attempt to fix rapid firing ancient satellite by matching fire_pulse_delay and fire_recharge times- Created indigenous spawnhouse template and convert Tokra_Transportation_Rings_Indigenous to use it- Added missing secondary skydomes xml- Added code for inidgenous spawn structures and units for Jaffa Rebels, Haktyl and Sodans- Disabled all Tokra and Jaffa Rebel starting forces on galactic level: They spawn on the map now instead- Removed obsolete sodan galactic spy unitsStargate Galaxies:- Large starting forces update: Added enemies to most of the new planets, factions now all have better expansion progression in the early game- Fixed duplicate starting buildings on M2R_441 and missing on Manaria- Fix Netan and Baal not spawning in battle- Balance tweak Lucian Kassa transports, made Hardpoints untargetable- Fixed dig site error for Yus HW reported by Pacoz- Attempt to fix Grace event (for some reason it only triggers once)- Goauld/Wraith: Removed midway being locked for the AI as they were locked for the player instead (Resolves #0003646)- Goauld/Wraith: Fix Replicator events triggering with Sateda instead of Vanaheim- Tauri: Fixed an issue where the Sokar Boarding mission could get stuck if Sokar's engines are destroyed last- Wraith: Set Wraith Large Shipyard's required starbase level to 1Asurans:- Fixed Asuran Drone Satellite not regenerating shields (due to empty energy pool)Goauld:- Increased ground Teltak health from 300 to 400- Increased GUI_Bracket_Size on ground Teltak - Added Abydos GC ground map - resolves #237- Added new map Map_GC_Ground_P34_353J.ted - resolves #288- Added Kallana ground map (GC) - issue #3591 - resolves #331- Added Map_GC_Ground_P4S_237 - issue #284- Added more Tok'ra indigenous spawns to Tok'ra planets - - Some minor audio code fixes- Converted some audio effects that needed to be mono- Added Adria death speech sounds - Text string corrections3.2.1 (19.10.24)
Patch 3.2.0 main focus is again the work on the Stargate Galaxies GC to make it ready for a stable release Models:- Fix Ra's Collar not being visible by default- Fix Ra's movement breaking by adding dummy undeploy animation- Fix Adria (Celestia)'s shield hardpoints being hard to target by moving them onto a part of the mesh that has collision- Remove team color from Replicator-Beliskner texture- Add missing galactic fleet model for Asuran Heavy Transport- Add zoomed version of the Moon Base (Pegasus planet) to Planet_GC_Moon_Base.alo- Add Replicator-Beliskner deathclone- Add red shield impact particles for Repli-Beliskner projectiles- Add Earth moon as separate prop- Remove obsolete map_planet_earth.alo- Rename and split Abydos props, remove duplicatesEffects:- Add red version of Beliskner shield flare effectIcons:- Huge Hero Icon Overhaul: Updated hero icons of Borren, Mollem, Fifth, General Hammond, Larrin, Kolya, Apollo, Korolev, Daedalus, Heru'ur, Thoth, Tanith, Netan, Wraith Rebels Queen and Atlantis- Changed upgrade icon for BC304 MK2 to better match other icons- New upgrade icons for dig site including generic ones for Goa'uld and Tau'ri as well as Aurora Restoration ()- Added components for Aurora Restoration event (engines, weapons, power generator, shield generator, hyperdrive core)- Made unit and ability icon for Time Jumper- Improved some upgrade, unit and ability icons- Added icon for Replicator hero First, Second and Third- Added dig icons for the dig sites- Various small icon improvements General:- Brought mod load back to 0 pass, improving startup time- Allow Wraith Rebels and Syslord AI to build on turret build pads in tactical- Add and adjusted Replicator ground squad AI power for autoresolve balance- Add build limit for Aurora restoration upgrade- Add unique frontal weapon, remove hanger and add shield regeneration on Thor (Daniel Jackson)- Add new Replicator heroes: First, Second and Third- Add light railguns to Atlantis, firing only at fighters- Add object script to Genii Destroyer so it might use its self destruct ability- Add healing to Wraith Rebel heroes- Remove duplicate SFX tags for SG Team- Remove build limit per planet of small shipyards for Goauld and Wraith so it is inline with Tauri- Change Lorne's lucky shot ability icon to be the missile from Mitchell- Change BC-304 heroes to no longer deploy X301s- Balance: Slightly reduced Adria's shield strength and regeneration rate- Balance: Reduced Aschen heroes shield strength- Balance: Asuran Land Jumper Buff: Increased weapon damage and shield points, added weapon explosion effects and fixed wrong fire bone muzzle- Balance: Slight nerf to missiles on BC304 MK2- Balance: Slightly reduce Tanith's health and shield strength- Fix Daedalus respawn sound being used for Apollo- Fix landing transports being able to capture stuff- Fix BC304 Refit not being buildable due to missing tech level- Fix Asuran_Jumper_Transport using ground unit model, fix units using the _landing version as transport- Fix Sokar ground unit getting stuck due to missing landing transport- Fix personal shield ability for Systemlord Ground heroes (Ra, Heruur, Sokar, Yu)- Fix Ancients Bomber having Ancient Fighter texts on mouse over- Fix issue with ZPM in Pegasus Prelude final mission- Fix Aurora Restored and Artemis power to weapons abilities to drain shields correctly- Fix SG1 not being able to capture Wraith Rebel ships- Fix Thor's Chariot taking up population space- Fix Mitchell hero head not being visible- Fix firing for asgard plasma beam on some unitsStargate Galaxies:- Begin of full starting forces overhaul (WIP, Milkayway is mostly done for Tauri and Goauld, but pegasus is still largely blank, wraith start has barely been changed yet)- [Tauri] Balance: Increase difficulty of hard mode: Replicators and Ori can spawn at the same time (not possible on lower difficulties anymore), Asuran ZPM on Asuras will spawn, Wraith will get extra money whilst they sleep- [Tauri] GC is no longer lost if Hammond gets killed- [Tauri] Add Apollo- [Goauld] Fix bug where Goauld could get super Adria- Add new planet Ver Omesh (Ori Galaxy)- Add new planet Ver Isca (Ori Galaxy)- Add new planet Engi (Ida Galaxy)- Add new planet Algiz (Ida Galaxy)- Rearrange Ida and Ori galaxy layout- Move Ori galaxy a little further away from map edge- Fix Asteroid Field (the Pegasus planet) not supporting space structures- Fix Airfield not being buildable on Icarus Base- Fix Tau'ri Resource Mine not being buildable on P4S-237, M6R-214- Fix asteroid mine not being buildable on M6R_214 for all factions- Fix event chains allowing Sleipnir and SOL to be buildable at the same time- Fix Asgard Shipyard not being buildable on Vanir Homeworld- Add ZPM for Asurans on Asuras - Good Luck :D- Add text events and infobox to explain how the digsite system works- Various fixes for issues with dig sites and items- Various modifications to dig site code and odds- New Dig site reward - the time jumper. Can be recovered from P3X 439 and has a unique time travel back in time ability which heals the jumper and teleports back to a previous location. Has flashy effects too :D- [Tauri] Add Goauld Dig sites and fixed a few assertion errors.- Add Captured old hatak and captured enhanced hatak (same as standard hatak just with all 6 weapons)- Only 1 MK1 or MK2 generator can be built now, more can be gained through dig sites- Nerfs to all items, mainly defence- Replicator nanite missiles will now destroy ship items if the vessel is captured and items can no longer be capturedUI:- Change saving dialog to fit warning message on two lines - Add new Map_GC_Ground_P8X_412.ted- Add missing planet prop to Ktau space map, fixing GTSW- Add missing planet prop to M4H_212 space map, fixing GTSW- Add missing planet prop to M4F_788 space map, fixing GTSW- Add Moon Base (Pegasus planet) prop and space map- Fix abandoned Humvee affiliation on Alpha Site map - Create new object script for Ra's mask ability- Add additional check to (hopefully) prevent SG1/SGA respawn helper from breaking now- Improve error handling in ObjectScript_Shield_Tech_3 - Add new GC and tactical music tracks (Down23 music pack 1 and 2), including different ambient tracks specific to terrain types- Add new Adria speech sounds (ENG) by Down23 - Added unit and ability texts for Time Jumper- Made a text variant for Odyssey without beam weapon- Adjusted texts of Tau'ri space station to match the correct amount of reinforcements- Created missing unit description for Genii Rifleman and Genii Ground Fighter- Added new text for Osiris dead- Adjusted some dig site event text to make clear what the player get there- Added more texts for dig sites- New description for Replicator heroes First, Second and Third- Created texts for planets Ver Isca and Ver Omesh- Some general text improvements and typo corrections- Created texts for new planets Algiz and Engi- Add event text for Apollo spawn- Many text improvements and typo corrections made by Dantius (not completely done yet)3.2.0 (22.06.24)
Version 3.1.0 comes with major changes to the "Stargate Galaxies"-GC. Textures:- Improved galactic icon for Corruption, Revolution and Bounty ((resolves #3531)- Created new icon for combat armour used for all factions- Added building and radar icon for Asuran Barracks and Asuran Command Center- New radar icon for Genii Fighter Land- Improved some upgrade icons such like ZPM Hive research or Adria research- Added unit icon for Naquadah Generator MK2- Added unit icon for BC-304 Refit- Improved some upgrade icons such like Atlantis research, Anubis Flagship research, Moros Dreadnought upgrade General:- Fixes to ZPM transport and slight balance to defence bonus- Fixed issue where ZPM would not be removed by wraith ZPM hive project- More balancing of the ZPM defence - may need to nerf more specifically for wraith due to their regeneration- Resized the SGC from 0.9 to 0.7- Increased assassination cost modifier for Ashrak/Tokra- Naquadah generator MK1 and MK2 implemented and use the same system as ZPM load in- Fixed bug where items could be multiloaded into the same ship. Slightly modified naquadah generator unitStargate Galaxies:- Added prototype of dig site system- Major change to the planet layout. New and more planets added.-- Integrated Icarus Base-- Integrated Pegasus Black Hole-- Integrated Dar Eshkalon-- Integrated P3R_118-- Integrated P3X_474-- Integrated P9C_882-- Integrated New_Athos-- Integrated Lucian Base-- Integrated M35_117-- Integrated Manaria-- Integrated P3M_736-- Integrated Rasputin-- Integrated Alpha Base (Pegasus)-- Integrated Belkan-- Integrated Sagon-- Integrated Vadena-- Integrated Asteroid Field (Pegasus)-- Integrated Basis Ford-- Integrated Cloister-- Integrated Laros-- Integrated M1K_177-- Integrated M2R_441-- Integrated M2S_445-- Integrated M5V_801-- Integrated M65_PL8-- Integrated M6R_214-- Integrated M6R_867-- Integrated M8G_352-- Integrated M56_768-- Integrated Moonbase-- Integrated Vanir-- Integrated Kohal-- Integrated Hanka-- Integrated KS7_535-- Integrated P5R_357-- Integrated P8X_412-- Update old (German or misspelled) planet names-- Swap P3X_439 and P8X_412 to get a mining planet closer to Anubis HW-- Make Vanir the new connection point to Ida-- Remove some traderoutes around Taonas to discourage moving along the galaxy edge-- Minor position adjustment for M1K_177- Added missing planets to the Wraith Large Shipyard- Reduce planet scale by .2- Removed starbase stealth from some space-only planets (Adara, Tobin, Thaltus ect.) but also added it to others like Black Hole, Nebula or Maelstrom- Added Orilla to Asgard Shipyard- Added Replicator and Ori wake up code for Wraith AI as Goauld- Fixed bug where supergate would not spawn in Tauri GC if you defeat the Ori quickly- Adria and Ori AI chain modified slightly. No more duplicate Adrias.- Adria implantation will now take control of all Ori forces and planets when research complete. Have increased cost and duration of upgrade given that this could give you a big chunk of the galaxy. Also made it so Ori Ai activates if you take SSG before AI normally wakes.- Added and fixed some Ori AI activation events in both Goauld and Wraith event chains- Added Wraith AI activation in event of Ori or Replicators becoming active- Removed Adria spawn from Supergate - now done via script- Fixed potential bug where you could destroy Ori and not get the supergate- Made the Goauld Eyes, and Wraith Bioreactor compatible with new ZPM loading system- Fixed wrong zoomed terrain image for Iratus Bestiola- Wraith Rebel Heroes must die before Wraith get theirs- Langara can now build standard mines- Disable gate raid to Earth (Iris)- Created a combat armour upgrade used for all factions and added it to Vadena- Balanced defence of items more- Added the MK2 naquadah generator as a limited buildable unit on Earth- Naquadah generator MK2 is now required to get the sol/sleipnir. A MK2 to spawned, and then buildable up to a max of 2 when you conquer orban, lantea and have the daedalus.- Fixed Indoctrination Camp does not increase income (resolves #3605)- Set star- and ground base levels for moon base- Disable spy network ability on M6R_867 and reduce Raspun structure slots- Allow asteroid mine in asteroid field- Make SG teams buildable on all human off-world bases in Galaxies- Fix Missing ground and space structure slots on Rhenus- Updated victory conditions for all three factions (issue #3606)Goauld:- Anubis has had a host of heroes added to his roster via event spawn. Before a hero can be recruited from their spawn world, said hero must be dead first. This has now been solved - no more multiple baal, for now ;)- Fixed lack of shielding on Stealth HatakTauri:- Tauri Lantean satelite now fires 3x as fast with increased damage- Balanced the BC-304 MK2 a bit more, and added it to the speed boost planet ability- Balanced the MK2 upgrade - it worked out more expensive than the Oneill, and took too long to build.- lighly buffed railguns for MK2, and replaced power to engines with a divert power to beam weapons ability. This takes power from rail guns, missiles, engines, and defences, and buffs the beams. Beams have been slightly modified in accordance with the new ability.- Sleipnir is now slighty better balanced for the GC. Weapons have been increased to 80% the power of Oneill, and shield buff ability reduces weapon power further and regen is decreased more to reflect the 80% power reduction- Slightly pimped Jumpers (land)- Updated good/bad of SG-Team and Special Forces- Fixed issue with Aretmis full power to weapons where it would fire 3x slower, but deal 3x damage, meaning ability had a net result of 0.- BC304 refit added, which will deploy F302s. Requires Replicators to be active, an asgard shipyard, and an upgrade to an existing BC304 to be completed.- Additional balancing for the BC304 refit and MK2. The X301 launching version will be discontinued once the MK2 becomes buildable, older ships can still be upgraded to the refit, meaning the main version becomes the refit, which can still be upgraded to the MK2 as before.Wraith:- Made ZPM Hive an upgrade unit like the MK2 and modified event structure accordingly. Now requires a hive ship, large shipyard, and ZPM in orbit. ZPM and Hive are removed after upgradeReplicators:- Re-add accidentally removed hangar hardpoints to repli starbase- Replicator infobox now fires when invading Sateda- Fifth now got the nanite missile as ability- Replicator nanite missiles now correctly convert smaller ships, frigates and corvettes, and other replicator ships will stop firing on them. Heroes, and larger vessels will only be stunned by the missiles for a short period.- Increase Replicator_Space_Projectile_Missile.alo collision mesh size- Fixed an issue with nanite missile SFX and particlesAncients:- Fix Ancient_Satellite_Death_Clone scale- Set max build limit per planet to 1 for Ancient weapons platformJaffa Rebels:- Coded Jaffa Rebels Ground Building Barracks (with placeholder model)Genii:- Fix Genii Gatling turret- Coded Genii Fighter Land- Added ground unit spawns to the Genii ground buildingsOri:- Updated Adria code - Added custom map to Earth- Fixed a typo in Kohal space map causing a crash- Added planet prop to Map_GC_Space_Vanir_Homeworld- Removed placeholder ground maps for Pegasus planets. Using some SW maps for now.- Add a crashed capturable Dart to M4F_788 - Added new Daniel move speech- Tealc/Daniel move speech minor fixes- Added eleven new speech sounds to Aris Boch (attack, move, select, low HP, critical HP)- Added Goauld weapon sounds provided by Dantius - Adjusted the texts for the GTSWs and mentioned the regular ones have a build limit of two while the special ones can only be built once (resolves #3578)- Added new spawn and defeat texts for Goa'uld heroes (resolves #3572) plus Adria event (resolves #3587)- Changed text of Naquadah Generator and Biomatter Reactor so the player know it can be loaded into a choosen ship and what it can improve there (resolves #3583)- Fixed the issue Ori Space Station had the wrong description (resolves #3562)- Added text for BC-304 MK2 shield boost ability (resolves #3566)- Added texts for Naquadah Generator MK2 and adjusted the MK1 desctription as well as the spawn text (resolves #3586)- Adjusted some texts and fixed typos- Changed name of Vanir Homeworld to Vanaheim plus every text that refering to it- Added texts for BC-304 MK2's new ability Power to Beam Weapons (resolves #3594)- Added texts for BC-304 Refit (resolves #3607)- Deleted unused strings (resolves #3608)- Many new texts for the dig site events, including unit/item descriptions as well as upgrade and event texts (issue #3612)- Updated victory conditions for all three factions for Galaxies GC (resolves #3606)- General text improvements and typo corrections I found3.1.0 (24.02.24)
With this patch we adress more community reported issues and also intoduce a long requested feature made possible by our newest member ArceusMK3.
Also Anubis and the Wraith get another event in Stargate Galaxies related to the replicators expanding the experience for the player further. Textures:- Added upgrade icons for *redacted*, Odyssey and Thor retrofit General:- Rebuild Stargate_AI.meg- Moved Bounty Upgrade to UpgradeObjects_Neutral and corrected a wrong text string- *redacted* is now a transport which can be attached to any ship in orbit by choice and give it, and only it, significant buffs. If ship is destroyed, so is the *redacted*, in quite the explosion!Stargate Galaxies:- Updated AFG function hoping to avoid issues with locked planets (Potentially resolves #0003506)- Prevented the Asurans from retreating to avoid issues with them going to the locked planet midway (resolves #0003500)- Updated Fleet Commander / *redacted* code a little- Updated Ori event to fire off on more reasonable time scales- Added Asuran AI activation for Tauri, based on replicator AI. Note that they stop working when they run out of ground units- Added missing replicator player in Wraith LUA- Added System lord AI and activation for Wraith- Added Replicator AI and activation added to Wraith- Updated Wraith Ori event chain- Added Goauld Replicator AI activation code- Fix for Ori and Replicator defeat event- Planet Ability fixes IIGoauld:- Removed arbitrary build limit for Anubis Hataks- Corrected the code of Anubis eye so it removes each eye properly and didn't just skip to the end of the event without removing anythingTauri:- Tauri GTSW drones should do proper damage now- Adjusted the pop cap of the Aurora to match the one of the Asuran battleshipWraith:- Wraith Assassin can assassinate now- Templated several Wraith unitsReplicators:- Templated Fifth and RepliCarter (issue #0003530)- Updated Replicator land unit good/bad against info- Replicator nanite missile will no longer target heroesAncients:- Organize Ancient def sat code, remove unnecessary variants, move skirmish version to appropriate file. General formatting cleanup of Space_Buildings_Satellites.xmlAsurans:- Fixed Oberoths Beam ability in skirmish doing no damageOri:- Fixed Ori warship firing their superlaser too rarely - Fixed another text and spelling typos (resolves #3550) (resolves #3555)- Adjusted *redacted* mission texts so players know to put it on the ground (resolves #3558) (resolves #3532)- Removed unecessary sentence in Mantis description (resolves #3556)- Added texts for *redacted* load into ability (resolves #3196)- Added event and upgrade texts for unlocking *redacted* (resolves #3538)- Fixed several text typos reported by the community (resolves #3550)- Changed description of Replicator hero Fith- Adjusted text for planet ability Bounty and making clear for what it is good for (resolves #3542)- Added event texts for Korolev spawn and Thor retrofit (resolves #3543) (resolves #3544)- Created text IDs for Wraith Rebel buildings and units- updated Text strings for Goauld replicator event- Text stuff for Wraith Ori and Replicator Events- Fixed wrong texts for planet ability Bounty and made it non-galaxy-wide- Added event texts for Wraith Replicator and Ori Invasion as well as Goa'uld Replicator Invasion (issue #3552) (issue #3545)3.0.4 (27.01.24)
This patch adresses many community reported issues in the Stargate Galaxies galactic conquest. Textures:- Fixed an issue with the Tauri BC_304 projectile not being visible to all players- Created some new planet ability upgrades and made icons for themModels:- Added Replicator Station model from the old mod- Increase size of Doranda Plasmacannon projectile to be better visible Stargate Galaxies:- Added new planets- Change positions of some base planets for consistency- Fixed an error which would cause the GC to crash seemingly at random- Fixed an issue with Arcanus' planet ability- Fixed issues with not working planet abilities: corrected the code and added missing or wrong abilities and icons (resolves #3476)- Fixed several buildings (ground resource mines, airfield, large shipyard, hangar, ...) not being availbale on certain planets (resolves #3493)- Naquadria Research Facility now affects tech costs (resolves #3504)- Removed Planet_Restricted_Unit_Categories from Orban, allowing vehicles to used/build (fixes #3499)- Starbases can now be build on P3Y_229 and Supergate, fixing contsant planet ownership changed message (issue #3518)- Wraith Homeworld can no longer be accessed via gate travel (planet uses a space gate)- Tauri: Disable grace encounter event trigger (until a full fix is in place)Pegasus Prelude:- Added Ancient shipyard to Orakis mission map (resolves #3377)Goauld:- Fixed Goauld_Priest_Company not being buildableTauri:- Increased damage and scale factor of Tauri GTSW drones. Now they take out a whole hive easily (resolves #3522)- Increased fire rate, proj count, proj speed, increase cooldown and lower damage of Doranda and Tollana GTSW (resolves #3529)- Added missing Reduce_Production_Price_Ability to Weir (resolves #3517)- Fix Sleipnir firing faster in DEFEND-Mode (Arceus Mk3)Wraith:- Increased ZPM Hive self heal rate- Fixed ZPM hive being assassinable- Fixed Wraith Rebel Queen going on planet ground (fixes #3494)- Fixed Envoy being a minor hero- Fixed Wraith queen population_valueReplicators:- Replaced Replicator starbase with a new modelOri:- Fixed Ori warship being assassinable- Updated Ori mothership Good/Bad against encyclopedia (resolves #3508) - Added planet prop to hala space map, fixing GTSW not being available (issue #3528) - Added speech sound for Carter move, Oneill move, Jackson attack - Added Stargate Galaxies main menu description text- Added some texts for new planet ability upgrades and the Replicator space station- Adjusted many description texts reported by the community (resolves #3507) (resolves #3510) (resolves #3505)3.0.3 (14.01.24)
This hot-fix adresses many major and minor issues in the Stargate Galaxies galactic conquest. Textures:- rename Weapon_Texture_304_Railgun_2.tga to .dds (potential fix for issue #3483)Models:- Reexport Genii Hangar model at 30x the size (resolves #3481)- Increased scale of drone projectiles so you can actually see the shape Stargate Galaxies:- Fixed an issue with the Tauri starbase being replaced with the Ancient one in the Stargate Galaxies campaign when being attacked by Asurans- Fixed Aschen Harvester model missing in beta (caused errors in tactical battle)- Fixed Replicator land unit code (no crash anymore) and added proper transport- Removed traveller starting forces from M4X_337 and Jenev, preventing errors on those planets- Tauri: Fixed Ori event chain showing Laros PP event text- Tauri: Fixed ZPM and Naquadah generator being assassinable- Tauri: Fixed Repli AI becoming active too early- Tauri: Fixed Asgard Shipyard not buildable on certain planets- Wraith: Fixed Midway not unlocking- Wraith: Fixed Wraith Heavy Bomber bombing run crashing the gameMisc:- Fixed Aschen Battleship shield leech not working- Set correct scale factor to Asuran_City_Death_Clone (#3485)- Fixed Wraith Queen Hive not regenerating - Fixed AI zones in Celestis, Iratus, M5R_179, Othala- Clean up Celestis map passability - Fixed KS7_535 missing strings- Removed duplicate texts of planet P96-844 (resolves #3471)- Fixed Genii / Jaffa retreat text (resolves #3484)- Mentioned research price reduction bonus in Hammond's description text (resolves #3478)- Adjusted some planet ability texts so players know which faction get the bonus (issue #3476)- Some minor text adjustments / improvements3.0.2 (26.12.23)
Particles:-Textures:-Models:- Updated Tauri infantry models to have SGA uniforms on Pegasus planets (GC only) General:- Updated all Targeting_Fire_Inaccuracies since they work fully since the last official patch (ground only) (resolves #0003110)The Alliance of the System Lords:-Pegasus Prelude:- Tauri: Fixed an issue with the Hold Ground mission not tracking planets correctly (Thanks to community member Dalo Lorn)General:-Ancients/Asurans:-Ori:-Pegasus Cyborgs:-Tauri:- The Humvees movement now looks more naturalTokra:-Wraith:- - - Added new engine sounds for Asgard Beliskner, Deathglider, Hive- Added new speech for Jaffa Rebels -3.0.0 (17.12.23)
- Resolved Map AI issues on a few GC maps2.5.4 (15.10.23)
With many more bugs being fixed, we have now reached sufficient stability in the Alliance of the System Lords to finally bring it to the stable version of the mod!
We have now also added new land upgrades (most for GC), improved mod start time and fixed SG1 going in respawn in GC when only one member died.
Various ground maps have also been improved and we've added more stuff on them for you to discover.
See below to get the full list of improvements and fixes. Particles:- Added new RPG hit effect- Fine-Tuned Terrain illumination shadow blobs, add bigger and blue version- Updated Projectile_Ground_Detonation_SurfaceFX for some Goauld projectilesTextures:- Added many new upgrade icons (Issue #0003422)- Fixed "Data\Art\Models\Ancient_Projectile_Satellite_Laser.ALO: unknown texture Weapon_Texture_Green.tga"- Fixed Data\Art\Models\Wraith_Space_Unit_ExperimentalDart.ALO: unknown texture Fixed Ori_Land_Hero_Adria.ALO: unknown particle "P_Adria_Flames.alo"- Made radar icon for Humvee and Genii Barracks/Bunker- Added loading screen preview images for mission mapsModels:- Updated Map_Land_Goauld_Pyramid_Ship.ALO to the new model and texture (resolves #0003443)- Added collision to surface ring of the transportation rings (task #3369) The Alliance of the System Lords:- Added the campaign to stable!- Created many new land upgrades for Goa'uld, Tau'ri and Wraith (resolves #3422)- The GC no longer counts as lost when the leaders (Anubis, Hammond) die (issue #0003423)- Fixed SysLord heroes sometimes not showing in battle results screen after being defeated (issue #3366)- Removed no_prereq-versions for ground/space HERO companies fixing any issues with the wrong hero respawning (causing the story to get stuck)- Goauld: Added Tokra transportation rings to Vorash- Tauri: Added Story_Sandbox_SG1_Respawn_Helper to fix SG1 incompletely respawning (resolves #3355), SG1 no longer goes in respawn when only one member died- Tauri: Despawn SG-1 during Yu negotiations- Tauri: Earth Mission: Increased range at which the approaching Ha'taks get marked as targets- Tauri: Chulak mission: Made Tauri and Systemlords units invulnerable so they can't kill each other during a cutscene (resolves #3362)General:- Fixed BBS not working- Improved mod load speed (down to xml pass 0 on mod load!)- Fixed difficulty check for some AI plans not working- Remove HUNT ability from ground fighters since it doesn't work reliably (resolves #3354)- Fixed Proj_CoT_Mine not having a category mask assigned to it- Added capturable HumveeAncients/Asurans:- Fixed Ancient heavy bomber unit having fighter texts- Fixed an error with the Asuran/Ancient GC starbasesOri:- Nerfed Ori Corvette (Wave Mode)Pegasus Cyborgs:- Increased Pegasus Cyborg battleship damage (Resolves #0003258) (Supergate)Tauri:- Fixed Thor's Chariot using pop cap- Fixed some errors with Tauri starbase missiles- Improved movement behaviour of all MALPs- Tweaked Thors Chariot ability targeting ranges a bitTokra:- Added Tokra_Transportation_Rings_Indigenous as Tokra spawn house for mapsWraith:- Fixed W_Ground_Wraith_Commander_Ability_Upgrade not working as desired - Alpha Site, P3X-254, Revanna, Vorash (ground GC): Added new capturables/indigenous buildings to make the maps more interesting (Resolves #0003450)- Cal Mah (ground GC): Fixed starting LZ is not automatically given to the attacker- Tartarus (ground GC): Moved attacker marker closer to starting LZ (issue #3432), made queen tank position visually more notable, and reduced texture clipping on catwalk, fill visible texture holes below catwalk (resolves #3432)- Earth (space GC): Add satellite markers to MI_Space_T_Earth map (resolves #3449) - Increased Hyperspace Window max instances hoping to improve stability- Removed unknown sound reference X303_Low_HP_ENG- Added a new speech sound to System Flagship (Thanks to Frolenkov K), switched some others - Made texts for new ground capturables (resolves #0003429)- Fixed mission updated tooltip (resolves #0003359)- Created and adjusted texts for new ground upgrades (issue #0003422)- Added and updated several ground upgrade texts for Tau'ri, Goa'uld and Wraith (issue #0003422)- Changed/improved a bunch of description texts- Adjusted Thor's Chariot ability text to better clarify against what the ability is effective (issue #3404)2.5.3 (14.10.23)
This patch addresses various issues in the The Alliance of the System Lords galactic campaign, including but not limited to:
- Several tweaks, fixes and adjustments to galactic goals
- Various adjustments to tactical missions, especially tweaks in regard of the selected difficulty
- Adjustments to nearly all ground maps to make them more fun to play
- General stability and performance of the GC, including a fix for crashes during tactical caused by missile projectiles
Moreover new weapon hardpoint symbols have been added to all ships, to allow distinguishing between light, medium, heavy, artillery, and special weapons as well as missiles/drones at first glance. Particles:- Decreased particle counts for some "heavy-hitters" such as the missile smoke effects, should now only take about a third of the particle amount- Changed some settings for several recently added particles as a precaution, some of those (Goauld hit effects) might be removed down the line- Small visual improvement to Hatak projectiles.Textures:- Added new hardpoint weapon icons for all ships (light, medium, heavy, artillery, and special weapons as well as missiles/drones)- Added several new galactic planet previews (zoomed_terrain_image)- Added missing textureModels:- Added new Systemlord specific buildings for big resource mine and palace- Added new reinforcement points: New symbols for the System Lords and added blink effect to Vocume to make them easier to spot. Neutral posts now also show the pop cap they provide- Updated Asgard ONeill model, fix shadow and shield and use it for Thor as well - resolves #3342- Fixed Wraith Hangar ALT stage gate position being off (Resolves #3311)- Fixed particle name in Tauri_Projectile_Satellite_Railgun_Blue.alo (Resolves #0003343)- New version of Map_Asset_Goauld_Pyramid.ALO with shadow The Alliance of the System Lords:- Added free spawn units to all main faction ground production buildings- Added new ground capturables: Abandoned Goauld factory, Abandoned Goauld sensor array, Abandoned Goauld Deathglider/Teltak/Alkesh- Added Kull spawns to Symbiote Tank and fixed Symbiote Tank not being hit by projectiles (Resolves #0003433)- Added missing planet ability to Anubis Homeworld and Earth- Fixed base shields being buildable twice- Fixed base shields still showing shield bubble after being destroyed- Fixed Systemlord units not being capable of capturing landing zones and turret build pads- Fixed Tower Defense buildings not having a destroyed state- Fixed Bastet Guards missing in public beta- Fixed planets connecting in GC that shouldn't connect- Fixed syslord starbase spawning more units than desired- Increased planet capture bonus from 50 to 300 for all planets- Increased AG-3 health and damage- Increased damage/armor of all syslord space heroes significantly- Potential fix for AI not moving Baal (Issue #0003385)- Recoded all Syslord ground buildings since they all had prereqs they couldn't meet. This should fix a bunch of AI issues and the HQ appearing twice in tactical.- After invading land, the gate will now shut off, giving the impression the invader just came trough the gate- Goauld: Increased the damage of Herak-in-Anubis-Supership energy weapon- Goauld: Fixed Eye-for-the-gods excavation requiring a starbase - resolves #0003384- Goauld Revanna: The mission difficulty now depends on the games selected difficulty- Goauld Revanna: The poison carrier is now easier to catch up with- Goauld Revanna: Added new hint telling the player who can be killed and who shouldn't be- Tauri: Made Tau'ri Big Resource Mine buildable on Erebus- Tauri: Fix removing objective to send Selmak to Revanna- Tauri: Give player credits for fleet build up before Vorash mission- Tauri: Allow SG-1 trigger Chulak mission if other units are around- Tauri: Increased 'Baal escaped' timer- Tauri: Increased the damage and durability of the Syslord invasion Kull significantly- Tauri: Reduced the amount of systemlords starting forces- Tauri Earth: Make radar blip for Antarctica defense appear earlier- Tauri Vorash: Add difficulty adjustments and a tactical hint on how to win the mission- Tauri Hassara: Reduce detection range further- Tauri Hassara: Allow Selmak to hide in space fields- Tauri Hassara: Adjust turret positions and add tactical advice- Tauri Chulak: Increased fow reveal for Tealc during the missionPegasus Prelude:- Fixed difficulty check for PP Athos mission not working- Disable Pathfinder for PP: Wraith: Final mission to prevent a soft lock making the fisrt mission stage nearly impoissible to win- Added Asuran shipyard to the Asuras forces in PP (Ancient side) (Issue #0003377)- Fixed PP Wraith story line having debug events enabledGeneral:- Added capital to the frigate targeting priority set. This should fix any issue with the heavy sats not prioritizing capitals over fighters- Anti Air units and Medics will now stay further back when being moved together with other squads- Bombing run units can no longer capture CPs- Changed how the hyperspace window works hopefully increasing stability since a lot less objects scripts are run- Changed income bonus of ground and space resource mines from a percentage to a fixed income- Fixed an issue with transports potentially spawning units outside of the landing zone- Fixed hardpoint error in Aschen starbase- Fixed some a_count + 1 == static_castint(sfx.size()) errors for some ground building (Issue #0002307)- Fixed some buildings being targeted at too high, causing some shots too miss- Fixed Teltak, Alkesh and Wraith Shuttle moving inside each other occasionally - resolves #0003411- Fixed Transportation Rings being targetable- Increased clickable area of the Battle Pending Dialog (Resolves #3331)- Made all no_prereq variants neutral to remove them from ai considerations (minor performance boost)- Prevent mod from loading some unneeded vanilla units (minor performance boost)- Reduced the general efficiency of anti-air in tactical land battles- Updated Gun Balloon: Moved to lower build row and changed last fow state to true- General code-cleanupGoauld:- Priest now has a better effect on low-health units and a less extreme boost on high-health units- Increased land Alkesh anti-infantry damage- Fixed wrong good/bad against settings of the System Flagship and the Artillery Hatak- Fixed Ground-Teltak death clone being scaled too big- Updated Goa AA unit Targeting_Max_Attack_Distance - resolves #3412Tauri:- Recoded all missiles to prevent issues with crashing- Allowed Thor to Focus Fire on orbital structures (resolves #0003430)- Added more meaningful range indicators to Thors Chariot ability- resolves #0003402- Added sensor jamming ability, stealth detection and reinforcement disruption to Tau'ri Long Range Scanner- Added self-healing to Selmak, Baratc, and Tealc- Increased Carter Grenade Activation_Max_Range and made the grenade explode faster- Increased Tauri AA turret projectile Max_Flight_Distance since you could see them disappear in mid-air- Fixed Targeting_Max_Attack_Distances on Stinger Team, MG team and Mortar- Fixed faulty Asgard Shipyard module HPs (issue #0003397)- Disabled O'Neill C4 autofire- Reduced projectile speed of the Tauri land bomber's bomb- Removed special forces destruction survivors from Tauri structuresTokra:- Fixed Tokra Teltak deploying Jaffa instead of Tokra soldiers- Added custom ability name for Tokra Commando blend (issue #3394)Wraith:- Changed Wraith Shuttle to only carry infantry - Fixed the first landing zone not being automatically assigned to the attacker on: Cal Mah, P5S-117, and Pangar- Significantly increased the quality of all skirmish ground preview map images- Fixed wrong SysLords Guard Tower starting forces on Juna breaking the ground map preview (resolves #3378)- Fixed some broken AI data on some maps, potentially preventing a hard crash- Fixed wrong ambient sounds (birds, ...) on some space maps- Corrected turret rotation on various ground maps- Various core space maps now have their special structures moved closer to the starbase- Updated the passability of all ground maps to better reflect the pathing options on the minimap- Reworked all ground maps, with some of the applied changes as follows (but not limited to):- Cal Mah (ground): Smoothed the hill that blocked the turret next to the gate- Chulak (space): Updated sun settings to make battles easier to read (resolves #003407)- Chulak (ground): Added another CP to the center, changed passability to "impassable" for the empty area north of the city, and removed trees from the base buildings (resolves #0003398)- Dendera (ground): Moved pads outside the LZ radius, reworked the access to the outbase building near the LZ, updated passability for building, added more turrets, added more props, extend the city along cliff westwards, added capturable Teltak (resolves #0003410)- Delmak (ground): Fixed transportation rings not showing up, updated passability, added more turret build pads, increased the pop cap of the starting landing zone and updated empty pits- Entac (ground): Improve lighting, Change LZ positions, Add turret buildpads (resolves #0003409)- Erebus (ground): Moved bottom right landing zone so it doesn't overlap with the steep terrain (Resolves #3351)- Hakytl (ground skirmish): Fixed several unique props missing. Prevented units spawned in the camp LZ being stuck in the tents (Issue #0002596)- Juna (ground): Added turrets to outbase position area bottom left, cleared LZs from obstacles (resolves #0003413)- Pangar (ground): Updated passability setup on GC ground Pangar in order to avoid weird movement of hover units (issue #3334)- P3R 636 (ground): Added ground capturables- P3X-367 (ground): Fixed affiliation of some turret build pads, added new path from starting position, fine-tuned passability map, minor map adjustments (issue #0003399)- P3X-116 (ground): Updated starting landing zone- P3X-666 (ground): Increased starting popcap to 4 (resolves #0003419)- Tartarus (ground): Added Base Shield marker (resolves #3388)- Tartarus (space): Updated sun settings to make battles easier to read (resolves #003406)- Tollana (ground): Fixed wrong affiliation of the turret build pads preventing them from showing up on the map- Vorash (ground): Fixed reinforcement point capacity (resolves #3370), exchanged Teltak prop for capturable unit - Added new speech sounds for Bratac (fix #3358)- Added more speech sounds to Selmak- Added new iconic Goauld bombardment sound- Created speech sounds for female jaffa and added them to the Bastet Guards - Adjusted Vorash mission goal (resolves #0003317)- Added new event texts for System Lord GC and made some corrections/improvements (resolves #3352, resolves #3357, resolves #3365)- Added new ability name for Tok'ra Commando, secondary objective to The Sentinel and new tooltip for targetable hangars (resolves #3394, resolves #3367, resolves #3373)- Added additional text to barracks, hangar and vehicle factory of all playable factions saying that the buildings spawns a unit in battle (resolves #0003417)- Removed the mentioning of fleet commanders in the description of Goa'uld Temple, Tau'ri Academy and Wraith Breeding Station (resolves #0003420)- Various text corrections and improvements based on community feedback2.5.2 (26.02.23)
This patch addresses many of issues found by the community in the Alliance of the Systemlords campaign Models:- Fixed bone orientation Goauld_Land_Unit_Hover_Tank.ALO- Fixed non-manifold geometry on Tauri_Projectile_Drone.ALO The Alliance of the System Lords:- Fixed SG-1 respawn bug causing story events to break- Fixed SG-1 only partially respawning (Resolves #0003318)- Fixed Selmak respawn bug causing story events to break (Resolves #0003322)- Fixed Selmak Reinforcements carrying over to GC (resolves #3327)- Fixed Tauri mine not being buildable and adjusted tech level for all mines (Resolves #0003320)- Fixed an infinite amount of SG-teams being able to gate travel- Fixed Goauld Guard Tower radar icon size being way too big- Fixed Syslord Tauri finale cutscene freeze (issue #3323)- Fixed Syslord variants of Guard Tower and Shield generator not showing up at their marker positions- Prevent Tokra Commando attacking while stealth active- Tauri: Increase time between Kull attacks after the first three- Tauri Hassara Mission: Reduce detection range and don't attack Selmak with Osiris- Tauri Hassara: Make detection range dependent on difficulty- Tauri: Made the ending of the Chulak easier on easier difficulties (Resolves #0003325)- Tauri: Tauri HQ no longer spawns Anti-Kull unit- Anubis: Tagrea mission is now easier ony easy difficulty- Anubis: Spawn Osiris when truce starts- Added several tweaks and fixes to the Systemlords AI player - Added new main menu map- Fixed lag/freeze on the Ancient vs Wraith main menu map- Fixed Alpha Base ground preview image broken- Fixed prop passability on east end of Dakara map- Anubis HW: Slightly moveed markers to reduce overlap in map preview - Some important text corrections and additions2.5.1 (15.01.23)
This patch revolves around the release of our second story-based galactic conquest: The Alliance of the System Lords!
The new campaign depicts the rise of Anubis, the fall of the System Lords and the beginning of the Jaffa rebellion. Will you save Earth from its impending doom or help the darkest of Goa�uld rise to power?
This time, the battle will not just be decided in space but on ground as well!
The galactic conquest encompasses 30 planets all known from the series, each one accompanied with a custom-made space and ground map. Nearly each planet comes with unique, handmade props, many with exclusive abilities and new dashboards, and some with special build options.
Furthermore, the patch tweaks a few issues in Pegasus Prelude, tweaks ground skirmish, adds some more particles to ground and space combat and contains a few minor bug fixes as well as some under-the-hood code rewrites. Models:- Added several new custom map props (Alpha Site, Rebel Jaffa tents, Dakara, Earth, Kheb, Langara, Latona, P3S_113, P3X_367, PX9_757, Tartarus, and more)- Added new Wraith_Land_Hero_Queen.ALO with shadow mesh- Added Wraith_Projectile_Infantry_Stun.ALO issue #3236- Added Particle and Projectile for Micheal Infect Ability issue #2878- Added several new particle / shield hit effects:--- cyborg_particle_fighter_shield_hit.alo, goauld_particle_alkeshbomb_hit.alo, goauld_particle_big_hit.alo, goauld_particle_fighter_hit.alo, goauld_particle_medium_hit.alo--- goauld_particle_small_hit.alo, ori_particle_superlaser_shield_hit.alo, wraith_particle_plasma_artillery_shield_hit.alo- Added new Goauld_Land_Building_Turret_AI_UC.ALO with a new collision mesh so it can be destroyed when being shot at- Fixed some wrongly named textures in models- Fixed shield texture Asgard DJ class- Reexported Antarctica low orbit background with lower diffuse eimission (resolves #3274)- Deleted lots of unused textures freeing some spaceMisc:- Fixed UI elements offset in mission loading screen (resolves #3282) General:- Added new galactic conquest: The Alliance of the System Lords!- Added warning message to not save/load during tactical (issue #3271)- Added Category Mask to Tokra_Reinforcement_Beacon- Rewrote large chunks of the ground building code, making it a lot cleaner and fixing some minor issues/inconsistencies- Rewrote some unit code to make it cleaner (Pegasus Cyborgs, Aschen)- Updated Tagrea Gun Balloon: It is no longer victory relevant and can now be targeted by anti air units- Tobin mines no longer explode when the target is cloaked- BBS: Fixed Destruction_Survivors still appearing after self destruction- Removed unused Vehicle Thief clones (Remnants of the old SG1 space capture ability)Goauld:- Increased the Deathgliders inaccuracy against land infantry (Issue #0003265)- Increased shieldgen turret GUI_Bracket_Size- Fixed population value for Herak and Apophis. (Resolves #3297)Ori:- Decreased Ori Mothership Shield Strength for WMTauri:- Made UAV more useful: More reveal, more health, and now, when being shot at after given an attack/follow command, the unit will flee for a while before returning to it's former position.- Added limiter to Selmaks Reinforcement ability so only one unit can be called in at the same time (issue #3249)- Made Prometheus' nuke missiles no longer fire at opportunity targets- Fine tuned ONeills C4 ability:-- Added damage type Damage_Anti_Structure, increased total damage and restricted to Vehicle and Structure targets. (issue #3285)-- Lower Activation_Max_Range significantly: Activation works a lot better now (still not 100% of the time, but it is way better) (resolves #3279)Wraith:- Made ion shot ability of the Exp Dart more visible (+attempt fix for Ancient sat going in rapid fire mode)- Exchanged anubis- with new hatak in hive strong_againstThe Alliance of the System Lords:- New galactic conquest added!Pegasus Prelude:- Fixed Melia's Energy Barrier ability not showing a particle effect- Adjusted costs for Moros Dreadnought upgrade in PP- Desperate und unlikely attempt to fix Envoy appearing twice in PP (Issue #0003252)- Rewrote starbase replace script for PP hoping to fix #0003247- PP Wraith Gonta mission: Added script to ensure that Janus and Delphi spawn and don't get stuck in reinforcement pool (resolves #3254)- PP Wraith Gonta Mission: Added engine hp to Delphi - 30 new space maps for The Alliance of the System Lords- 30 new ground maps for The Alliance of the System Lords- 7 special mission maps for The Alliance of the System Lords- Fixed tilted turret buildpads so those turrets work again- Removed bunkers from Pangar ground map, they were confusing the AI (resolves #3284) - New sounds for Hammond- New sounds for the System Lords- Increased Priest Speech Audio volume (Resolves #3296) - New story texts for The Alliance of the System Lords- Updated description text for Selmak's reinforcement ability- Various minor adjustments2.5.0 (06.01.23)
Added new Base Build Strategy (BBS) game mode for ground skirmish. Models:- Fixed Vorash rock assets not being in public versions- Fixed error "missing" by adding an empty dummy texture- Ground Skirmish: Create proper shadows for Wraith Barracks damage stages- Ground Skirmish: Fixed Alkesh shader+model, create proper deathclone- Ground Skirmish: Added custom ability icon for Wraith Hunter's tracking drone - Fixed Apophis' shield abiltiy (Prevent him from attacking while shield is on)- Fixed Oberoth missing deathclone- Fixed Vanir Beliskner Deathclone not disappearing- Fixed scripted fleet attacks in GC potentially being stuck in retreat-attack loop- PP Wraith: Retreat player after asteroid field mission- PP Wrath Vanir mission: Replace Tauri Beliskner with Vanir version, Add Highlights and improve Beliskner visibility in Cutscene- PP Wraith Final Mission: Disable Automatic Victory and Make Satellites victory_relevantBalancing- PP Wraith: Increased the wait time of the random fleet attacks- PP Wraith: Reduce Queen's Hive price reduction- PP Wraith: Increased damage of the Warlord's Flare - Tagrea Ground (SK): Passability updates to reduce large hoverers clipping through high buildings- Vorash Ground (SK): Fixed missing Skirmish loading screen texts- Revanna Ground (SK): Improve base structures position and rotation- Dagan Space (GC): Fixed attacker possibly spawning in asteroid field- Unknown Sector Space (GC): Moved base nebula farther away and defending forces marker further back to prevent units of large fleets spawning inside of it. - Slightly changed position of description text in GC selection menu to better fit the frame2.4.1 (16.07.22)
This patch aims to flesh out the last remaing issues in ground combat. We've added several new effects and sounds for the ground units and fixed many bugs reported to us.
The easy AI now goes a little softer on new players, balancing has been adjusted once again and many missing details have been added.
We've also adjusted the skirmish menu a bit, now always pre-selecting our mod maps. And while we were at it, we've added three new ground maps for you to play on: Vorash, Pangar, and Revanna.
Additionally, we've also made the planet connections in the Pegasus Prelude GC visible so you don't have to guess the hyperspace routes.
Lastly, the Asurans now also brought into space skirmish in stable. Models:- Added missing to Hassara Station, Asgard Furnace, Ancient Defence Satellite and Traveller Frigate (resolves #3150)- Added new Tauri 303 Prometheus model and deathclone- Added new version of Wraith_Land_Hero_Todd.ALO with a new face Added generic fighter DC (Issue #0002785)- Added rotation animation to faction-owned reinforcement points- Added Tokra reinforcement beacon for Selmak ability- Added Alkesh Self Landing Transport- resolves #3208- Fixed Wraith transporter beam cone size so it reaches the ground when deploying high units like the harvester- Fixed exp dart landing shadow and light mesh z-fighting - resolves #2806- Fixed Indoctrination Camp UC, remove ALT0 from submesh names - fixes #3002-Fixed wraith barracks damage proxy always showing - resolves #3230- Reversed Wraith landing transports beam direction- Reduced mod file size by 200 MB using the compactor on the Othala space map propsEffects:- Added "keep area clear" select box to ground transports issue #2857- Added Effect for Tauri Ground Turret Inhibitor- Added new Flyer Explosion Particle- Added missing engine effects for Vanir+Traveller ships and Replicator frigate (Resolves #3128)- Added empties for missing effects. New DC explode effects (big + huge only for now)- Added impact particles for Goauld hovertank- Added hit effect for Wraith Anti Infantry Turret Issue #0003185- Added bigger impact effect to necroguard projectile- Updated Wraith Chimera spray particle effect issue #2777- Scaled down Wraith bombingrun impact particle - resolves #3130- Increased size of Wraith Anti-Air Turret Hit effect from Small to Medium for better visibility Issue #0001548- Changed projectiles with Max_Speed or Projectile_Max_Flight_Distance of 0.0 to 0.01 to improve performance Resolves #3121- Fixed error regarding missing Tauri_Projectile_Satellite_Railgun_Blue.alo Pegasus Prelude:- Increased the reduction on Wraith fleets spawns for taking the clone base- Updated PP traderoutes so you can always see how planets are connected to each other- Adjusted text strings for planets in PP that don't have an ability (Resolves #0003178)- Fixed vanishing bug after killed in autoresolve for Wraith Commando Fix (resolves #2959)Ground:- Stupefied Easy AI to give new players a chance :)- Implement dummies to lock base shields behind Tech3 in skirmish issue #2499- Updated all combat bonus abilities (Issue #0003193) and adjusted ability stacking (Resolves #0002778)- Inceased the cost of all air craft as they proved to be too efficient, especially on larger maps- Increase Wraith AV turret damage- The Goauld field commander now unfolds his helmet when using his special ability- Added target bones to the ground mines to fix thge mine not taking damage despite being under fire (fixes #3214)- Added target bones to scorpion- Give Hovertank AOE damage, slightly increase AntiVehicle damage against structures- Fixed some inaccuracy values allowing some unit to finally miss (Resolves #0003110)- Fixed Tauri AA units not hitting air units- Fixed/Adjusted/Updated all Applicable_Unit_Categories in all files- Fixed mines radar icon is visible through FOW (Issue #0003204)- Fixed Selmak not being able to call reinforcements in Beta- Fixed wrong Good / Bad against units for Mantis and Scorpion (resolves #3167) and the chimaera company- Fixed some Wraith buildpads being hard to see because partially or fully below ground - resolves #2890- Removed the explody impact particles of Wraith stun weaponsSpace:- Added meaningful good/bad against tags for Wraith Commando PP variant- Added preliminary fighter garrison to Oberoth Carrier- Adjusted Asuran credit income in skirmish- Adjusted prices for most Asuran units and heroes above tech level 3- Updated Vanir frigate ability- Fixed Asuran heroes still being selectable in skirmish even if heroes were turned off in the settings- Fixed Ori WM Wave numbers- Fixed Ori Cruiser deathclone not disappearing- Decreased targeting max range and FOW reveal range of Asuran Drone Satellite - Added new skirmish ground map Reavanna (Resolves #0000299)- Added new skirmish 2-player ground map Vorash- Added new skirmish ground map Pangar- Made Juna into 8 player map- Fixed Anubis HW outpost/mineralpad rotation- Fixed Haktyl steep terrain in reinforcement point causing units to get stuck- Fixed Haktyl mineralpad rotations - Added SG1 speech sounds- Added Wraith materializer beam sound (Issue #0003020)- Added new speech sounds from SG2 for the Marines and some old space ones for the special forces- Added speech sounds for the marines (and most other soldiers) from the old 1.3- Added UAV engine sound- Fixed Aris Boch speech files- resolves #3203 - Added info text for land Shield Generator being available at tech 3 (Resolves #0002499)- Added info text for ground transport units to keep the landing area clear (Resolves #0002857)- Added ability text for Seed Ship- Added info about combat boosts and galactic price reductions to unit description (resolves #0003193) (resolves #0003192)- Some minor changes and adjustments on a few descriptions2.4.0 (28.05.22)
This patch adds a new Wave Mode skirmish map in which you can fight the Ori Invasion coming from a Supergate. The map includes some new heroes and many new � mainly Ori - units for the first time available in the Pegasus Chronicles.
Furthermore we fixed a bunch of issues regarding the Asuran faction and added a new space buildpad for satellite to reflect the presence of the Asurans. Models:- New models for the Ori: Corvette, Cruiser, and Adrais SupershipTextures:- Added missing texture for Wraith Homeworld map (Issue #0003158)Icons:- Added ability icon Artillery Drone for Cetus, Engines Boost for Niam and Shield Boost for Cityship General:- Added Korolev, Ori Cruiser, Ori Corvette and 2 Ori heroes for Wave Mode- Fixed tactical health of Ori starbase to prevent it from blowing up after taking minor amounts of damageTauri:- Fixed wrong text string for Teal'cAsurans:- Added additional hard points to the Asuran City Ship and also fixed some issues with scale and look- Fixed invincible hardpoint on Niams ship- Fixed Talus not spawning fighters (Issue #0003164)- Fixed Dreadnought not taking asteroid field damage- Fixed drone satellite can fire before it's finished building plus some tweaks and adjustments (resolves #3165)- Fixed Asuran_Dreadnought_SK not having a build limit (Issue #0003164)- Fixed Gate Sate being available on the map more than once- Fixed Atavus radar icon being way too big- Fixed Aschen starbase not being capturable by Asurans - Added new fire sounds for Oberoth's beam and the Gate Sat - Updated ability texts for Niam and Cetus- Adjusted ability icons and text strings for Cetus, Niam and Cityships (issue #3162)2.3.13 (30.05.21)
We might...or might not have forgotten to push a few models with yesterday�s patch... Models:- Added missing models: Martin Lloyds ship, Asuran gate satellite, Asuran ressource mine, Asuran AC satellite2.3.12 (10.05.21)
This patch adds a new faction - the Asurans - to the playable space skirmish factions!
This includes 9 unique ships, 5 unique heroes with special abilities, 5 starbases levels, 2 asteroid build pad options and several new ships in the Supergate and other special structures to choose from. Models:- Fixed Doranda asteroids being shaded pink- Added particle proxy to smoke grenade model (Resolves #0002912) and added Smoke grenade effect + debuff effect- Added various models with fixes per #3127- Symmetrized Ancient Cruiser hardpoint layout (Thanks poppoppew for the hint)- Improved Goauld_Land_Building_Symbiont_Shrine.ALO- Updated versions of Wraith_Land_Building_Resource_Mine_Big.ALO and Wraith_Land_Building_Resource_Mine_Big_UC.ALO- Mod Cleanup - Deleted several unused models and texturesIcons:- Added ability icon for Smoke Grenade- Fixed incorrect size of Wraith Heavy and Light Soldier icon General:- Added new Faction - Asurans - to playable space skirmish factions- Added good/bad against info for all land heroes and removed non-valid reference in template- Fixed Lorne and Mitchell being buildable in PP- The AI can now build Supergates and the Ancient Defense sat in space skirmish- Mod Cleanup: Fixed, changed and coded a bunch of stuffGoauld:- Adjusted health bar distance for SysHatakTauri:- Added new damage type Damage_Anti_Air_Tauri- Added smoke grenade ability for Special ForcesWraith:- AOE damage for buildable Wraith bomber unit + effect for hitting the ground - Fixed Othala player 1 research facility backwards (Resolves #0003142)- Fixed Langara piping blocking access to reinforcement point (Resolves #0003144) - Updated Russian Textfile by Abkan- General text improvements2.3.11 (09.05.21)
Fixed a bunch of unexpected issues so the mod starts properly again.2.3.10 (27.02.21)
This patch aims to improve the overall stability of the mod, especially in space skirmish.
Most notably, a lot of sound file errors have been fixed which were suspected to crash the game occasionally.
Meanwhile ground skirmish gets fleshed out with new particle effects and a bunch of QoL updates. Models:- Added new version of Map_Space_Building_AncientSensor.ALO with a build_00 animation and shadow- Fixed hangar shields on all ancient stations- Fixed shield mesh of Asuran_Space_Unit_Cruiser.ALO- Reduced size of the shield bubble of Tauri_Land_Building_Shield_Generator.ALOTextures:- Added Tok'ra ability icon for Selmak- Add missing map textures w_8 and w_8_b from 1.3.1, create normalmap w_rivrock00_b (resolves #3129)Effects:- Added new Field Commander buff effects for all factions- Added new model and particle file for Wraith Queens Ghost ability- Added new Intimidation effect for Anubis- Scaled heavy Grace proj up and light proj down for better visual difference (issue #2906)- Reduced Screenflash for Tauri orbital strike General:- Updated FormationOrder for all ground units where it made sense- Updated shipname assignments to ships (resolves #3073)- Improved wraith and tauri fighter flight behavior/targeting (issue #2925)- Adjusted Secondary_Mining_Facility to stargate mine- Fixed crash introcued by the latest Steam versions if more units can be built than there are buttons in the command bar.- Fixed Barrage randomly stopping after a period of time- Fixed Ashen cruiser HP naming (issue #2906)- Fixed Grace ship select_box_scale- Fixed duplicate hero clash "ObiWan_BobaFett"- Fixed nonvalid abilities in GameConstants- Fixed nonvalid starting planet of the Wraith Queen- Fixed incorrect tags in Unit_Space_Tauri_O_Neill.xml, Unit_Space_Tauri_BC_304.xml, Unit_Space_Tauri_F_302.xml, Unit_Space_Tauri_B_302.xml, Unit_Space_Goauld_Anubis_Hatak.xml, Unit_Space_Wraith__Hero_Michael.xml, Unit_Space_Tauri_HB_302.xml- Fixed unknown model or particle "Teltak_L.ALO"- Fixed unknown model or particle "Goauld_Space_Projectile_Alkesh_Bomb.ALO"- Fixed unknown model or particle "Wraith_Land_Building_Command_Center.ALO.alo"- Removed unused text strings (#3126)- Removed unused icon and radar icon names (#3126)Goauld:- The Alkesh can now perform a proper barrage (Resolves #0002688, resolves #0002566)- Fixed code error in the Alkesh fileTauri:- Coded smoke greande ability for the Special Forces (Issue #0002911) (WIP)- Recoded all Tauri space units using the template (except for fighters)- Fixed CategoryMask for SG team and Sniper (resolves #3090)- Fixed too high Ranged_Target_Z_Adjust for Tauri shield- Fixed inhibitor having WEAPON behavior (assert error)Wraith:- Fixed wrong Garrison_Bone_Name for Wraith Shuttle (potential fix for issue #2857) - Add missing com_array markers to Juna skirmish map - Pegasus Prelude: Fixed a script crash in the Wraith Envoy script- Fix ground_turret script not tirggering abilities and adjust ability ranges (issue #2648)- Removed freestore requirement from PP story scripts - Added sounds for Tokra units (Selmaks special ability)- Transport rings can lo longer be heard over the whole map. Sound is also added to sfx anim txt instead of script. (Resolves #0003065)- Fixed unknown SFX event "Unit_Defeat_Wraith_Superhive"- Fixed unknown SFX event "Unit_Defeat_Prometheus"- Fixed unknown SFX event "Unit_Barrage_Genii_Space_Destroyer"- Fixed unknown SFX event "Unit_Defeat_Envoy"- Fixed unknown SFX event "Unit_Barrage_Rebel_Space_Station"- Fixed unknown sound file "Data\Audio\Speech\Asgard_Beliskner\Asgard_Attack__ENG.wav"- Fixed unknown sound file "Data\Audio\Speech\Daedalus\Daedalus_Low_HP_ENG.wav"- Fixed unknown sound file "Data\Audio\Speech\X304\X304_Critical_HP_ENG.wav"- Fixed unknown sound file "Data\Audio\Speech\X304\X304_Low_HP_ENG.wav"- Fixed unknown sound file "Data\Audio\Speech\Michael\Michael_NoEngine_ENG.wav"- Fixed unknown sound file "Data\Audio\Speech\Wraith_Zerstoerer\WZerstoerer_Critical_HP_ENG.wav"- Fixed unknown sound file "Data\Audio\Speech\Baal\Baal_Guard_ENG.wav"- Fixed unknown sound file "Data\Audio\Speech\General_Wraith\General_Critical_HP_ENG.wav" - Added Selmak ability text and icon issue #28482.3.9 (23.02.21)
The Wave Mode maps in skirmish can now finally be played in multiplayer without causing a synchronization error.
The Wraith got some explosion sounds for their land units for more 'boooom', and we've fixed a nasty crash related to the destruction of the Goa'uld shrine. Goauld:- Fixed Shrine potentially crashing the game when being destroyedWraith:- Fixed another cause of the Hunter being stuck in his walking animation - The Wave Mode maps no longer go out-of-sync when being played in multiplayer!- On the Earth and Dakara WM maps, fog of war has been added - Added new explosion sounds for most big Wraith weapons (land): Most notable on the Walkers and the Queen's Cruiser ability- Removed X-Wing spin away death sound from X-3012.3.8 (22.12.20)
- Text files again...2.3.7 (30.11.20)
Hotfix to fix 'Chinese' ship names. Models and Effects:- Updated Wraith_Land_Unit_Harvester.ALO - the unit can crush infantry now- Deleted unmegged shaders and updated shaders.meg General:- Added textual info which fighters are hyperspace-worthy and which are not (Resolves #0002463)Goauld:- Removed non-existing sound reference Unit_Defeat_BaalTauri- Replaced non-existing targeting priority SG_Infantry_AntiAll with SG_Infantry_AntiInfantry- Added missing hardpoint to X-301 spaceWraith:- Removed WEAPON behaviour from the Wraith Queen since she can't attack- Fixed Dart self landing transport submerging below the ground when deploying (Resolves #0002743)- randomized Wraith fighter Squadron_Offsets- Fixed Error: Object type PROJ_TAURI_BOMB_B302_LAND has no XML category mask assigned to it - Removed a ground map from stable that should not have been there - Updated ground skirmish AI scripts: The AI is now better at building upgrades and special units - Fixed some shipnames being displayed in unusual characters2.3.6 (03.12.20)
- Fixing ship text files
- Lord Yu approves2.3.5 (30.11.20)
This patch includes some fixes for PP that have been introduced with the last patch, new planets and new shaders for GC making everything look better and various text updates.
For ground we also added new content, such as a cooler Wraith bombardment, a lot of new weapon sounds, a new Alkesh landing transport animation, updated Targeting Priorities (making units act more intelligent), a new ability for Selmak, and several tweaks/fixes. Models and Effects:- Added new Galactic Planet Models (resolves #3046)- Added new shaders to improve visual appearnec of planet models- Added Goauld_Land_Unit_Alkesh_Landing_Self.ALO (new landing transport animation)Icons:- Reduced radar icon size of all satellites (resolves #3055) General:- Added Targeting_Priority_Sets to all ground units where it was missing- Adjusted Score_Cost_Credits, Build_Cost_Credits, and Build_Time_Seconds for all units- Fixed several issues with transports. All transports use the template now and all self landing transports should now work in space (Resolves #0003052)Pegasus Prelude:- Updated some of the planets with the new galactic modelsGoauld:- Fixed Herak build icon having ground strings in space skirmish.- Removed non-existing hardpoint from Baal space hero (no bones for HP_BAAL_F_SBH_00)- Recoded the Goa'uld fighters (space) to use the templateTauri:- Adjusted bombardment blob size- Added new special ability for Selmak: Call Tokra reinforcements- Added blend with terrain ability to the new Tokra Commando unitWraith:- Changed Wraith orbital strike to match the Goauld one better- Increased Bombardment_Offse> to give kami dart projectiles more time to reach the ground and play the sound to the end (reduced Bombardment_Initial_Delay in turn and adjusted timings in the other faction's bombardments)- added a 50% chance for the sound to play to avoid too many overlapping sounds- Fixed Wraith Scorpion Good_Against / Vulnerable_To- Disabled the Hunter's ability because it would cause the unit to get stuck in the walking animation (Issue #0002922) - Fixed Skirmish error cuased by ObjectScript_Remove_Starbase_PP - Added new/additional weapon sounds for Ashrak, Jumper, Dart, Ronon, Wraith Stunner, Wraith Pistol. Wraith Cull Beam, TER, Ori (Resolves #0003059, Resolves #0002768)- Added sounds for Wraith ground vehicles + turrets- Added script for playing sound to the dart bombardment proj - Fixed text for KS7_535 not being displayed- Updated CreditsTexts2.3.4 (28.11.20)
- Fixing Pegasus Prelude crash on start
- minor changes2.3.3 (05.10.20)
This patch further improves ground skirmish by adding new units and abilities (Wraith foremost), improving balance and visuals and fixing several minor and major issues with ground battles in general.
The fix for the long standing bug with the Wraith Queen not spawning in the Pegasus Prelude tactical battles is also included.
Furthermore, it adds a new ground skirmish map - Yus Homeworld - and slightly improves the mods' performance, especially the load time on startup.
Lastly, as usual, we continue improving our description texts: Thanks to community member Boriss for all his work on the English texts, and AbkanST for his work on the Russian translation and darkyuri for his work on the Czech translation. Models and Effects:- Added new model for the Wraith Queen- Added Iratus Bug model- Added mortar grenade smoke trail- Added TurnL and TURNR animations to Wraith_Land_Unit_Chimera.ALO- Added PRS_INTERDICT_FX proxy to Goauld Artillery Hatak- Increased the visibility of the Field Commander buff particle- Improved idle animation of the Wraith_Land_Unit_Harvester.ALO- Fixed Wraith bomber shadow- Fixed Wraith_Land_Unit_Harvester.ALO muzzle bones and attackidle animationIcons:- Added Icon for Wraith Worshippers- Added radar icon to offensive and defensive turrets- Added new ability icons for Wraith Ghosts and Cruiser Bombardment- Added unit icon for Iratus Bug as well as an ability icon with Iratus Bug for Michael- Improved all ground building radar icons and gave them contours for better visibility- Improved icon of Wraith Soldier and Elite Soldier to be able to distinguish them more easily- Adjusted scale factor for every ground building radar icon- Changed Space hero Apophis to now having a different icon than the ground hero- Replaced the of the Artillery Hatak with the new one used by the actual ship (resolves #3008)- Implemented workaround for Projectile_Dirt_Collide being spawned with the field commander buff projectiles- Fixed missing Regeneration Alcove icon General:- Made the game no longer load the vanilla config file to prevent it from loading a lot of un-needed stuff. This should give another performance boost- Created a new template for ground buildings and made basically every ground building use it. This helps making the code a lot cleaner and prevent potential errors- Fixed invalid Fire_Cone_Height in HP_BAAL_F_SBH_00 and HP_Wraith_Rebel_Starbase_M_WP_00 making those hardpoints work properly again- Removed LAND_OBSTACLE behaviour from transportation rings- Unified land/space retreat messages, added custom messages for every factionPegasus Prelude:- Fixed the Wraith Queen not showing up in tactical battles- Fixed Wraith scout being buildable twice- Fixed Wallus not spawning fightersSpace Skirmish:- Made Unit_Space_Replicator_Cruiser use the correct template and re-added shields that accidentally got removed.- Fixed Wraith Corvette ability not ignoring cloaked unitsGround Skirmish:Goauld:- Increased fire rate for the Kull to make the unit appear more authentic. DPS untouched.Tauri:- Fixed the Shield Malps' shield not protecting properly from enemy fire- Nerfed F-303- Changed Ranged_Target_Z_Adjust of the Tau'ri Radar Station to 10 so it can be correctly hit now- Fixed grenade ability errors- Added an additional ability for reducing reinforcement time to Tau'ri InhibitorWraith:- Added new units: Wraith worthshippers and made them recruitable on the Indoctrination Camp structure available on the outpost buildpad- Added less ugly ghost model to the queen.- Added new ability Wraith_Cruiser_Bombardment to Wraith Queen- Added new ability for spawning an Iratus Bug Nest to Michael- Added TURRET behav to all walkers to enable TURN animations- Added a tag for Wraith Jammer allowing it to prevent bombing runs in a certain radius- The Harvester can now kill infantry by running over it- Improved the handling of the Wraith stun bomb: Added new particle effect and added Recharge_Seconds to the ability which allows the timer "ticking back" if aborted- Changed Mantis to use an in-code turret. This allows for all barrels to be used- Switched Seeker to hover template/walk locomotor to improve the odd movement behaviour- Improved Brutes walking into each other- Increased Idle_Chase_Range to 350 for the Brute: as a melee unit, it wouldn't react to being attacked in some cases- Increased Fire_Cone_Width for Harvester AI guns- Coded harvester head as turret so it looks at enemies when firing- Tweaked harvester movement animation rate to avoid moonwalking- Fixed non-working ghost ability for the Wraith Queen - Added new land skirmish map: Yu's homeworld!- Increased Anubis Homeworld lake height to prevent units from being hit while being in water- (Re-)moved the hill on M4X-337 which would cause units to get stuck frequently on spawn- Removed fire-obstructing hill on M4X-337- Fixed missing "spawn garrison" on outpost markers on Tagrea and Othala- Fixed units getting stuck in middle landing zone on Haktyl- Fixed missing Othala space map preview in game due to "Othalla"-"Othala" filename inconsistencies- Fixed skydomes being cut off on large ground maps - Added new speech sounds for the Wraith Queen (English only)- Added new authentic engine sound for the Goauld Probe- Added new sounds: shields on/off- Added (currently unused) Zat open sound- Replaced vanilla Stealth SFX with Jumper stealth sound- Removed vanilla retreat sound - Added improved English texts by community member Boriss- Updated several mod translation files, especially Russian (Thanks to AbkanST!) and Czech (Thanks to darkyuri!)- Fixed some issues in the English textfile- Added text for Wraith ground unit Ghost and for Wraith Queen's ability Ghosts and Cruiser Bombardment- Added custom retreat texts for every minor and major faction- Adjusted description for Ancient Dreadnought and Moros' Flagship- Rephrased some PP GC event texts2.3.2 (04.10.20)
- Fixed Pegasus Prelude crashing on start up
- Fixed game crash after returning from battle to main menu or after being in main menu too long
- Fixed Selmak not having textures2.3.1 (17.12.19)
This patch introduces ground skirmish to the open beta!
The main features include:
- unique ground units over all three factions - all of which are based on units featured in the series. (In case of the Wraith we had to invent some units though)
- 15 additional hero units: 6 heroes for Tau'ri, 5 for the Goa'uld and 4 for the Wraith
- 30 new base building models: Around10 for each faction, each with neat construction animations and damage models
- Completely new set of offensive and defensive turrets for all three factions
- Amazing new animations for each unit and many buildings
- Special Jaffa units with retractable helmets � just like in the movie
- Unique features such as shield MALPs, Thor�s chariot, the Tacluchnatagamuntoron (congrats if you know what we are talking about without googling it:), or Transportation Rings which allow you to instantly travel to distant locations on many maps
- Brand new walker vehicles for the Wraith that should catch the spirit of overall Wraith style very well
- Many new �made from scratch� special abilities that are faithful to the series
- Sound effects and music taken directly from the series for the most immersive experience
- Stargate-based ground maps that were made with care to faithfully re-create iconic locations from the show. For Tagrea alone we created around 50 individual building types, including a fully animated train and the Gun Balloons that surrounded Prometheus.
- 7 ground skirmish maps total and more on the way, which will be added later
- Exceptionally stable performance especially in multiplayer � say goodbye to synchronization errors!
Furthermore, the patch adds new music tracks to the mod as well as new speech sounds and sound effects to the space part of the mod.
Additionally, it includes many gameplay improvements and fixes for the Pegasus Prelude GC (including all new planet ability icons!) along with a bunch of minor updates for skirmish such as infinite fighter respawn for all ships with hangar. General:- Added ground skirmish! Listing all the features would bloat the changelog so just go check it out!- Added many new planet ability icons (resolves #2902)- Changed/Improved some icons for GC and SkirmishGoa'uld:- The Anubis Flash Satellite now uses the new Goa'uld textures to have a consistent look and feelTau'ri:- Added special death clone for the Prometheus (Resolves #2752)- Fixed shield of Tauri_Space_Unit_DanielJackson.ALO (#2830) and Tauri_Space_Unit_BC-304.ALOWraith:- Fixed an issue with the Wraith starbase level 4 where some hardpoints wouldn't take damage if fired upon from a specific angle (Resolves #2832) General:- Added ground skirmish! Listing all the features would bloat the changelog so just go check it out!- Changed the fighter respawn of all ships with destroyable hangars to infinite where it wasn't already the case- Tauri ships flight behavior improved: Updated rolling angle and turn rate for more realistic curves- Fixed Thor being slower than regular O'Neill classes- Added NotOpportunityTarget to AstroGun- Fixed all Key-Value pair errors caused by wrong tags in special abilities except for upgrades increasing load time on startup (Resolves #0002503)- Changed all instances of non-working defense bonus abilities to a health bonus- Re-coded all Replicator space units using the template to improve stability- Re-coded several Goa'uld units using the template to improve stability- Removed some undesired sound files from faction xml and changed an inconsistency regrading base visibilityPegasus Prelude:- Added new planet ability icon names to many planets- Fixed wrong text strings for some planet advantages- Buffed Janus a little - he is a hero after all- Since we don't use vanilla-style corruption we removed the hyperspace speed bonus the Ancients would get when travelling between corrupted planets- Added a hangar bay HP to the Wraith Space Hangar to spawn Dart squadrons (resolves #2916)- Adjusted hyperspace speed for Wraith to have a notable slowdown in hyperspace speed compared to the other factions (Resolves #0002938)- Ancients: Fixed PP not ending in case the Asurans have not been researched- Ancients: The Hippaforalkus can now longer randomly spawn on Taranis, which could result in immediately winning the mission (Resolves #0002831)- Ancients: Added several fail-saves for other occasions the script could crash if the player played the events in an unexpected order (i.e. building the Doranda energy source after he already defeated the Wraith) (Resolves #0002947)- Wraith: Enabled auto victory in PP Wraith Asteroid Field mission (resolves #2900)- Wraith: Asteroid Field Mission: Wraith ships are now invulnerable during the intro cutscene. After the mission, the fleet now instantly moves back to Arcanus- Wraith: Removed some newlines in the story log to avoid scrolling- Wraith: Added a Scout to the starting forces so new playing don't waste their ships on Laros/Doranda that easily - Rotated the special structure positions on Laros by 180 degrees- Improved spawn position on Vedeena - The mod now uses compiled lua files hoping to improve stability and performance- Removed local variables from ability handler scripts- Removed some unwanted object scripts - Added new music tracks from the show to the game and improved the situational music playing in GC and skirmish- Added more faction-unique tracks- Added improved Helia sounds made by community member CommanderWarcraft- Added new Daedalus attack sound from CommanderWarcraft- Updated/Added Apollo sounds- Varios minor sound updates made by CommanderWarcraft- Fixed the Hatak engine sound being labelled incorrectly- Added new Ori_Plasma.wav sound (Resolves #2508)- Added new sound for all Goa'uld ships with deploy ability (i.e. Apophis)- Added blank sounds for all sounds that have no English or German counterpart hoping to improve stability - Various text improvements made in conjunction with community member Boriss (for example a shorter one for ZPM Hive)- General text improvements and correction of spelling and grammar mistakes2.3.0 (15.12.19)
Fixed an issue introduced in version 2.2.1 which prevented the skirmish maps from appearing in the selection menu.2.2.2 (19.03.19)
This hotfix corrects two game-breaking issues that affected tactical missions in the Pegasus Prelude GC. It also replaces two ability icons and some minor changes. - Added new ability icon "Spoiler Lock" for System Flagship and "Replenish Wingmen" to space hero Herak General:- Disabled some auto-ability triggers for non-hero unitsPegasus Prelude:- Ancient campaign: Fixed final Atlantis mission being stuck in cinematic- Wraith campaign: Fixed an issue which prevent the shuttle from spawning in the Asteroid field missionTauri:- Fixed BC-304 facing sideways when attacking- Reduced inaccuracy of the Odin against capitals/starbases- Added some missing speech sounds from CarterWraith:- Reduced the ability countdown for Steve2.2.1 (17.03.19)
This patch greatly enhances the visuals of space battles: Not only are all ships and structures capable of casting shadows, we have also given our Goa'uld fleet a major overhaul by replacing nearly all of the existing models with new ones.
Some of our questionable English translations have been improved by community member Boriss for better readability and our AI got yet another big update allowing it to use the majority of unit abilities intelligently in battle.
Furthermore, Pegasus Prelude has finally made it into the stable version of the mod, accompanied by various fixes, beautiful new intro movies, a new background and various balance and QoL changes. - Added shadow meshes to ALL space units including the main factions, side factions starbases lvl 1-5, and space special structures (Resolves #2487)- Replaced the biggest part of the Goa'uld fleet with new models and texture from the SGI team. Big thanks to them!-- In particular, the following models have been replaced: Pyramid Ship, Old Hatak, New Hatak, System Flagship, Super Hatak- Updated and improved the the textures for the Goa'uld starbase level 1-5, Artillery Hatak, the Anubisglider, Baal, and the Replicator Hatak- Added a new galaxy background model for the Pegasus Galaxy- Optimized the Ancient Starbase: reduced total Polycount down to 18.000 polys- Updated pause and battle-pending dialog (Issue #2613)- Reduced font size on buttons of battle-pending dialog (I_ATTACK_MODE_CHOICE)- Changed i_attack_mode_rollover to i_attack_mode_rollover_small in CommandbarComponents- Added I_ATTACK_MODE_ROLLOVER_SMALL to Commandbar (Resolves #2637)- Added new W_planet_fleet.ALO model (Resolves #2632)- Added stun proxy to the Ancient Defense satellite so it has a visible stun effect when it is hit with the ion cannon of the Experimental Dart (Resolves #0002669)- Updated icons for all new SGI Goa'uld ships including radar icons- Improved icons for Selmak, Hammond and Caldwell- Added updated from community member White_Red_Dragons (Thanks!) (Issue #0002653)- Fixed planet name location in IDD_BATTLE_END_DIALOG and removed the two horizontal lines between heroes and units, as they are separated by the texture already (Resolves #2655)- Blackened the alpha channel of Wraith Dart normal map to reduce extreme light reflections General:- Adding some AI behavior for station defense- Added Selt_Destruct_SFXEvent_Start_Die to all units where it was missing (Resolves #0002530)- Removed self-destruct behaviour from units that didn't need it- Fixed scripts referring to units not existing- Removed duplicate stub units from beta- Fixed Underworld corruption effect and icon showing up in tactical battle (resolves #2692)Pegasus Prelude- Fixed a crash in the AFG function that prevented the GC from ending after the player captured all planets (Resolves #0002474, related to Issue #0002654)- Fixed potential crash when loading a save- Added new intro movies to PP- Set nearly all PP starting forces as script spawn with AI usage being disabled: this fixes the problem with the player being attacked too heavily at the beginning of the GC (Resolves #0002556)- Fixed an issue which would say that you have won the GC but still trigger the "lost" screen (Issue #0002619, Resolves #0002628)- Locked all non-PP specific Wraith units in the STORY SCRIPT (Resolves #0002631)- Made Ancient Defence Satellite buildable at Vedeena for PP (resolves #2621)- Adjusted Ancient Starbase garrison spawns (resolves #2609)- Removed Ancient Satellite from Gonta (Resolves #2621)- Ancient campaign: Added additional victory check in case the Asurans never turned hostile- Ancient campaign: Minor increase of the starting credits on easy (Resolves #0002608)- Ancient campaign: Made the final mission a little easier: Because you are supposed to lose the GC, not the mission^^- Wraith campaign: Fixed Orakis mission not failing when you lost all your ships (Resolves #0002624)- Wraith campaign: Added Branch_Finale_Orakis / Branch_Finale_Athos to more events, disable the whole branch if the respective planet gets taken instead of only disabling the tactical mission. In that case, also disabled the finale hint which mentions Athos and Orakis.- Wraith campaign: Added text to Gonta mission that suggests taking out the Delphi engines and prevented AI retreat for the first 120 seconds of the battle (Resolves #2607)- Wraith campaign: Reduced playable area in Aesculetum mission (Resolves #2687)- Wraith campaign: Improvements for Athos mission (Issue #2696)- Wraith campaign: Improvements for Orakis mission (Issue #2693)- Wraith campaign: The last drawback problems ( Issue #2661)-- Reduced delay between conquering of J, A or B and finale hint storylog triggering-- Removed STORY_TEXT for the finale hint and instead made the story log pop up-- Reduced delay between conquering all three planets and the Athos/Orakis story logs triggering-- Changed Prereq of Athos Story Log to finale-root, so it doesn't break if the orakis log gets disabled.-- Restructured the ending. Taking the three planets (Aesculetum, Jenev and Belkan) is now a separate mission, which can be failed by moving on to Orakis or Athos before completing the three other planets. Failing this will prevent the missions on Athos and Orakis to become available.- Removed interdictors from escort plan and added corvettes; removed corvettes from scouting plan- Updated Wraith AI PP budget and increased offensive budget: AI should build more ships and less space stations and defense structures- Updated TaskForce: added variable MovementStatus- Added PP heroes to freestoreAncients/Asurans:- Fixed Melia crashing PP (Resolves #0002626)- Improved Melia: Fixed non-working radar icon and decreased the cooldown for her invulnerability ability- Ancient warships now use their self destruct ability in certain situations- Recoded the deploy satellite ability of Wallus to use POWER_TO_WEAPONS because of AI issues- Updated Janus' holo ability so it no longer drains its shields. It now reduces his fire power instead.- Change to Wallus' satellite ability so it has a visible cooldown- Fixed Ancient Starbase Heavy Bomber garrison spawn issue (resolves #2622)- Fixed SHIELD_REGEN_MULTIPLIER of Ancient_Hero_Pride_Of_Troy causing it to drain it's shields when it should strenghten them (Resolves #2425)- Fixed Ancient Station Laser malfunctioning (resolves #2428)- Commented out unnecessary station laser upgrades and removed them from the station and fortress- Renamed Ancient_Station_Level_6 to Ancient_Headquarters and moved it to Space_Buildings_Ancient.xml (resolves #2695)- Changed every entry of Ancient_Station_Level_6 and coded an Asuran variant of Ancient Headquarters- Set tech level and base level for Ancient_Headquarters and Ancient_Fortress to 99 and removed every upgrade and unit/hero from tactical buildable objects- Added GUI bounds scale to Ancient starbases and the defense sat (resolves #2694)- Added empty version of Helia_Attack_4 because it was missing in GermanGoauld:- AI now uses Anubis's flash weapon- Heraks bomb can autofire and is used by AI now- Aris Bochs bomb now autofires and is used by AI- Recoded Herak and added a new ability, replenish wingmen- Updated Herak space mp company to show the correct ability icons in preview. Also fixed some odd code.- Fixed a hardpoint on the Super Hatak using the wrong muzzles- Anubis does now unfold when being called into battleTauri:- The Tau'ri AI uses the ability of the O'Neill class ships now way less frequent in inappropriate situations- AI can use Prometheus weapon switch now- AI now uses the Odyssey's Asgard lasers- Shield Satellite's health bar is now closer (resolves #2666)- Fixed missing speech sounds for SolWraith:- Made AI use the corrupt systems ability of the Hive- Made the old hive script specific for Todd- Added automatic activation of the Corrupt Systems ability to the Hive script- Steve should now use his cluster bombs properly- Increased threshold for corrupt systems ability activation- AI now uses the kamikaze darts of the Wraith battlecruiser- AI now uses regen ability of the Wraith commando- All Wraith PP specific abilities can now be used by the AI- Added "Structure" to Applicable_Unit_Categories for shield leech ability- Added better fitting fleet move sound for the Wraith Cruiser - Fixed Sagon starbase position (Resolves #0002656)- Updated Asteroid Field map (Issue #0002664)- Moved Special Structure Markers on Asuras Space Map lighting update on Asuras Space Map, fixed some SS marker position- Updated lighting on Thaltus skirmish map- Updated Hoff map - Added dummy sound effect Effect_Empty_Sound to prevent game errors in situations where we need to overwrite vanilla sounds or only one of the languages is localized - Many English text improvements made by community member Boriss (Thank you buddy!)- Made new droid advisor tooltip texts and deleted all vanilla ones (resolves #2481)- Added missing strings to the Textfiles so that both languages are identical (resolves #2612)- Fixed, changed and improved some of the PP texts (resolves #2603, resolves #2611, resolves #1925)- Updated Creditfile and mentioned the music composer for PP intro music (resolves #2633)- Adjusted text for Ancient Station garrison and added a description for the shield ability (resolves #2629)- Added Asuran Retreat String to Textfile and Faction File (resolves #2663)- General text improvements2.2.0 (10.03.19)
This patch adds a massive amount of AI changes and improvements to the mod.
We have improved the AI on various fronts, significantly improving its performance in GC and skirmish.
This includes a re-balance of Pegasus Prelude and will also benefit all future GCs.
For Pegasus Prelude, we have also fixed the Asurans being nearly useless as they hardly killed any Wraith forces at all.
Additionally, units use their special abilities more intelligent now.
Furthermore, this patch incorporates various feedback by the community, numerous balance updates and several minor bug fixes and tweaks. Models:- Improved Cityship model performance, reduced the polycount of the old model (50.000 ploys) by nearly 50%- Updated bump map for all Tau'ri space ships- Enabeled shadows for all Tau'ri and Wraith space ships- Merged the light mesh textures into the diffuse textures to reduce the lag when the ship is being spawned- Improved/simplified the collision meshIcons- Minor improvements General:- Slightly de-buffed the strength of all space bombers- Removed the WEAPON behaviour of Goa'uld AF and AC satellite, Tau'ri AF and AC satellite, Wraith AF and AC satellite as well as Ancient defence satellite (issue #0002317)- Fixed SSG unit buildability- Changed how non-playable factions behave in the modGeneral Galactic AI:- Deactivated a bunch of superfluous goals- Conquer plans got hung up on trying to build a starbase on planets that don't allow one. Added checks to FundBases whether the planet has non zero starbase/groundbase slots.- Removed FireDeathStar plan- Added our starbases to the AI equations- Replaced Variable_Self.BaseLevel with a function that works correctly, in particular the AI won't be burning its units (as much) anymore- Re-enabled the automatic FOW reveal- Removed Tyber manager plan from underworld player- Allowed the AI to build a groundbase at a planet where it doesn't have a starbase yet- AI now likes to park units where they actually are of defensive value (i.e. on planets connected to the enemy with bonuses for important/valuable planets) and tries to park them in bigger fleets- Disabled interventions for the SandboxHuman player so it can be used in GC's without side effects- Removed block that kept non-rebels from raiding- Minor changes to AI conquer plansSkirmish AI- Floored desire to go after any enemies objects that aren't mines, unless the AI is on easy- Added initial delay for area sweep and scout plans- Deleted desire reduction to go for enemy mines- Further increased desire to go after mines and reduced desire to go after other buildpads- Slightly increased desire to by upgrades- Decreased desirability to burn units- Slightly increased to upgrade starbase desire when the AI has a lot of money- Increased desirability to buy units when the AI has a lot of credits- Fixed AI trying to attack the invisible dummy prereq counters- Split up tactical freestore script into a land and space version- Minor modification to the skirmish AI template- Made freestore units also go after mines- Removed a duplicate equation- Decreased desirability to go after non-refinery buildpads, this seems to have had quite the positive effect- Created a Space_Skirmish template to better manage skirmish specific goals- Small change in the Needs_Mining_Facility (edited)Pegasus Prelude story fixes:- The Asurans can now successfully conquer Wraith planets- Fixed Deconstruction for Ancient_Space_Building_Sensor_SS_PP- Disabled retreat for the Wraith Asteroid mission- Fixed inconsistent Wraith starting forces- Added space stations as starting forces to some Wraith planets that had special structures but no stations (the special structures never got spawned correctly)- Reset the starbase script to an object script for Tauri starbases, as it was meant to bePegasus Prelude AI:- Added a template to shut down aggressive AI behaviour in the beginning of the game (except on hard)- Made the grace period depend on the planet difference between human and AI player on easy and medium- Lowered the starting credits from 5000 to 1000 for the Ancient AI- Reduced Ancient AI starting forces and made most of the remaining starting forces non-AI-usable- Now giving an AI to Asurans only when they get spawned. Disabled automatic victory trigger for the duration of the Asuran event- Added extra difficulty adjustment sets for the ancient AI for easier fine tuning- Fixed Vader's squadron being buildable for the AI- Made easy AI easier by disabling the Unrestricted_Grab_Space goal, this should significantly reduce the number of attacks- Fixed some old references in PegasusPreludeGoalsGalactic.xml- The AI can no longer build Tauri satellitesAncients/Asurans:- Balanced Ancient/Asuran bomber: reduced speed, significantly reduced health, reduced squadron size, increased price- Fixed Ancient/Asuran bomber firing inaccuracies, category and targeting priorities- Edited some values of the Asuran/Ancient fighter to fit better with the bomber- Adjusted Ancient starbase health and shield- Fixed an issue with the Ancient Defence Satellite: removed unnecessary hardpoint from UC variant and added fire restriction category so it won't target fighters and bombers- Added missing SFX Weapon_Ancient_Superlaser to Ancient_Defense_Satellite_SS- Fixed and re-added the effect for the self-destruct ability of Aurora-class ships- Also changed some timings of the Aurora self-destruct effect- Fixed Ancient Cruiser not having a hyperspace window- Fixed Asuran Destroyer not constantly being visible on radar mapTauri:- Fixed incorrect scale value for death clone of the O'Neill- Added a script specifically for the Beliskner ability that will now use its ability if there are 6 fighters or 4 bombers in range and only frigates or capitals with combined combat power of at most ~80% of the Beliskner's own combat power- Added the hyperspace script to the BC304 which seems to got lost at some point- Added correct radar icon for the Tau'ri Shield SatelliteWraith:- Added missing death clone and radar icon to Wraith Space Hangar, increased tactical health from 1000 to 4000 and adjusted the scale factor- Michaels invulnerability now auto-fires for human and AI players- Removed non-existing hardpoints from Wraith space station- Adjusted starbase garrisons- AI now uses the Wraith Corvette's ability as (pure) fighter/bomber defense- Added Hive ability script to Todd- Removed SpawnList calls from the Hive ObjectScript which crashed the game when the Hive had no AI - Removed non-existing attack 3 sound of the BC-304- Removed non-existing select 3 and 4 sound of the X-303- Removed non-existing select 3, attack 5 and move 4 sound of Michael and replaced the non-existing spawn sound- Removed non-existing select 3 sound of the Systemlord Flagship2.1.0 (16.03.18)
This patch comes with a variety of important changes: firstly, all Steam users will be happy to hear that we have fixed the problems that occurred when trying to play our custom TPC maps online.
We have completely solved the issue so go online and battle your friends on your favourite TPC maps!
Secondly, we have added a completely new AI to Pegasus Prelude. The new AI will be much more adaptive to player's actions, produces more units on its own and can construct all available resource buildings and starbase upgrades.
In conjunction with the new AI we have also doubled the amount of ships the Wraith can spawn during a tactical battle (We halved their popcap-requirements).
This should further add to the Wraith strategy of flooding the enemy with inferior ships as it was introduces in the Stargate Atlantis TV series. Furthermore we improved some events and minor problems to make Pegasus Prelude better than ever before.
Last but not least we also fixed an issue in multiplayer which would cause the capture ability of SG-1 to not work properly. Models:- Fixed incorrect button size for auto-resolve menu General:- Updated hyperspace capabilities for several fightersAsurans/Ancients:- Removed incorrect weapon behaviour from Ancient_Space_Building_Satellite_Wallus- Added missing Targeting_Max_Attack_Distance to Wallus' mini sat- Removed some incorrect tags from the Asuran Heavy TransportTau'ri:- Fixed an issue with SG-1 which would cause the capture ability to malfunction (Issue #2000170)- When selecting the Daedalus nuke beam ability, a selection circle now shows the explosion range of the nuke (Issue #0002290)Wraith:- Removed health from non-targetable hardpoint HP_Wraith_SupplyDock_Dummy- The Wraith Shipyard can now always be seen on the radar map even if under fog of warPegasus Prelude GC:- Added a completely new AI specifically designed for PP (still needs balance testing)- Reduced the starting credits for the AI. Additional money is given via script depending on the selected difficulty- Granted additional money to the Wraith AI when the retreat event triggers for the Ancients- Decreased the additional starting forces on hard in the Pegasus Prelude campaign as the now working AI will otherwise use them to wipe out the player in minutes- Reduced the PopCap requirements of the Wraith by half- Lowered the time it takes for GC heroes to respawn (still higher than vanilla but less ... astronomical now)- Icreased galactic credits cap- Added a chokepoint hint for Proculis- (Ancients) Fixed a wrong event prereq- (Ancients) Fixed a rare error where the Attero Device off button didn't get removed from GC- (Ancients) Potential fix or the Asurans being enemies right away if the Nanite event triggers too late in the story line- (Wraith) Added an Ancient fleet spawn after the mission in the Asteroid Field - Multiplayer maps now work again in Steam multiplayer! - Added a completely new AI specifically designed for PP!2.0.0 (16.03.18)
This patch incorporates a massive rework of our xml structure. We heavily worked on increasing the stability and load time of the mod by fixing countless errors that have accumulated over the last years of constant TPC development.
Not all crashes have been fixed but there is a noticeable performance and stability boost with many fixing enhancing the general gameplay.
Most important fixes in this patch encompass a game crash when playing with more than 6 players/AIs and all tactical missions in Pegasus Prelude being broken in Steam.
Aside from the now working tactical missions Pegasus Prelude has an improved late- and midgame without the Wraith becoming too passive. The constant money flow has been deactivated and many events have been improved and bugs were fixed.
For Steam users, we were also able to fix non-working shaders which caused many planet backgrounds on tactical maps to appear in bright green.
Furthermore, the Dakara Wave Mode map received a major balancing update. Models:- Re-exported Map_Texture_Loader_Ancients_Wraith.ALO to remove no longer existing textures- Re-exported Tauri_Space_Hero_SG1.alo to fix a hardpoint issue- Re-exported Map_Planet_UnknownSector.ALO to add a missing starbase marker- Fixed Replicator_Space_Unit_Beliskner_D.ALO broken animation- Added Othala space structure that was missing in the stable versionIcons:- Added Jumper radar iconEffects:- Replaced several non-existing explosions with a newly created explosion- Fixed countless incorrect shield hit effectsShaders:- Added shaders that were part of the last official Steam patch to the mod so non-Steam users can benefit from the changes as well- Added our custom shaders to a meg file so they will be recognized by the game (this fixes all green planet backgrounds!) General:- Removed files listed in the GOF that don't exist- Deleted some Star Wars units that referenced to a non-existing variant- Removed a lot of un-needed vanilla files that were still loaded through our GOF. This resulted in further deletions and changes in the GroundUnitsStarWars.xml- Added missing vanilla units whose absence cause script errors- Removed non-existing entries for ShipNameTextFiles in the GameConstants.xml- Added Damage_Default, Armor_Default, and Shield_Default to GameConstants.xml- Fixed incorrect Traveler text ID- Replaced several instances of the non-existing Text_ID NONE with TEXT_NONE- Replaced all instances of LEERSTRING and -PLAIN with TEXT_NONE- Fixed XML bad comments in in Markers.xml and Wave_Objects.xml- Fixed a syntax error in Particles.xml (random "z")- Fixed non-allowed characters in Props_Stargate.xml, Props_Stargate_Space.xml, Test_Ships.xml, Test_Units_Ground.xml, Unit_Space_Neutral_GC_Dummies.xml- Removed non-existing Targeting_Priority_Set for Wave_Aurora_Star_Base_1, Unit_Space_Asurans_Aurora.xml, Unit_Space_Asurans_Puddlejumper.xml- Removed non-existing Space_Layer 'fighter' from all fighters that had it- Removed all damage types from the vanilla projectiles- Fixed several non-existing armor and damage types- Fixed an issue regarding some of our damage types not working- Fixed all entities in which damage was set to 0- Fixed BuildReqGroundBaseLevel for various space units- Removed Wave_Asteroid_Void from the main menu map- Fixed FogOfWar grid size error in the main menu- Replaced non-existing units Goauld_Hero_Anubis_GC, Alliance_Assault_Frigate- Removed several Corruption_X_Success_Unlock_Unit_Type rewards- Fixed some incorrect Targeting_Priority_Sets- Fixed some projectiles not having a XML category mask assigned to it- Removed a ton of non-existing entities, way too numerous to list them here- Fixed more stuff that we don't want to spend more time on writing down than on fixing itUpgrades:- Fixed incorrect naming for various Combat_Bonus_Ability used by upgrade objects- Removed US_Cloaking_Generator_L1_Upgrade and US_Cloaking_Generator_L2_Upgrade from the game- Fixed invalid values for the US_Magnetically_Sealed_Armor_*_Upgrade, US_Reinforced_Structure_*_Upgrade, and RS_Reinforced_Armor_*_Upgrade upgrade objectsFactions:- We have reworked our faction code (order, files, number of factions, maps, ...)- If placed in different files, Steam and retail versions of the game read the factions from units pre-placed on a map in a different order- It is important that the ORDER of the factions does not change, otherwise faction attribution in the map editor will break- Adding more factions as this will result in multiplayer crashes with too many players; we had to delete some factions to fix everything- This fixes major Issue #0002150 (7+ player crash) and major Issue #0002191 (Tactical missions in PP broken in Steam)- The Genii are now named "Pirates" in the code (The game didn't like the pirates removed)- Removed some left-over references to no longer existing factionsStarbases- Added a tag for all five levels of the Tau'ri starbase to activate the loop idle animation- Fixed an error that prevented the Supply_Dock_Income_Bonus being applied to Goa'uld and Wraith starbases (Tauri was working fine)- Fixed Aschen starbase radar ability not working- Fixed incorrect shield armor type for the Tauri level 5 starbase- Fixed an error caused by none of our starbases having a damage valueHardpoints- Moved all hardpoints into separate files- Deleted some non-existing hardpoints- Removed non-existing HP_E_EMITDAMAGE- Fixed some hardpoint errors- Fixed last remaining hardpoint errors caused by fake HPs- Fixed all HP entities regarding damage decal and damage particle bone- Removed Model_To_Attach entries from hardpoints that should not have them- Deleted invalid HARD_POINT_GOAULD_STAFF from GameConstants- Created Hardpoint_None for unit variants that should not have hardpointsSatellites:- Replaced non-existing armor type "Armor_Capital" with "Armor_Normal" for several satellites- Removed invalid Targeting_Priority_Sets for various satellite hardpoints- Deleted various un-used satellite hardpoints from the 1.3Aschen:- Fixed incorrect attachment bone for HP_Aschen_Corvette_ShieldAsurans/Ancients:- Fixed incorrect affiliation of the Asuran_Laser_SatelliteGenii:- Fixed invalid value in Fire_Cone_Width for KolyaGoa'uld:- Renamed duplicate entry Proj_Goauld_Station_Laser_Artillery- Removed un-needed LURE behavior from the Anubis Glider- Removed non-existing target bone from the Old Hatak- Fixed invalid value in Fire_Cone_Width for BaalOri:- Fixed spelling error in one of the Ori ship's behaviorsReplicators:- Fixed incorrect death clone of the Repli Hatak (Issue #0002236)Tau'ri:- After all these years the HB-302 can now finally fire its anti-fighter missiles- Fixed incorrect fire bone A named MuzzleA_06 for hard point HP_BELISKNER_FL_ICSTobins:- Fixed missing fire bones error for Tobin_MineWraith:- Removed non-existing HP_WRAITH_F_WPH_00_PLACEHOLDER1 from several Wraith units- Removed non-existing HP_WRAITH_BATTLECRUISER_HANGAR_KAMIKAZE from Wraith Battlecruiser- Fixed invalid value in Wraith_Hero_General_PP_Reflective_Hull- Fixed spelling error for the armor type of Wraith_Replicator_Fighter_SK- Fixed an issue with the PP Commando Wraith- Added Base_Position 'Orbital' to the Wraith_HangarPegasus Prelude:- Fixed a major issue in AFG which could cause the fleet to choose the wrong target planet after the original target was captured. This should heavily impact PP during late- and midgame and keep the Wraith threat high!- Fixed an issue with the Taranis attack fleet might arriving too late- Fixed wrong event (Hippaforalkus) being fired as emergency trigger for the final mission- The Asurans-turn-hostile event should now work properly- Updated Arcturus event so it can also trigger if the player re-conquers Doranda if he had lost the planet before- Updated Atlantis mission map that had units placed with wrong faction attribution- Re-wrote the Upgrade-Moros-Dreadnought event. Moros will no longer automatically despawn - only when you construct the upgrade- Removed StoryModeService and put conquer victory check in a separate function that only becomes active once the Wraith Homeworld has been conquered (a lot better on resources!)- Enabled automatic GC victory in case of a script hiccup- Fixed incorrect order of texts if the player conquered Gonta early on- Lowered the build cost for Ancient drone and fighter units to make up for their research cost- Fixed Gonta event chain triggering too early- Project Arcturus will now be removed from the active log as soon as the player has paid for its research- The player no longer gets any constant money flow (so no more money while the game is paused)- Fixed Melia not being a major hero- Fixed missing event PPM_Objective_Convoy_Ships_Survived_5_AI_NOTIFICATION in event PPM_Objective_Convoy_Must_Survive_Complete- Fixed an issue where Ancient starbase would always spawn with level 1 in battle regardless of the actual GC level- Adjusted the max speed for some Wraith and Ancient ships (Issue #0002262)- Specifically locked the Odin for the AI in the helper plot files (Issue #0002264)- Added a message for the start log telling the player he can open the log at any time to get more information about the current mission (Issue 0002271)- Added wraith_Defense_Satellite_ANTIFIGHTER_SS back to PP because it works now- Removed the (unused) Rebel AI from PPDakara [Wave Mode]:- Replicators will no longer attack before the space station has been conquered- Increased the reload time for the Goa'uld flash satellite- Fixed an issue which caused player units to attack their own station once its attribution had shifted- Increased the difficulty (more Repli ships!) (Issue #0002235) The Might of the Asgard:- The upgrade satellites are now available againDakara [Wave Mode]:- Moved the planet Dakara further in the background General:- Removed reference to non-existing file HW_Blue1.lua- Added None.lua dummy to remove object scripts from variants- Removed non-existing lua script from the Tauri starbase- Removed even more non-existing scripts- Fixed a syntax error in the HW Huge script- Fixed ObjectScript_Remove_Starbase_PP trying to use nil value- Removed several unused buildings from our scripts whose existence cause script errors- Removed non-existing pirate units from PGCommands.luaAI Changes:- Deleted cantina from AI plans- Restructured some of the basic base build plans- Moved starbases in the GOF further up to avoid a bug where the Rebel AI has trouble building starbases most of the time- Stopped Empire AI from saving money for an imaginary Death Star- Added new hint sets, telling the AI on which planets shipyards can be built- Some small changes to the AI's perceptions- Updated AI_Combat_Power for Goauld space units- Added new tech behavior for BasicRebel and AI_Player_Underworld, all factions should be able to fully tech now- Completed capital shipyard hints - Fixed several errors caused by the min volume for a sound being bigger than the max value- Replaced the following non-existing sounds with existing, fitting ones: Unit_Goauld_Ship_Laser_Fire, Unit_Heavy_Turbo_Laser_Fire, Unit_Rebel_Ship_Superlaser_Fire, Unit_Goauld_Ship_Laser_1_Fire, Unit_Heavy_Turbo_Laser_Fire, Weapon_Drone2_Ancient, Weapon_Middle_Missel_Tauri, Weapon_Heavy_Missel_Tauri- Removed countless non-existing vanilla sound references- Added missing SFXEventsEngines.xml to SFX events files (this fixes quite a lot of issues)- Removed all R/U/E-HD sound effects- Fixed localize flag for Unit_Dart_Kamikaze_Attack- Removed some more non-existing sounds- Added missing SFX_Weapon_Hit.xml to SFX event files- Changed Envelope_Hit_Medium.wav to a mono sound so it can actually be heard- Removed empty SFXEvent_Attack_Hardpoint and SFXEvent_Hardpoint_Destroyed- Fixed all SFX events using Explosion_Med1.wav incorrectly labeled as localized sample- Added SFXEventsDeaths.xml to the mod which re-adds vanilla building explosion sounds- Added some missing speech sounds for Apophis- Created non-existing Unit_Torpedo_Fire fire sound (Weapon_Torpedo_Fire)- Replaced non-existing Weapon_Railgun_Tauri with Weapon_Railgun_Tauri_Small- Fixed an error with Data\Audio\Engine\Hive.wav not found- Fixed labeling errors for SFX speech events Zelenka, SG1, Atlantis and Super Hatak- Fixed several sounds, heroes mostly, especially a lot of engine sounds (Sol, Odin, Korellev, Hunter, ...)- Fixed incorrectly labeled Goauld Pyramid select sounds - General text improvements- Updated the description text for Dakara Wave Mode- Updated several text strings (Issue #0002250)1.9.8 (04.03.18)
This patch adds a new wave mode map for skirmish in which you can fight the Replicators over Dakara.
Furthermore it includes some obligatory fixes (including a fix for missing Asgard props on the Othala skirmish map) and balancing updates, especially for the fighter heroes.
It also fixes some issues in the Pegasus Prelude campaign, such as the Empire level 5 space station and a too passive AI Models:- Added the Replicator Beliskner- Added the Replicator HatakIcons:- Various minor icon updates General:- Fixed Asgard support station missing on the Othala space map- Fixed an issue with a marker refering to an non-existing model- Deleted duplicate Othala skydome- Deleted AlamoEngine.fxh and BumpColorize.fxh because there was no difference to the vanilla file- Added Grass.fxo, Meshshadowvolume.fxo, and Rskinheat.fxo from Petro's patch so non-Steam users benefit from the updates as well- Various updates, fixes and improvementsGoa'uld:- Fixed Herak incorrect armor type- Slightly increased health of Osiris- Changed Goauld_Hero_Anubis_Space to Home_One- Reduced PopCap of BaalOri:- Fixed select box scale of the Ori shipReplicators:- Added the Replicator Beliskner- Added the Replicator HatakTau'ri:- Fixed an issue with SG-1 not being buildable- Increased recharge time of Mitchells lucky shot- Fixed an issue with a duplicate entry for Weapon_Heavy_Missile_Tauri- Slightly decreased X-303 damage- Fixed Odin using an outdated hyperspace scriptWraith:- Increased power of the Wraith Hunter's stun ability- Increased damage of the Wraith Hunter- Increased health of the Commando Wraith- The Wraith scout is no longer visible on enemy radarPegasus Prelude GC:- Attempt to make the AI more agressive- Fixed an issue which could cause the Ancients to flee mid-misison in the Orakis mission- Fixed Wraith level 5 space station incorrectly being replaced by an Imperial station in the campaign- Fixed asteroid mission being marked as lost in the log even if it has been won- Fixed Hives deploying Kami Darts out of playbale map area as apparent in some tactical missions - Added new Dakara Wave Mode map - Added Get_Game_Mode() checks to all scripts where they were missing to prevent them from triggering when not needed - Added Deathglider engine sound and added it to all to Goa'uld fighters- Added Goa'uld Alkesh engine sounds- Fixed Herak not having speech sounds- Added new small missile sound- Added F302 engine sounds and added that sound to all Tau'ri fighters- Fixed non working engine sound of the Wraith Scout - Fixed several spelling mistakes- Minor adjustments1.9.7 (26.12.17)
This patch adds several balancing changes to skirmish. Overall, the Tau'ri are now less overpowered.
Fighters and bombers have significantly decreased build costs and construction times making them much more viable.
Additonally, the game has been polished and many aspects, such as new build animations for all satellites, have been reworked.
Furthermore it contains the usual bug fixes to issues reported by our beloved community. Models:- Updated space turret build pad so it doesn't need custom shaders- Replaced the existing Beliskner model in the Pegasus Prelude missions with a new unique model of the Vanir Beliskner- Updated the Goa'uld jamming satellite model- Added new build animations for all skirmish satellitesIcons:- Added general satellite radar icon name for all satellites- Added new icon for the Kamikaze Dart General:- Fighter rebalance: Signifcantly changed the build costs and construction times for all fighters. Fighter and bomber rushes are a thing now if you have no Corvettes to counter!- Removed chat, groups and unused buttons from MP lobby and redesigned layout to fit the background better- Various code updates, fixes, and tweaksAncients/Asurans:- Adjusted tactical health of the Dreadnought and the Aurora class to prevent simultaneous hardpoint blow-upGoa'uld:- Changed HP string names of all Goa'uld heavy staff weapons turrets (space buildings only)- Added shields to the Goa'uld Alkesh increasing its survivability- The Alkesh will now shoot visible bombs- Slightly increased the shield strength of the System Flagship- Increased the damage of the Super Hatak- Increased the shield strength of Anubis and slightly increased his damage and HP health of shield, engines and his special weaponTau'ri:- Increased the build time of Mitchell and SG-1- Increased the production cost of the Tau'ri X-303 and the BC-304 in multiplayer- Set Base_Income_Value from 350 to 35 and Income_Additive_Value from 250 to 25 of Tau'ri skirmish starbase lvl 2- Fixed incorrect Targeting_Max_Attack_Distance of the Korolev and the DaedalusTraveler:- Traveler Frigates now have less shields and hull points and do slightly less damage- Fixed incorrect good/bad against description for the Traveler FrigateWraith:- Fixed non-working autoheal ability of the Wraith PP Queen- Fixed German speech sounds of the Queen in English version- Removed the negative side effects of Todd's (and the Queen's) power to weapons ability and changed the icon accordingly- Disabled autofire for the Wraith Scout's beacon ability- Increased health of the Hive's forward hardpoints- Slightly increased health of the Wraith Cruiser's frontal HPPegasus Prelude:- Adjusted difficulty of the PP W Orakis mission- Added new info text that triggers if the player doesn't conquer the Asteroid Field after a certain amount of time - Adjusted encyclopedia class strings for satellites to better clarify their role- Updated various texts to fit gameplay changes- Fixed several spelling mistakes- Minor adjustments1.9.5 (11.09.17)
This patch greatly improves the Pegasus Prelude GC.
The Wraith campaign has been massively reworked, various bugs have been fixed and the balancing is much fairer now for default and easy difficulties for both factions.
While many game-breaking bugs have been fixed this patch does not fix the general instability of the GC. Save often! Icons:- Upgrade icon for charging Goauld planetary staff cannon in space skirmish updated- Fixed an icorrect GUI bracket size of the Dreadnought General:- Added/removed hyperspace capabilities of some fighter units were it was necessary- Removed 'Spotted' SFX from faction filesAncients/Asurans:- Fixed an issue with the Dreadnought version of Moros not having any speech sounds- Melia will now die 'properly' - no more hero head icon after death- Delphi and Pride of Troy are no longer major heroes (they don't respawn after death)- Changed tech level of the Ancient_Space_Building_Sensor_SS from 4 to 3Goa'uld:- Increased damage of the GTSW from 2000 to 6500 and changed the construction costs to 3500Tau'ri:- Increased damage of the GTSW and changed the construction costs to 3500Wraith:- Removed the pop cap of the Kamikaze Dart- Removed hyperspace capability of the Exp. Dart- Added price reduction ability to the PP Queen- Increased damage of the GTSW to 300 per projectile and changed the construction costs to 3500PP GC (Ancients):- Fixed an issue which would cause convoy mission transports being stuck at the exit point- Slightly increased performance of the script at various locations- Fixed an issue which would cause the Tau'ri starbase to spawn if only Asuran units were on the map- Added the Fortress for the Asurans- Decreased the chance for the Arcturus mission still being active even after the Aurora tech already became available- Increased the time for the player to construct the Arcturus device before the mission times out- Increased the chance for the Asurans being friendly towards the player for a longer time making it more lucrative to invest in their researchPP GC (Wraith):- Added debug events for the Wraith story line- Removed the AI lock for the Vanir planet which caused the planet to have a red glow. The AI will not move there and the Vanir are allied to the Ancients anyway.- Significantly changed the story script for the Wraith. There is now one single attack function for all attackers- The Gonta revenge fleet list will now try to spawn at Dagan- Tried to make the story mode service code more efficient- The Asurans now spawn a lvl 5 starbase- The Arcanus attack fleet and the Gonta attack fleet will now both try to spawn on Taranis to make it less likely that the fleet will arrive after the resp. mission has been accomplished- Removed some Ancient starting forces on lower difficulties- Fixed non-working price bonus for the Hive on Arcanus- Significantly decreased the difficulty on lower difficulties. Especially the attacks at the beginning are much weaker now- As soon as the Dreanought event starts some of them will be spawned on Taranis- Fixed a potential crash in the Moros upgrade event (Sleep was set _after_ TestValid())- The Dreadnoughts produced on Taranis will now properly attack the player- Fixed Delphi not being registered as dead in the Gonta event making it unable to win- Added additional fail possibility for the Gonta event in case the City Ship retreated during battle- This also prevents the possibility of an incorrect text of the Ancients evacuating the settlement when they take the planet back even if Delphi wasn't present- Also fixed an issue which would cause the Delphi-successfully-defeated event to trigger even after the planet was lost and the mission failed- Increased the chance of Asuran or Dreadnought attacks compared to regular Ancient and Vanir attacks if either of them are active- Added 'final hints' text strings to the story dialog so it would finally show up and not just show an empty log- Fixed an issue with the finale text not being displayed due to duplicate event names- The Athos/Orakis final missions will no longer time out after they have been played- When the final mission is won, the player fleet will no longer retreat- Orakis Mission:-- Reduced the difficulty for this mission on Easy and Medium settings (Wave strength and number of defense satellites)-- The Wave spawn entry point is now a bit further away from the area that needs to be secured-- Added missing objective to secure the landing zone if they player killed the under construction ships before the timer was up-- Reduced the speed of spawned capital wave ships-- The wave ships will now properly move toward the landing zone-- The mission is now marked as 'won' in the log after it has been completed successfully- Atlantis Mission:-- The transport ships will now properly move towards the descent zone-- Fixed hero death events not working (Find_First_Object() requires capitalized input strings!)-- Added a function to track the status (spawned, dead) of each hero that triggers player victory-- Fixed an issue which could cause a hero not to spawn as tranport escort-- Revealed spawn area of Melia and the first transport-- The mission will now be lost when all Wraith ships have been defeated Various text and spelling improvements, especially for the English translation1.9.4 (13.04.17)
Some fixes for the Ancient campaign PP GC:- If Asuras is given to the Asurans as a result of the nanite development this will no longer count negative to the planet count of the hold ground event (Ancient campaign)- Removed non-functional tech level dummies which became accidentaly builadble for the Ancients in patch 1.9.2 - Asteroid Field Mission: Improved map lighting and background PP Wraith:- Asteroid Field Mission: General improvements, Added intro camera sequence- disabled debug objects1.9.3 (27.11.16)
Various PP balancing improvements General:- Added deconstruction for Deconstruction_Ancient_Space_Building_Sensor_SS_PPAncients/Asurans:- Heavily increased the survivability of heavy fighters and bombers- Updated the tech levels for all ships and stations- Moros (Dreadnought version) shield strength increased by 10 percent- Added Puddlejumper engine sound- Added new Helia speech sound to Cruiser and Frigate- Changed shield and hull points of the cityships- Pride of Troy model should appear nowWraith:- Added Wraith Dart engine sound to (heavy) Dart and Bomber and the Exp. Dart- The Wraith Queen and Todd no longer prevent auto-resolving battles- Added new fire sound for the Kamikaze Dart ability of the Battlecruiser- Increased the stength of the Wraith Queen by 30% (more health + more damage)PP GC:- The Ancient sensor sat is no longer buildable for the Wraith- Increased the info screen time for all events- Increased trigger delay for certain events to decrease the chance of multiple events triggering at once- Updated planet descriptions: Irrelevant (land related) planetary advantages are no longer displayed- You can no longer get access to the Aurora research before Project Arcturus was offered - Added Wraith Dart and Puddlejumper engine sound- Added new speach sounds for Helia1.9.2 (19.11.16)
Fixed a CTD on the gas nebula map. - Added missing Map_GC_Space_Metreongas_Nebula.ted1.9.1 (11.11.16)
Welcome to the open beta! This is the base version.
For now the open beta contains the content of the stable public release plus the nearly complete version of Pegasus Prelude for everyone to test. This version is �feature ready� meaning that everything gameplay related is implemented. Also we fixed all the game breaking bugs found by our closed beta testers. However please note that the version of Pegasus Prelude in the open beta is of course still work in progress and that other bugs are still present including the following:
- The GC is prone to crashes. Save often!
- The Tau'ri tactical dashboard, GC space station and some other Tau'ri specific logos are still visible.
The target of this open beta test is especially to know if the balancing of the GC is alright and if we missed some bugs. Therefore we would like to encourage everyone willing to share bug reports, his opinion and ideas about the open beta and the current Pegasus Prelude version in our new open beta forums.
While talking about sharing... All members of our community are free to share images and videos of the open beta in all places of the world wide web! The only thing we would like to ask for is to be always clear that you're sharing content of a beta version of our mod.1.9.0 (06.11.16)
With many more bugs being fixed, we have now reached sufficient stability in the Alliance of the System Lords to finally bring it to the stable version of the mod!
We have now also added new land upgrades (most for GC), improved mod start time and fixed SG1 going in respawn in GC when only one member died.
Various ground maps have also been improved and we've added more stuff on them for you to discover.
See below to get the full list of improvements and fixes. Particles:- Added new RPG hit effect- Fine-Tuned Terrain illumination shadow blobs, add bigger and blue version- Updated Projectile_Ground_Detonation_SurfaceFX for some Goauld projectilesTextures:- Added many new upgrade icons (Issue #0003422)- Fixed "Data\Art\Models\Ancient_Projectile_Satellite_Laser.ALO: unknown texture Weapon_Texture_Green.tga"- Fixed Data\Art\Models\Wraith_Space_Unit_ExperimentalDart.ALO: unknown texture Fixed Ori_Land_Hero_Adria.ALO: unknown particle "P_Adria_Flames.alo"- Made radar icon for Humvee and Genii Barracks/Bunker- Added loading screen preview images for mission mapsModels:- Updated Map_Land_Goauld_Pyramid_Ship.ALO to the new model and texture (resolves #0003443)- Added collision to surface ring of the transportation rings (task #3369) The Alliance of the System Lords:- Added the campaign to stable!- Created many new land upgrades for Goa'uld, Tau'ri and Wraith (resolves #3422)- The GC no longer counts as lost when the leaders (Anubis, Hammond) die (issue #0003423)- Fixed SysLord heroes sometimes not showing in battle results screen after being defeated (issue #3366)- Removed no_prereq-versions for ground/space HERO companies fixing any issues with the wrong hero respawning (causing the story to get stuck)- Goauld: Added Tokra transportation rings to Vorash- Tauri: Added Story_Sandbox_SG1_Respawn_Helper to fix SG1 incompletely respawning (resolves #3355), SG1 no longer goes in respawn when only one member died- Tauri: Despawn SG-1 during Yu negotiations- Tauri: Earth Mission: Increased range at which the approaching Ha'taks get marked as targets- Tauri: Chulak mission: Made Tauri and Systemlords units invulnerable so they can't kill each other during a cutscene (resolves #3362)General:- Fixed BBS not working- Improved mod load speed (down to xml pass 0 on mod load!)- Fixed difficulty check for some AI plans not working- Remove HUNT ability from ground fighters since it doesn't work reliably (resolves #3354)- Fixed Proj_CoT_Mine not having a category mask assigned to it- Added capturable HumveeAncients/Asurans:- Fixed Ancient heavy bomber unit having fighter texts- Fixed an error with the Asuran/Ancient GC starbasesOri:- Nerfed Ori Corvette (Wave Mode)Pegasus Cyborgs:- Increased Pegasus Cyborg battleship damage (Resolves #0003258) (Supergate)Tauri:- Fixed Thor's Chariot using pop cap- Fixed some errors with Tauri starbase missiles- Improved movement behaviour of all MALPs- Tweaked Thors Chariot ability targeting ranges a bitTokra:- Added Tokra_Transportation_Rings_Indigenous as Tokra spawn house for mapsWraith:- Fixed W_Ground_Wraith_Commander_Ability_Upgrade not working as desired - Alpha Site, P3X-254, Revanna, Vorash (ground GC): Added new capturables/indigenous buildings to make the maps more interesting (Resolves #0003450)- Cal Mah (ground GC): Fixed starting LZ is not automatically given to the attacker- Tartarus (ground GC): Moved attacker marker closer to starting LZ (issue #3432), made queen tank position visually more notable, and reduced texture clipping on catwalk, fill visible texture holes below catwalk (resolves #3432)- Earth (space GC): Add satellite markers to MI_Space_T_Earth map (resolves #3449) - Increased Hyperspace Window max instances hoping to improve stability- Removed unknown sound reference X303_Low_HP_ENG- Added a new speech sound to System Flagship (Thanks to Frolenkov K), switched some others - Made texts for new ground capturables (resolves #0003429)- Fixed mission updated tooltip (resolves #0003359)- Created and adjusted texts for new ground upgrades (issue #0003422)- Added and updated several ground upgrade texts for Tau'ri, Goa'uld and Wraith (issue #0003422)- Changed/improved a bunch of description texts- Adjusted Thor's Chariot ability text to better clarify against what the ability is effective (issue #3404)1.8.0 (14.10.23)
This patch adds new weapon hardpoint symbols have been added to all ships, to allow distinguishing between light, medium, heavy, artillery, and special weapons as well as missiles/drones at first glance.
Also increased the general stability and performance of tactical battles, including a fix for crashes during caused by missile projectiles Particles:- Decreased particle counts for some "heavy-hitters" such as the missile smoke effects, should now only take about a third of the particle amount- Changed some settings for several recently added particles as a precaution, some of those (Goauld hit effects) might be removed down the line- Small visual improvement to Hatak projectiles.Textures:- Added new hardpoint weapon icons for all ships (light, medium, heavy, artillery, and special weapons as well as missiles/drones)- Added missing textureModels:- Updated Asgard ONeill model, fix shadow and shield and use it for Thor as well - resolves #3342- Fixed Wraith Hangar ALT stage gate position being off (Resolves #3311)- Fixed particle name in Tauri_Projectile_Satellite_Railgun_Blue.alo (Resolves #0003343) Pegasus Prelude:- Fixed difficulty check for PP Athos mission not working- Disable Pathfinder for PP: Wraith: Final mission to prevent a soft lock making the fisrt mission stage nearly impoissible to win- Added Asuran shipyard to the Asuras forces in PP (Ancient side) (Issue #0003377)- Fixed PP Wraith story line having debug events enabledGeneral:- Added capital to the frigate targeting priority set. This should fix any issue with the heavy sats not prioritizing capitals over fighters- Anti Air units and Medics will now stay further back when being moved together with other squads- Bombing run units can no longer capture CPs- Changed how the hyperspace window works hopefully increasing stability since a lot less objects scripts are run- Changed income bonus of ground and space resource mines from a percentage to a fixed income- Fixed an issue with transports potentially spawning units outside of the landing zone- Fixed hardpoint error in Aschen starbase- Fixed some a_count + 1 == static_castint(sfx.size()) errors for some ground building (Issue #0002307)- Fixed some buildings being targeted at too high, causing some shots too miss- Fixed Teltak, Alkesh and Wraith Shuttle moving inside each other occasionally - resolves #0003411- Fixed Transportation Rings being targetable- Increased clickable area of the Battle Pending Dialog (Resolves #3331)- Made all no_prereq variants neutral to remove them from ai considerations (minor performance boost)- Prevent mod from loading some unneeded vanilla units (minor performance boost)- Reduced the general efficiency of anti-air in tactical land battles- Updated Gun Balloon: Moved to lower build row and changed last fow state to true- General code-cleanupGoauld:- Priest now has a better effect on low-health units and a less extreme boost on high-health units- Increased land Alkesh anti-infantry damage- Fixed wrong good/bad against settings of the System Flagship and the Artillery Hatak- Fixed Ground-Teltak death clone being scaled too big- Updated Goa AA unit Targeting_Max_Attack_Distance - resolves #3412Tauri:- Recoded all missiles to prevent issues with crashing- Allowed Thor to Focus Fire on orbital structures (resolves #0003430)- Added more meaningful range indicators to Thors Chariot ability- resolves #0003402- Added sensor jamming ability, stealth detection and reinforcement disruption to Tau'ri Long Range Scanner- Added self-healing to Selmak, Baratc, and Tealc- Increased Carter Grenade Activation_Max_Range and made the grenade explode faster- Increased Tauri AA turret projectile Max_Flight_Distance since you could see them disappear in mid-air- Fixed Targeting_Max_Attack_Distances on Stinger Team, MG team and Mortar- Fixed faulty Asgard Shipyard module HPs (issue #0003397)- Disabled O'Neill C4 autofire- Reduced projectile speed of the Tauri land bomber's bomb- Removed special forces destruction survivors from Tauri structuresTokra:- Fixed Tokra Teltak deploying Jaffa instead of Tokra soldiers- Added custom ability name for Tokra Commando blend (issue #3394)Wraith:- Changed Wraith Shuttle to only carry infantry - Significantly increased the quality of all skirmish ground preview map images- Fixed wrong ambient sounds (birds, ...) on some space maps- Corrected turret rotation on various ground maps- Updated the passability of all ground maps to better reflect the pathing options on the minimap- Hakytl (ground skirmish): Fixed several unique props missing. Prevented units spawned in the camp LZ being stuck in the tents (Issue #0002596) - Added new speech sounds for Bratac (fix #3358)- Added more speech sounds to Selmak- Added new iconic Goauld bombardment sound - Various text corrections and improvements based on community feedback1.7.3 (26.02.23)
This patch tweaks a few issues in Pegasus Prelude, tweaks ground skirmish, adds some more particles to ground and space combat and contains a few minor bug fixes as well as some under-the-hood code rewrites. Models:- Added new Wraith_Land_Hero_Queen.ALO with shadow mesh- Added Wraith_Projectile_Infantry_Stun.ALO issue #3236- Added Particle and Projectile for Micheal Infect Ability issue #2878- Added several new particle / shield hit effects:--- cyborg_particle_fighter_shield_hit.alo, goauld_particle_alkeshbomb_hit.alo, goauld_particle_big_hit.alo, goauld_particle_fighter_hit.alo, goauld_particle_medium_hit.alo--- goauld_particle_small_hit.alo, ori_particle_superlaser_shield_hit.alo, wraith_particle_plasma_artillery_shield_hit.alo- Added new Goauld_Land_Building_Turret_AI_UC.ALO with a new collision mesh so it can be destroyed when being shot at- Fixed some wrongly named textures in models- Fixed shield texture Asgard DJ class- Reexported Antarctica low orbit background with lower diffuse eimission (resolves #3274)- Deleted lots of unused textures freeing some space General:- Added warning message to not save/load during tactical (issue #3271)- Added Category Mask to Tokra_Reinforcement_Beacon- Rewrote large chunks of the ground building code, making it a lot cleaner and fixing some minor issues/inconsistencies- Rewrote some unit code to make it cleaner (Pegasus Cyborgs, Aschen)- Updated Tagrea Gun Balloon: It is no longer victory relevant and can now be targeted by anti air units- Tobin mines no longer explode when the target is cloaked- BBS: Fixed Destruction_Survivors still appearing after self destruction- Removed unused Vehicle Thief clones (Remnants of the old SG1 space capture ability)Goauld:- Increased the Deathgliders inaccuracy against land infantry (Issue #0003265)- Increased shieldgen turret GUI_Bracket_Size- Fixed population value for Herak and Apophis. (Resolves #3297)Ori:- Decreased Ori Mothership Shield Strength for WMTauri:- Made UAV more useful: More reveal, more health, and now, when being shot at after given an attack/follow command, the unit will flee for a while before returning to it's former position.- Added limiter to Selmaks Reinforcement ability so only one unit can be called in at the same time (issue #3249)- Made Prometheus' nuke missiles no longer fire at opportunity targets- Fine tuned ONeills C4 ability:-- Added damage type Damage_Anti_Structure, increased total damage and restricted to Vehicle and Structure targets. (issue #3285)-- Lower Activation_Max_Range significantly: Activation works a lot better now (still not 100% of the time, but it is way better) (resolves #3279)Wraith:- Made ion shot ability of the Exp Dart more visible (+attempt fix for Ancient sat going in rapid fire mode)- Exchanged anubis- with new hatak in hive strong_againstPegasus Prelude:- Fixed Melia's Energy Barrier ability not showing a particle effect- Adjusted costs for Moros Dreadnought upgrade in PP- Desperate and unlikely attempt to fix Envoy appearing twice in PP (Issue #0003252)- Rewrote starbase replace script for PP hoping to fix #0003247- PP Wraith Gonta mission: Added script to ensure that Janus and Delphi spawn and don't get stuck in reinforcement pool (resolves #3254)- PP Wraith Gonta Mission: Added engine hp to Delphi - Fixed tilted turret buildpads so those turrets work again- Removed bunkers from Pangar ground map, they were confusing the AI (resolves #3284) - Increased Priest Speech Audio volume (Resolves #3296) - Updated description text for Selmak's reinforcement ability- Various minor adjustments1.7.2 (06.01.23)
Added new Base Build Strategy (BBS) game mode for ground skirmish. Models:- Fixed Vorash rock assets not being in public versions- Fixed error "missing" by adding an empty dummy texture- Fixed Tokra Tunnel assets not being in stable- Ground Skirmish: Create proper shadows for Wraith Barracks damage stages- Ground Skirmish: Fixed Alkesh shader+model, create proper deathclone- Ground Skirmish: Added custom ability icon for Wraith Hunter's tracking drone - Fixed Apophis' shield abiltiy (Prevent him from attacking while shield is on)- Fixed Oberoth missing deathclone- Fixed Vanir Beliskner Deathclone not disappearing- Fixed scripted fleet attacks in GC potentially being stuck in retreat - attack loop- PP Wraith: Retreat player after asteroid field mission- PP Wrath Vanir mission: Replace Tauri Beliskner with Vanir version, Add Highlights and improve Beliskner visibility in Cutscene- PP Wraith Final Mission: Disable Automatic Victory and Make Satellites victory_relevantBalancing- PP Wraith: Increased the wait time of the random fleet attacks- PP Wraith: Reduce Queen's Hive price reduction- PP Wraith: Increased damage of the Warlord's Flare - Tagrea Ground (SK): Passability updates to reduce large hoverers clipping through high buildings- Vorash Ground (SK): Fixed missing Skirmish loading screen texts- Revanna Ground (SK): Improve base structures position and rotation- Dagan Space (GC): Fixed attacker possibly spawning in asteroid field- Unknown Sector Space (GC): Moved base nebula farther away and defending forces marker further back to prevent units of large fleets spawning inside of it. - Slightly changed position of description text in GC selection menu to better fit the frame1.7.1 (16.07.22)
Finally leaving beta, this patch brings ground combat to skirmish!
Over 30 units and heroes, over 30 ground structures, 10 maps, countless new models, effects, sounds and special features are ready to be explored!
We've also adjusted the skirmish menu a bit, now always pre-selecting our mod maps.
Additionally, we've also made the planet connections in the Pegasus Prelude GC visible so you don't have to guess the hyperspace routes.
Lastly, the Asurans now also brought into space skirmish in stable. Models:- Added missing to Hassara Station, Asgard Furnace, Ancient Defence Satellite and Traveller Frigate (resolves #3150)- Reduced mod file size by 200 MB using the compactor on the Othala space map propsEffects:- Added missing engine effects for Vanir+Traveller ships and Replicator frigate (Resolves #3128)- Added empties for missing effects. New DC explode effects (big + huge only for now) Pegasus Prelude:- Increased the reduction on Wraith fleets spawns for taking the clone base- Updated PP traderoutes so you can always see how planets are connected to each other- Adjusted text strings for planets in PP that don't have an ability (Resolves #0003178)- Fixed vanishing bug after killed in autoresolve for Wraith Commando Fix (resolves #2959)Ground:- Added ground skirmish!Space:- Added meaningful good/bad against tags for Wraith Commando PP variant- Added preliminary fighter garrison to Oberoth Carrier- Adjusted Asuran credit income in skirmish- Adjusted prices for most Asuran units and heroes above tech level 3- Updated Vanir frigate ability- Fixed Asuran heroes still being selectable in skirmish even if heroes were turned off in the settings- Fixed Ori WM Wave numbers- Fixed Ori Cruiser deathclone not disappearing- Decreased targeting max range and FOW reveal range of Asuran Drone Satellite - Added info about combat boosts and galactic price reductions to unit description (resolves #0003193) (resolves #0003192)- Some minor changes and adjustments on a few descriptions1.7.0 (28.05.22)
This patch applies some general fixes.
If you want to try out the new faction - the Asurans - check out the Beta version of the mod! Models:- Fixed Doranda asteroids being shaded pink- Added various models with fixes per #3127- Symmetrized Ancient Cruiser hardpoint layout (Thanks poppoppew for the hint)- Mod Cleanup - Deleted several unused models and textures General:- Fixed Lorne and Mitchell being buildable in PP- The AI can now build Supergates and the Ancient Defense sat in space skirmish- Mod Cleanup: Fixed, changed and coded a bunch of stuff- Adjusted health bar distance for SysHatak - Updated Russian Textfile by Abkan- General text improvements1.6.12 (09.05.21)
Fixed a bunch of unexpected issues so the mod starts properly again.1.6.11 (27.02.21)
This patch aims to improve the overall stability of the mod, especially in space skirmish.
Most notably, a lot of sound file errors have been fixed which were suspected to crash the game occasionally. Models:- Added new version of Map_Space_Building_AncientSensor.ALO with a build_00 animation and shadow- Fixed hangar shields on all ancient stations- Fixed shield mesh of Asuran_Space_Unit_Cruiser.ALO- Reduced size of the shield bubble of Tauri_Land_Building_Shield_Generator.ALOTextures:- Added Tok'ra ability icon for Selmak- Add missing map textures w_8 and w_8_b from 1.3.1, create normalmap w_rivrock00_b (resolves #3129)Effects:- Scaled heavy Grace proj up and light proj down for better visual difference (issue #2906)- Reduced Screenflash for Tauri orbital strike General:- Updated shipname assignments to ships (resolves #3073)- Fixed crash introduced by the latest Steam versions if more units can be built than there are buttons in the command bar.- Fixed Barrage randomly stopping after a period of time- Fixed Ashen cruiser HP naming (issue #2906)- Fixed Grace ship select_box_scale- Fixed duplicate hero clash "ObiWan_BobaFett"- Fixed nonvalid abilities in GameConstants- Fixed nonvalid starting planet of the Wraith Queen- Fixed incorrect tags in Unit_Space_Tauri_O_Neill.xml, Unit_Space_Tauri_BC_304.xml, Unit_Space_Tauri_F_302.xml, Unit_Space_Tauri_B_302.xml, Unit_Space_Goauld_Anubis_Hatak.xml, Unit_Space_Wraith__Hero_Michael.xml, Unit_Space_Tauri_HB_302.xml- Fixed unknown model or particle "Teltak_L.ALO"- Fixed unknown model or particle "Goauld_Space_Projectile_Alkesh_Bomb.ALO"- Removed unused text strings (#3126)- Removed unused icon and radar icon names (#3126)Goauld:- Fixed code error in the Alkesh fileTauri:- Recoded all Tauri space units using the template (except for fighters)- Fixed inhibitor having WEAPON behavior (assert error) - Pegasus Prelude: Fixed a script crash in the Wraith Envoy script- Removed freestore requirement from PP story scripts - Fixed unknown SFX event "Unit_Defeat_Wraith_Superhive"- Fixed unknown SFX event "Unit_Defeat_Prometheus"- Fixed unknown SFX event "Unit_Barrage_Genii_Space_Destroyer"- Fixed unknown SFX event "Unit_Defeat_Envoy"- Fixed unknown SFX event "Unit_Barrage_Rebel_Space_Station"- Fixed unknown sound file "Data\Audio\Speech\Asgard_Beliskner\Asgard_Attack__ENG.wav"- Fixed unknown sound file "Data\Audio\Speech\Daedalus\Daedalus_Low_HP_ENG.wav"- Fixed unknown sound file "Data\Audio\Speech\X304\X304_Critical_HP_ENG.wav"- Fixed unknown sound file "Data\Audio\Speech\X304\X304_Low_HP_ENG.wav"- Fixed unknown sound file "Data\Audio\Speech\Michael\Michael_NoEngine_ENG.wav"- Fixed unknown sound file "Data\Audio\Speech\Wraith_Zerstoerer\WZerstoerer_Critical_HP_ENG.wav"- Fixed unknown sound file "Data\Audio\Speech\Baal\Baal_Guard_ENG.wav"- Fixed unknown sound file "Data\Audio\Speech\General_Wraith\General_Critical_HP_ENG.wav"1.6.10 (27.02.21)
The Wave Mode maps in skirmish can now finally be played in multiplayer without causing a synchronization error. - The Wave Mode maps no longer go out-of-sync when being played in multiplayer!- On the Earth and Dakara WM maps, fog of war has been added - Removed X-Wing spin away death sound from X-3011.6.9 (22.12.20)
Hotfix to fix 'Chinese' ship names. Models and Effects:- Deleted unmegged shaders and updated shaders.meg General:- Added textual info which fighters are hyperspace-worthy and which are not (Resolves #0002463)Goauld:- Removed non-existing sound reference Unit_Defeat_BaalTauri:- Replaced non-existing targeting priority SG_Infantry_AntiAll with SG_Infantry_AntiInfantry- Added missing hardpoint to X-301 spaceWraith:- Removed WEAPON behaviour from the Wraith Queen since she can't attack- randomized Wraith fighter Squadron_Offsets - Removed a ground map from stable that should not have been there - Fixed some shipnames being displayed in unusual characters1.6.8 (03.12.20)
The fix for the long standing bug with the Wraith Queen not spawning in the Pegasus Prelude tactical battles is included in this patch.
Furthermore it slightly improves the mods' performance, especially the load time on startup.
Lastly, as usual, we continue improving our description texts: Thanks to community member Boriss for all his work on the English texts, and AbkanST for his work on the Russian translation and darkyuri for his work on the Czech translation. Models and Effects:- Added new model for the Wraith Queen- Added Iratus Bug model- Added mortar grenade smoke trail- Added TurnL and TURNR animations to Wraith_Land_Unit_Chimera.ALO- Added PRS_INTERDICT_FX proxy to Goauld Artillery Hatak- Increased the visibility of the Field Commander buff particle- Improved idle animation of the Wraith_Land_Unit_Harvester.ALO- Fixed Wraith bomber shadow- Fixed Wraith_Land_Unit_Harvester.ALO muzzle bones and attackidle animationIcons:- Added Icon for Wraith Worshippers- Added radar icon to offensive and defensive turrets- Added new ability icons for Wraith Ghosts and Cruiser Bombardment- Added unit icon for Iratus Bug as well as an ability icon with Iratus Bug for Michael- Improved all ground building radar icons and gave them contours for better visibility- Improved icon of Wraith Soldier and Elite Soldier to be able to distinguish them more easily- Adjusted scale factor for every ground building radar icon- Changed Space hero Apophis to now having a different icon than the ground hero- Replaced the of the Artillery Hatak with the new one used by the actual ship (resolves #3008)- Implemented workaround for Projectile_Dirt_Collide being spawned with the field commander buff projectiles- Fixed missing Regeneration Alcove icon General:- Made the game no longer load the vanilla config file to prevent it from loading a lot of un-needed stuff. This should give another performance boost- Fixed invalid Fire_Cone_Height in HP_BAAL_F_SBH_00 and HP_Wraith_Rebel_Starbase_M_WP_00 making those hardpoints work properly again- Removed LAND_OBSTACLE behaviour from transportation rings- Unified land/space retreat messages, added custom messages for every factionPegasus Prelude:- Fixed the Wraith Queen not showing up in tactical battles- Fixed Wraith scout being buildable twice- Fixed Wallus not spawning fightersSpace Skirmish:- Made Unit_Space_Replicator_Cruiser use the correct template and re-added shields that accidentally got removed.- Fixed Wraith Corvette ability not ignoring cloaked unitsGround Skirmish:Goauld:- Increased fire rate for the Kull to make the unit appear more authentic. DPS untouched.Tauri:- Fixed the Shield Malps' shield not protecting properly from enemy fire- Nerfed F-303- Changed Ranged_Target_Z_Adjust of the Tau'ri Radar Station to 10 so it can be correctly hit now- Fixed grenade ability errors- Added an additional ability for reducing reinforcement time to Tau'ri InhibitorWraith:- Added new units: Wraith worthshippers and made them recruitable on the Indoctrination Camp structure available on the outpost buildpad- Added less ugly ghost model to the queen.- Added new ability Wraith_Cruiser_Bombardment to Wraith Queen- Added new ability for spawning an Iratus Bug Nest to Michael- Added TURRET behav to all walkers to enable TURN animations- Added a tag for Wraith Jammer allowing it to prevent bombing runs in a certain radius- The Harvester can now kill infantry by running over it- Improved the handling of the Wraith stun bomb: Added new particle effect and added Recharge_Seconds to the ability which allows the timer "ticking back" if aborted- Changed Mantis to use an in-code turret. This allows for all barrels to be used- Switched Seeker to hover template/walk locomotor to improve the odd movement behaviour- Improved Brutes walking into each other- Increased Idle_Chase_Range to 350 for the Brute: as a melee unit, it wouldn't react to being attacked in some cases- Increased Fire_Cone_Width for Harvester AI guns- Coded harvester head as turret so it looks at enemies when firing- Tweaked harvester movement animation rate to avoid moonwalking- Fixed non-working ghost ability for the Wraith Queen - Added new land skirmish map: Yu's homeworld!- Increased Anubis Homeworld lake height to prevent units from being hit while being in water- (Re-)moved the hill on M4X-337 which would cause units to get stuck frequently on spawn- Removed fire-obstructing hill on M4X-337- Fixed missing "spawn garrison" on outpost markers on Tagrea and Othala- Fixed units getting stuck in middle landing zone on Haktyl- Fixed missing Othala space map preview in game due to "Othalla"-"Othala" filename inconsistencies- Fixed skydomes being cut off on large ground maps - Added new speech sounds for the Wraith Queen (English only)- Added new authentic engine sound for the Goauld Probe- Added new sounds: shields on/off- Added (currently unused) Zat open sound- Replaced vanilla Stealth SFX with Jumper stealth sound- Removed vanilla retreat sound - Added improved English texts by community member Boriss- Updated several mod translation files, especially Russian (Thanks to AbkanST!) and Czech (Thanks to darkyuri!)- Fixed some issues in the English textfile- Added text for Wraith ground unit Ghost and for Wraith Queen's ability Ghosts and Cruiser Bombardment- Added custom retreat texts for every minor and major faction- Adjusted description for Ancient Dreadnought and Moros' Flagship- Rephrased some PP GC event texts1.6.4 (04.10.20)
This patch adds new music tracks to the mod as well as new speech sounds and sound effects.
Additionally, it includes many gameplay improvements and fixes for the Pegasus Prelude GC (including all new planet ability icons!) along with a bunch of minor updates for skirmish such as infinite fighter respawn for all ships with hangar. General:- Added many new planet ability icons (Resolves #2902)- Changed/Improved some icons for GC and SkirmishGoa'uld:- The Anubis Flash Satellite now uses the new Goa'uld textures to have a consistent look and feelTau'ri:- Added special death clone for the Prometheus (Resolves #2752)- Fixed shield of Tauri_Space_Unit_DanielJackson.ALO (#2830) and Tauri_Space_Unit_BC-304.ALOWraith:- Fixed an issue with the Wraith starbase level 4 where some hardpoints wouldn't take damage if fired upon from a specific angle (Resolves #2832) General:- Changed the fighter respawn of all ships with destroyable hangars to infinite where it wasn't already the case- Tauri ships flight behavior improved: Updated rolling angle and turn rate for more realistic curves- Fixed Thor being slower than regular O'Neill classes- Added NotOpportunityTarget to AstroGun- Fixed all Key-Value pair errors caused by wrong tags in special abilities except for upgrades increasing load time on startup (Resolves #0002503)- Changed all instances of non-working defense bonus abilities to a health bonus- Re-coded all Replicator space units using the template to improve stability- Re-coded several Goa'uld units using the template to improve stability- Removed some undesired sound files from faction xml and changed an inconsistency regrading base visibilityPegasus Prelude:- Added new planet ability icon names to many planets- Fixed wrong text strings for some planet advantages- Buffed Janus a little - he is a hero after all- Since we don't use vanilla-style corruption we removed the hyperspace speed bonus the Ancients would get when travelling between corrupted planets- Added a hangar bay HP to the Wraith Space Hangar to spawn Dart squadrons (resolves #2916)- Adjusted hyperspace speed for Wraith to have a notable slowdown in hyperspace speed compared to the other factions (Resolves #0002938)- Ancients: Fixed PP not ending in case the Asurans have not been researched- Ancients: The Hippaforalkus can now longer randomly spawn on Taranis, which could result in immediately winning the mission (Resolves #0002831)- Ancients: Added several fail-saves for other occasions the script could crash if the player played the events in an unexpected order (i.e. building the Doranda energy source after he already defeated the Wraith) (Resolves #0002947)- Wraith: Enabled auto victory in PP Wraith Asteroid Field mission (resolves #2900)- Wraith: Asteroid Field Mission: Wraith ships are now invulnerable during the intro cutscene. After the mission, the fleet now instantly moves back to Arcanus- Wraith: Removed some newlines in the story log to avoid scrolling- Wraith: Added a Scout to the starting forces so new playing don't waste their ships on Laros/Doranda that easily - Rotated the special structure positions on Laros by 180 degrees- Improved spawn position on Vedeena - The mod now uses compiled lua files hoping to improve stability and performance- Removed local variables from ability handler scripts- Removed some unwanted object scripts - Added new music tracks from the show to the game and improved the situational music playing in GC and skirmish- Added more faction-unique tracks- Added improved Helia sounds made by community member CommanderWarcraft- Added new Daedalus attack sound from CommanderWarcraft- Updated/Added Apollo sounds- Varios minor sound updates made by CommanderWarcraft- Fixed the Hatak engine sound being labelled incorrectly- Added new Ori_Plasma.wav sound (Resolves #2508)- Added new sound for all Goa'uld ships with deploy ability (i.e. Apophis)- Added blank sounds for all sounds that have no English or German counterpart hoping to improve stability - Various text improvements made in conjunction with community member Boriss (for example a shorter one for ZPM Hive)- General text improvements and correction of spelling and grammar mistakes1.6.3 (15.12.19)
Fixed an issue introduced in version 1.6.1 which prevented the skirmish maps from appearing in the selection menu.1.6.2 (19.03.19)
This hotfix corrects two game-breaking issues that affected tactical missions in the Pegasus Prelude GC. It also replaces two ability icons and some minor changes. - Added new ability icon "Spoiler Lock" for System Flagship and "Replenish Wingmen" to space hero Herak General:- Disabled some auto-ability triggers for non-hero unitsPegasus Prelude:- Ancient campaign: Fixed final Atlantis mission being stuck in cinematic- Wraith campaign: Fixed an issue which prevent the shuttle from spawning in the Asteroid field missionTauri:- Fixed BC-304 facing sideways when attacking- Reduced inaccuracy of the Odin against capitals/starbases- Added some missing speech sounds from CarterWraith:- Reduced the ability countdown for Steve1.6.1 (17.03.19)
This patch introduces a new galactic conquest - Pegasus Prelude- to the stable version of the mod.
Pegasus Prelude is a space-only GC that can be played as Ancients and Wraith 10.000 years before the Tau'ri first visited Pegasus. It depicts the rise of the Ancients, the war against the Wraith and, finally, their demise.
Furthermore, it greatly enhances the visuals of space battles: Not only are all ships and structures capable of casting shadows, we have also given our Goa'uld fleet a major overhaul by replacing nearly all of the existing models with new ones.
Lastly, some of our questionable English translations have been improved by community member Boriss for better readability and our AI got yet another big update allowing it to use the majority of unit abilities intelligently in battle. - Added shadow meshes to ALL space units including the main factions, side factions starbases lvl 1-5, and space special structures (Resolves #2487)- Replaced the biggest part of the Goa'uld fleet with new models and texture from the SGI team. Big thanks to them!-- In particular, the following models have been replaced: Pyramid Ship, Old Hatak, New Hatak, System Flagship, Super Hatak- Updated and improved the the textures for the Goa'uld starbase level 1-5, Artillery Hatak, the Anubisglider, Baal, and the Replicator Hatak- Updated pause and battle-pending dialog (Issue #2613)- Reduced font size on buttons of battle-pending dialog (I_ATTACK_MODE_CHOICE)- Changed i_attack_mode_rollover to i_attack_mode_rollover_small in CommandbarComponents- Added I_ATTACK_MODE_ROLLOVER_SMALL to Commandbar (Resolves #2637)- Added stun proxy to the Ancient Defense satellite so it has a visible stun effect when it is hit with the ion cannon of the Experimental Dart (Resolves #0002669)- Updated icons for all new SGI Goa'uld ships including radar icons- Improved icons for Selmak, Hammond and Caldwell- Added updated from community member White_Red_Dragons (Thanks!) (Issue #0002653)- Fixed planet name location in IDD_BATTLE_END_DIALOG and removed the two horizontal lines between heroes and units, as they are separated by the texture already (Resolves #2655)- Blackened the alpha channel of Wraith Dart normal map to reduce extreme light reflections General:- Adding a custom AI for Pegasus Prelude- Added Selt_Destruct_SFXEvent_Start_Die to all units where it was missing (Resolves #0002530)- Removed self-destruct behaviour from units that didn't need it- Fixed scripts referring to units not existing- Removed duplicate stub units from beta- Fixed Underworld corruption effect and icon showing up in tactical battle (resolves #2692)Pegasus Prelude- Fixed a crash in the AFG function that prevented the GC from ending after the player captured all planets (Resolves #0002474, related to Issue #0002654)- Fixed potential crash when loading a save- Added new intro movies to PP- Set nearly all PP starting forces as script spawn with AI usage being disabled: this fixes the problem with the player being attacked too heavily at the beginning of the GC (Resolves #0002556)- Fixed an issue which would say that you have won the GC but still trigger the "lost" screen (Issue #0002619, Resolves #0002628)- Locked all non-PP specific Wraith units in the STORY SCRIPT (Resolves #0002631)- Made Ancient Defence Satellite buildable at Vedeena for PP (resolves #2621)- Adjusted Ancient Starbase garrison spawns (resolves #2609)- Removed Ancient Satellite from Gonta (Resolves #2621)- Ancient campaign: Added additional victory check in case the Asurans never turned hostile- Ancient campaign: Minor increase of the starting credits on easy (Resolves #0002608)- Ancient campaign: Made the final mission a little easier: Because you are supposed to lose the GC, not the mission^^- Wraith campaign: Fixed Orakis mission not failing when you lost all your ships (Resolves #0002624)- Wraith campaign: Added Branch_Finale_Orakis / Branch_Finale_Athos to more events, disable the whole branch if the respective planet gets taken instead of only disabling the tactical mission. In that case, also disabled the finale hint which mentions Athos and Orakis.- Wraith campaign: Added text to Gonta mission that suggests taking out the Delphi engines and prevented AI retreat for the first 120 seconds of the battle (Resolves #2607)- Wraith campaign: Reduced playable area in Aesculetum mission (Resolves #2687)- Wraith campaign: Improvements for Athos mission (Issue #2696)- Wraith campaign: Improvements for Orakis mission (Issue #2693)- Wraith campaign: The last drawback problems ( Issue #2661)-- Reduced delay between conquering of J, A or B and finale hint storylog triggering-- Removed STORY_TEXT for the finale hint and instead made the story log pop up-- Reduced delay between conquering all three planets and the Athos/Orakis story logs triggering-- Changed Prereq of Athos Story Log to finale-root, so it doesn't break if the orakis log gets disabled.-- Restructured the ending. Taking the three planets (Aesculetum, Jenev and Belkan) is now a separate mission, which can be failed by moving on to Orakis or Athos before completing the three other planets. Failing this will prevent the missions on Athos and Orakis to become available.- Removed interdictors from escort plan and added corvettes; removed corvettes from scouting plan- Updated Wraith AI PP budget and increased offensive budget: AI should build more ships and less space stations and defense structures- Updated TaskForce: added variable MovementStatus- Added PP heroes to freestoreAncients/Asurans:- Fixed Melia crashing PP (Resolves #0002626)- Improved Melia: Fixed non-working radar icon and decreased the cooldown for her invulnerability ability- Ancient warships now use their self destruct ability in certain situations- Recoded the deploy satellite ability of Wallus to use POWER_TO_WEAPONS because of AI issues- Updated Janus' holo ability so it no longer drains its shields. It now reduces his fire power instead.- Change to Wallus' satellite ability so it has a visible cooldown- Fixed Ancient Starbase Heavy Bomber garrison spawn issue (resolves #2622)- Fixed SHIELD_REGEN_MULTIPLIER of Ancient_Hero_Pride_Of_Troy causing it to drain it's shields when it should strenghten them (Resolves #2425)- Fixed Ancient Station Laser malfunctioning (resolves #2428)- Commented out unnecessary station laser upgrades and removed them from the station and fortress- Renamed Ancient_Station_Level_6 to Ancient_Headquarters and moved it to Space_Buildings_Ancient.xml (resolves #2695)- Changed every entry of Ancient_Station_Level_6 and coded an Asuran variant of Ancient Headquarters- Set tech level and base level for Ancient_Headquarters and Ancient_Fortress to 99 and removed every upgrade and unit/hero from tactical buildable objects- Added GUI bounds scale to Ancient starbases and the defense sat (resolves #2694)- Added empty version of Helia_Attack_4 because it was missing in GermanGoauld:- AI now uses Anubis's flash weapon- Heraks bomb can autofire and is used by AI now- Aris Bochs bomb now autofires and is used by AI- Recoded Herak and added a new ability, replenish wingmen- Updated Herak space mp company to show the correct ability icons in preview. Also fixed some odd code.- Fixed a hardpoint on the Super Hatak using the wrong muzzles- Anubis does now unfold when being called into battleTauri:- The Tau'ri AI uses the ability of the O'Neill class ships now way less frequent in inappropriate situations- AI can use Prometheus weapon switch now- AI now uses the Odyssey's Asgard lasers- Shield Satellite's health bar is now closer (resolves #2666)- Fixed missing speech sounds for SolWraith:- Made AI use the corrupt systems ability of the Hive- Made the old hive script specific for Todd- Added automatic activation of the Corrupt Systems ability to the Hive script- Steve should now use his cluster bombs properly- Increased threshold for corrupt systems ability activation- AI now uses the kamikaze darts of the Wraith battlecruiser- AI now uses regen ability of the Wraith commando- All Wraith PP specific abilities can now be used by the AI- Added "Structure" to Applicable_Unit_Categories for shield leech ability- Added better fitting fleet move sound for the Wraith Cruiser - Fixed Sagon starbase position (Resolves #0002656)- Updated Asteroid Field map (Issue #0002664)- Moved Special Structure Markers on Asuras Space Map lighting update on Asuras Space Map, fixed some SS marker position- Updated lighting on Thaltus skirmish map- Updated Hoff map - Added dummy sound effect Effect_Empty_Sound to prevent game errors in situations where we need to overwrite vanilla sounds or only one of the languages is localized - Many English text improvements made by community member Boriss (Thank you buddy!)- Made new droid advisor tooltip texts and deleted all vanilla ones (resolves #2481)- Added missing strings to the Textfiles so that both languages are identical (resolves #2612)- Fixed, changed and improved some of the PP texts (resolves #2603, resolves #2611, resolves #1925)- Updated Creditfile and mentioned the music composer for PP intro music (resolves #2633)- Adjusted text for Ancient Station garrison and added a description for the shield ability (resolves #2629)- Added Asuran Retreat String to Textfile and Faction File (resolves #2663)- General text improvements1.6.0 (10.03.19)
This patch comes with a variety of important changes: firstly, all Steam users will be happy to hear that we have fixed the problems that occurred when trying to play our custom TPC maps online.
We have completely solved the issue so go online and battle your friends on your favourite TPC maps!
Last but not least we also fixed an issue in multiplayer which would cause the capture ability of SG-1 to not work properly. Models:- Fixed incorrect button size for auto-resolve menu Tau'ri:- Fixed an issue with SG-1 which would cause the capture ability to malfunction (Issue #2000170)- When selecting the Daedalus nuke beam ability, a selection circle now shows the explosion range of the nuke (Issue #0002290)Wraith:- Removed health from non-targetable hardpoint HP_Wraith_SupplyDock_Dummy- The Wraith Shipyard can now always be seen on the radar map even if under fog of war - Multiplayer maps now work again in Steam multiplayer!1.5.4 (16.03.18)
This patch incorporates a massive rework of our xml structure. We heavily worked on increasing the stability and load time of the mod by fixing countless errors that have accumulated over the last years of constant TPC development.
Not all crashes have been fixed but there is a noticeable performance and stability boost with many fixes enhancing the general gameplay.
Most important fixes in this patch encompass a game crash when playing with more than 6 players/AIs.
For Steam users, we were also able to fix non-working shaders which caused many planet backgrounds on tactical maps to appear in bright green.
Furthermore, the Dakara Wave Mode map received a major balancing update. Models:- Re-exported Map_Texture_Loader_Ancients_Wraith.ALO to remove no longer existing textures- Re-exported Tauri_Space_Hero_SG1.alo to fix a hardpoint issue- Re-exported Map_Planet_UnknownSector.ALO to add a missing starbase marker- Fixed Replicator_Space_Unit_Beliskner_D.ALO broken animation- Added Othala space structure that was missing in the stable versionIcons:- Added Jumper radar iconEffects:- Replaced several non-existing explosions with a newly created explosion- Fixed countless incorrect shield hit effectsShaders:- Added shaders that were part of the last official Steam patch to the mod so non-Steam users can benefit from the changes as well- Added our custom shaders to a meg file so they will be recognized by the game (this fixes all green planet backgrounds!) General:- Removed files listed in the GOF that don't exist- Deleted some Star Wars units that referenced to a non-existing variant- Removed a lot of un-needed vanilla files that were still loaded through our GOF. This resulted in further deletions and changes in the GroundUnitsStarWars.xml- Added missing vanilla units whose absence caused script errors- Removed non-existing entries for ShipNameTextFiles in the GameConstants.xml- Added Damage_Default, Armor_Default, and Shield_Default to GameConstants.xml- Fixed incorrect Traveler text ID- Replaced several instances of the non-existing Text_ID NONE with TEXT_NONE- Replaced all instances of LEERSTRING and -PLAIN with TEXT_NONE- Fixed XML bad comments in in Markers.xml and Wave_Objects.xml- Fixed a syntax error in Particles.xml (random "z")- Fixed non-allowed characters in Props_Stargate.xml, Props_Stargate_Space.xml, Test_Ships.xml, Test_Units_Ground.xml, Unit_Space_Neutral_GC_Dummies.xml- Removed non-existing Targeting_Priority_Set for Wave_Aurora_Star_Base_1, Unit_Space_Asurans_Aurora.xml, Unit_Space_Asurans_Puddlejumper.xml- Removed non-existing Space_Layer 'fighter' from all fighters that had it- Removed all damage types from the vanilla projectiles- Fixed several non-existing armor and damage types- Fixed an issue regarding some of our damage types not working- Fixed all entities in which damage was set to 0- Fixed BuildReqGroundBaseLevel for various space units- Removed Wave_Asteroid_Void from the main menu map- Fixed FogOfWar grid size error in the main menu- Replaced non-existing units Goauld_Hero_Anubis_GC, Alliance_Assault_Frigate- Removed several Corruption_X_Success_Unlock_Unit_Type rewards- Fixed some incorrect Targeting_Priority_Sets- Fixed some projectiles not having a XML category mask assigned to it- Removed a ton of non-existing entities, way too numerous to list them here- Fixed more stuff that we don't want to spend more time on writing down than on fixing itUpgrades:- Fixed incorrect naming for various Combat_Bonus_Ability used by upgrade objects- Removed US_Cloaking_Generator_L1_Upgrade and US_Cloaking_Generator_L2_Upgrade from the game- Fixed invalid values for the US_Magnetically_Sealed_Armor_*_Upgrade, US_Reinforced_Structure_*_Upgrade, and RS_Reinforced_Armor_*_Upgrade upgrade objectsFactions:- We have reworked our faction code (order, files, number of factions, maps, ...)- If placed in different files, Steam and retail versions of the game read the factions from units pre-placed on a map in a different order- It is important that the ORDER of the factions does not change, otherwise faction attribution in the map editor will break- Adding more factions as this will result in multiplayer crashes with too many players; we had to delete some factions to fix everything- This fixes major Issue #0002150 (7+ player crash) and major Issue #0002191 (Tactical missions in PP broken in Steam)- The Genii are now named "Pirates" in the code (The game didn't like the pirates removed)- Removed some left-over references to no longer existing factionsStarbases- Added a tag for all five levels of the Tau'ri starbase to activate the loop idle animation- Fixed an error that prevented the Supply_Dock_Income_Bonus being applied to Goa'uld and Wraith starbases (Tauri was working fine)- Fixed Aschen starbase radar ability not working- Fixed incorrect shield armor type for the Tauri level 5 starbase- Fixed an error caused by none of our starbases having a damage valueHardpoints- Moved all hardpoints into separate files- Deleted some non-existing hardpoints- Removed non-existing HP_E_EMITDAMAGE- Fixed some hardpoint errors- Fixed last remaining hardpoint errors caused by fake HPs- Fixed all HP entities regarding damage decal and damage particle bone- Removed Model_To_Attach entries from hardpoints that should not have them- Deleted invalid HARD_POINT_GOAULD_STAFF from GameConstants- Created Hardpoint_None for unit variants that should not have hardpointsSatellites:- Replaced non-existing armor type "Armor_Capital" with "Armor_Normal" for several satellites- Removed invalid Targeting_Priority_Sets for various satellite hardpoints- Deleted various un-used satellite hardpoints from the 1.3Aschen:- Fixed incorrect attachment bone for HP_Aschen_Corvette_ShieldAsurans/Ancients:- Fixed incorrect affiliation of the Asuran_Laser_SatelliteGenii:- Fixed invalid value in Fire_Cone_Width for KolyaGoa'uld:- Renamed duplicate entry Proj_Goauld_Station_Laser_Artillery- Removed un-needed LURE behavior from the Anubis Glider- Removed non-existing target bone from the Old Hatak- Fixed invalid value in Fire_Cone_Width for BaalOri:- Fixed spelling error in one of the Ori ship's behaviorsReplicators:- Fixed incorrect death clone of the Repli Hatak (Issue #0002236)Tau'ri:- After all these years the HB-302 can now finally fire its anti-fighter missiles- Fixed incorrect fire bone A named MuzzleA_06 for hard point HP_BELISKNER_FL_ICSTobins:- Fixed missing fire bones error for Tobin_MineWraith:- Removed non-existing HP_WRAITH_F_WPH_00_PLACEHOLDER1 from several Wraith units- Removed non-existing HP_WRAITH_BATTLECRUISER_HANGAR_KAMIKAZE from Wraith Battlecruiser- Fixed invalid value in Wraith_Hero_General_PP_Reflective_Hull- Fixed spelling error for the armor type of Wraith_Replicator_Fighter_SK- Fixed an issue with the PP Commando Wraith- Added Base_Position 'Orbital' to the Wraith_HangarDakara [Wave Mode]:- Replicators will no longer attack before the space station has been conquered- Increased the reload time for the Goa'uld flash satellite- Fixed an issue which caused player units to attack their own station once its attribution had shifted- Increased the difficulty (more Repli ships!) (Issue #0002235) The Might of the Asgard:- The upgrade satellites are now available againDakara [Wave Mode]:- Moved the planet Dakara further in the background General:- Removed reference to non-existing file HW_Blue1.lua- Added None.lua dummy to remove object scripts from variants- Removed non-existing lua script from the Tauri starbase- Removed even more non-existing scripts- Fixed a syntax error in the HW Huge script- Fixed ObjectScript_Remove_Starbase_PP trying to use nil value- Removed several unused buildings from our scripts whose existence cause script errors- Removed non-existing pirate units from PGCommands.luaAI Changes:- Deleted cantina from AI plans- Restructured some of the basic base build plans- Moved starbases in the GOF further up to avoid a bug where the Rebel AI has trouble building starbases most of the time- Stopped Empire AI from saving money for an imaginary Death Star- Added new hint sets, telling the AI on which planets shipyards can be built- Some small changes to the AI's perceptions- Updated AI_Combat_Power for Goauld space units- Added new tech behavior for BasicRebel and AI_Player_Underworld, all factions should be able to fully tech now- Completed capital shipyard hints - Fixed several errors caused by the min volume for a sound being bigger than the max value- Replaced the following non-existing sounds with existing, fitting ones: Unit_Goauld_Ship_Laser_Fire, Unit_Heavy_Turbo_Laser_Fire, Unit_Rebel_Ship_Superlaser_Fire, Unit_Goauld_Ship_Laser_1_Fire, Unit_Heavy_Turbo_Laser_Fire, Weapon_Drone2_Ancient, Weapon_Middle_Missel_Tauri, Weapon_Heavy_Missel_Tauri- Removed countless non-existing vanilla sound references- Added missing SFXEventsEngines.xml to SFX events files (this fixes quite a lot of issues)- Removed all R/U/E-HD sound effects- Fixed localize flag for Unit_Dart_Kamikaze_Attack- Removed some more non-existing sounds- Added missing SFX_Weapon_Hit.xml to SFX event files- Changed Envelope_Hit_Medium.wav to a mono sound so it can actually be heard- Removed empty SFXEvent_Attack_Hardpoint and SFXEvent_Hardpoint_Destroyed- Fixed all SFX events using Explosion_Med1.wav incorrectly labeled as localized sample- Added SFXEventsDeaths.xml to the mod which re-adds vanilla building explosion sounds- Added some missing speech sounds for Apophis- Created non-existing Unit_Torpedo_Fire fire sound (Weapon_Torpedo_Fire)- Replaced non-existing Weapon_Railgun_Tauri with Weapon_Railgun_Tauri_Small- Fixed an error with Data\Audio\Engine\Hive.wav not found- Fixed labeling errors for SFX speech events Zelenka, SG1, Atlantis and Super Hatak- Fixed several sounds, heroes mostly, especially a lot of engine sounds (Sol, Odin, Korellev, Hunter, ...)- Fixed incorrectly labeled Goauld Pyramid select sounds - General text improvements- Updated the description text for Dakara Wave Mode- Updated several text strings (Issue #0002250)1.5.3 (04.03.18)
This patch adds a new wave mode map for skirmish in which you can fight the Replicators over Dakara.
Furthermore it includes some obligatory fixes (including a fix for missing Asgard props on the Othala skirmish map) and balancing updates, especially for the fighter heroes. Models:- Added the Replicator Beliskner- Added the Replicator HatakIcons:- Various minor icon updates General:- Fixed Asgard support station missing on the Othala space map- Fixed an issue with a marker refering to an non-existing model- Deleted duplicate Othala skydome- Deleted AlamoEngine.fxh and BumpColorize.fxh because there was no difference to the vanilla file- Added Grass.fxo, Meshshadowvolume.fxo, and Rskinheat.fxo from Petro's patch so non-Steam users benefit from the updates as well- Various updates, fixes and improvementsGoa'uld:- Fixed Herak incorrect armor type- Slightly increased health of Osiris- Changed Goauld_Hero_Anubis_Space to Home_One- Reduced PopCap of BaalOri:- Fixed select box scale of the Ori shipReplicators:- Added the Replicator Beliskner- Added the Replicator HatakTau'ri:- Fixed an issue with SG-1 not being buildable- Increased recharge time of Mitchells lucky shot- Fixed an issue with a duplicate entry for Weapon_Heavy_Missile_Tauri- Slightly decreased X-303 damage- Fixed Odin using an outdated hyperspace scriptWraith:- Increased power of the Wraith Hunter's stun ability- Increased damage of the Wraith Hunter- Increased health of the Commando Wraith- The Wraith scout is no longer visible on enemy radar - Added new Dakara Wave Mode map - Added Get_Game_Mode() checks to all scripts where they were missing to prevent them from triggering when not needed - Added Deathglider engine sound and added it to all to Goa'uld fighters- Added Goa'uld Alkesh engine sounds- Fixed Herak not having speech sounds- Added new small missile sound- Added F302 engine sounds and added that sound to all Tau'ri fighters- Fixed non working engine sound of the Wraith Scout - Fixed several spelling mistakes- Minor adjustments1.5.2 (26.12.17)
This patch adds several balancing changes to skirmish. Overall, the Tau'ri are now less overpowered.
Fighters and bombers have significantly decreased build costs and construction times making them much more viable.
Additonally, the game has been polished and many aspects, such as new build animations for all satellites, have been reworked.
Furthermore it contains the usual bug fixes to issues reported by our beloved community. Models:- Updated space turret build pad so it doesn't need custom shaders- Updated the Goa'uld jamming satellite model- Added new build animations for all skirmish satellitesIcons:- Added general satellite radar icon name for all satellites- Added new icon for the Kamikaze Dart- Upgrade icon for charging Goauld planetary staff cannon in space skirmish updated- Various minor icon updates General:- Fighter rebalance: Signifcantly changed the build costs and construction times for all fighters. Fighter and bomber rushes are a thing now if you have no Corvettes to counter!- Removed chat, groups and unused buttons from MP lobby and redesigned layout to fit the background better- Increased the stregth of all ground to space weapons- Removed 'Spotted' SFX from faction files- Fixed incorrect category mask of several space units- Removed Stealth reveal capabilties of some dummy spawn objects that should not possess them- Various code updates, fixes, and tweaksAncients/Asurans:- Adjusted tactical health of the Aurora class to prevent simultaneous hardpoint blow-upGoa'uld:- Changed HP string names of all Goa'uld heavy staff weapons turrets (space buildings only)- Added shields to the Goa'uld Alkesh increasing its survivability- The Alkesh will now shoot visible bombs- Slightly increased the shield strength of the System Flagship- Increased the damage of the Super Hatak- Increased the shield strength of Anubis and slightly increased his damage and HP health of shield, engines and his special weapon- Fixed an incorrect speech sound for OsirisTau'ri:- Increased the build time of Mitchell and SG-1- Increased the production cost of the Tau'ri X-303 and the BC-304 in multiplayer- Set Base_Income_Value from 350 to 35 and Income_Additive_Value from 250 to 25 of Tau'ri skirmish starbase lvl 2- Fixed incorrect Targeting_Max_Attack_Distance of the Korolev and the Daedalus- Completely re-wrote the script for SG-1's hijacking ability fixing all of the abilities' remaining issues. You can also clearly select a target now- Fixed an issue with the B-302 where the wrong ability icon was displayed in the tooltipTraveler:- Traveler Frigates now have less shields and hull points and do slightly less damage- Fixed incorrect good/bad against description for the Traveler FrigateWraith:- Removed the negative side effects of Todd's power to weapons ability and changed the icon accordingly- Disabled autofire for the Wraith Scout's beacon ability- Increased health of the Hive's forward hardpoints- Slightly increased health of the Wraith Cruiser's frontal HP- Added Wraith Dart engine sound to (heavy) Dart and Bomber and the Exp. Dart- Added new fire sound for the Kamikaze Dart ability of the Battlecruiser- Removed the pop cap of the Kamikaze Dart- Rewrote the Kamikaze ability of the Dart so it can be targeted. Comes with improved visuals since the Darts now actually impact on the target- Increased the firing arc of some of the Hive's weapons - Added sounds with applied filter for the Apollo- Added Wraith Dart and Puddlejumper engine sound - Adjusted encyclopedia class strings for satellites to better clarify their role- Updated various texts to fit gameplay changes- Fixed several spelling mistakes- Minor adjustments1.5.0 (11.09.17)
This patch adds another Wave Mode map: Fight for Aurora. Play as the Ancients and defend the Ancient Battleship against incoming Wraith fleets. Models:- Added several new Ancient ship models including Destroyer, Cruiser, Frigate, Heavy Fighter, Heavy Bomber and the Battle Drone General:- Added Wave mode relevant objectsAncients:- Made all Ancient ships and fighters available in the Aurora "starbase"Tau'ri:- Fixed a minor issue with SG-1 causing them to be draggable on the battlefield even after the population capacity was reachedWraith:- Added new Wraith heroes that spawn as enemies in certain waves - Added Fight for Aurora map - Added necessary scripts for the new Wave Mode map - Added new description texts- Updated Wave Mode rule descriptions- Fixed incorrect description of the ISS1.4.1 (18.12.15)
This patch adds the new map type Wave Mode "Battle over Antarctica" to your custom maps selection. - Added ISS model- Added AG-3 model General:- Added Wave mode relevant objectsTau'ri:- Added new ISS heroes:- Selmak- Apollo- Bratac- Added new AG-3 build pad option - Added Battle Over Antarctica map - Added necessary scripts for Wave Mode - Updated text file1.4.0 (05.12.15)
This patch fixes the non-working capture ability of SG1 (for real this time) and adds missing texture for the Goa'uld Supergate hero Apophis. Textures:- Added missing texture for ApophisEffects:- The smoke trail of the Genii Fighters is not visible through solid models any more Tau'ri:- Fixed SG1's non working capture abilityWraith:- Removed incorrect speech sound that could be heard by the Goa'uld when a Wraith Cruiser was spotted1.3.2 (06.10.15)
This patch fixes a critical bug that could cause the game to crash if the Tau'ri were involved and an issue with SG-1 not appearing in the build menu any more.
Next to some more bug fixes new engine sounds for nearly all ships were to the game. Effects:- The smoke trail of the Aschen Fighters is not visible through solid models any more General:- The Ancient defense satellite on "The Siege of Atlantis" is attacking enemies againTauri:- Fixed a critical crash that was caused by the "Additional Fighters" upgrade in the Tau'ri starbase- The size of the Beliskner model was increased- The death animations of BC-304 heroes (Odyssey and Daedalus) disappear again- SG1 is buildable again- The Sleipnir has a selection circle now - The ground to space weapons are now working on the new map "The Might of the Asgard" - Fixed an issue which made SG-1 capable of capturing certain non-player stations on several maps- Further improved the stability of SG1's capture ability - Added new engine sounds for nearly all ships1.3.1 (27.09.15)
This patch adds a new skirmish map: The Might of the Asgard. On this map you can fight in the Atmosphere of Othala for control over the Asgard control facility - a huge station which enables you to build the mighty Sleipnir.
Additionally, the patch comes with various fixes and tweaks, such as an improved Lantia background, a completely new modeled and textured Beliskner class starship, improved pathfinding, a build-up animation for the Supergate, new unit abilities (such as the Hives being able to launch a Dart that can perform a Kamikaze attack) and a fixed auto-attack of the Tau'ri F-302 squadrons.
Furthermore, a complete Italian translation of the mod has been added. Models:- Added new Supergate build animation- Added Sleipnir unit model and deathclone- Fixed wrong diffuse texture of the New Hatak (fixed their extremely dark appearance on some maps)- Added various new props for the Othala map (several buildings, water tiles, harbour, a mountain, primary and secondary skydome)- Added new unique resource mine for the Othala map- Reworked the Lantia planet background model to emulate real water- Replaced the old Beliskner model with a much better one- Fixed broken texture of the Kamikaze Dart shot by the Wraith BattlecruiserTextures:- Improved multiplayer lan screenIcons:- Improved several icons (Cyborg Mothership, Wraith Repair Satellite, Wraith AF Satellite, Wraith Space Station Level 1-5, Wraith Battlecruiser, Wraith Hive, Ori Mothership, Wraith plasma canon upgrade, Beliskner)- Added new unit icons (Asgard Spacedock, Sleipnir) General:- Changed global hardpoint icon size to be smaller- Adjusted radar icon size for several ships- Added hardpoint to Ancient Defense Satellite to fix targeting bug- Updated the space layers and z-adjust of all ships to prevent unit collision and improve pathfinding- Reduced the build cost for the Supergate from 3000 to 1500Aschen:- Fixed an issue which prevented the lower turret of the Aschen Battleship to turn and fireTauri:- Fixed a rare issue causing the Sol not being buildable- Fixed SG-1 is not buildable anymore when Allow Heroes in the game options is unchecked- Fixed wrong AI Combat Power values which prevented the AI from building Beliskner class ships in skirmish- Fixed F302 not automatically attacking enemies- Fixed wrong radar icon of F-302 and related heroes- Added new Sleipnir ship codeWraith:- Added Spawn Kamikaze Dart ability to Hive and Todd- Made the Wraith Scout reveal ability more useful by increasing FOW reveal radius and active time- Disabled auto-ability use for the Wraith Hunter and the Battlecruiser - Added Othala atmospheric multiplayer battle map - Added new scripts for special abilities- Various minor performance and stability improvements - Added Herak speech sounds- Added Aurora speech sounds General:- General text improvements- Various text color improvements- New texts for the Sleipnir and related structures (description, special abilities, etc)- Every skirmish map now has a planet nameTranslations:- Added Italian translation1.3.0 (10.07.15)
The following languages have been added:- Spanish- French- Russian- CzechNote: The translations are not complete yet1.2.2 (26.10.14)
General:- Supergates can now also be built on vanilla EaW mapsTau"ri:- Fixed Mitchell not being buildable while any F-302 is active1.2.1 (22.12.13)
This patch fixes the indestructible Supergate bug and several minor bugs that where reported.
It also changes Heraks ability to disable the weapons of several enemy ships at once and adds two new skirmish maps:
Play on Arcanus and deal with hostile Wraith Rebels and try to make your way alive through the Minefield!
The balancing is improved once again and the resource mines got new build-up animations. Models:- New Wraith Shipyard model- New Wraith Ion Mine model- New mine model used on the minefield map- New skydomes- Build-up animation added for all resource minesTextures:- Added a higher resolution texture for the Aurora class warship- Fixed high-res texture for the Aurora class warshipIcons:- Changed the icon for the Dart to the new model that came with patch 1.1Effects:- New explosion effect for the ice asteroids on the Hebridan map- Fixed an issue with the Asgard Superlaser where the effect could be visible behind an intact shield- New projectile for the Pegasus Cyborg ship- Revised glow effect for the Genii Destroyer- Altered the appearance of missiles shot by Genii ships General:- Fighter Heroes and bombers take less damage when being hit by bigger ships and starbases- Corvette class ships deal less damage against starbasesBuildings:- Fixed the Supergate bug causing a completed Supergate to be indestructible- Fixed skirmish Asteroid Mines' under construction model transformation- Added a skirmish version of the Wraith Rebels Shipyard- Wraith Stun Mine added that stuns nearby ships- CoT mines added that follow enemy ships and explode on contactGoa'uld:- Changed Heraks ability. He now drops a bomb that disables the weapon systems of all nearby ships for a short time- Removed the vanilla sound of the barrage ability from the Artillery Hatak- Increased health, damage, shields and projectile speed of Aris Boch and Osiris making them much more useful- Increased shields and shield refresh of Apophis and the System Hatak- Increased damage and regeneration time of Anubis' special abilityReplicators:- Frigate: Projectile damage reduced to 60 (was 70), projectile speed reduced to 22 (was 25), build limit set to 4Wraith:- Increased Fog of War reveal of the Scout- Changed the Beacon ability of the Scout to reveal stealth units- Increased damage, armor and price of the Super Hive. Also the model is slightly upscaled- Slightly increased the move speed of the Hive and the Manta Artillery - New Map: Escape out of the Mine Field- New Map: The Secret of Arcanus- Fixed an issue on Hebridan (The Loop of Kon Garat) where the asteroids killed the upper mines too quickly.Additionally, the asteroids now show a "snowball" effect when exploding and are easier to kill. - New script for the Wraith Rebel Shipyard to move the spawned ships over the map- New script required for the Ion Mine to work- New script for Herak's stun bomb ability - General text improvements- New skirmish map descriptions for every map- New planet descriptions added for Arcanus and the Minefield- Changed description and name of Herak's ability1.2.0 (15.12.13)
This Hotfix solves a problem with the Multiplayer mode which started occurring lately.1.1.1 (19.11.13)
This patch fixes the Tauri AI causing a crash and several minor bugs that where reported.
It also fixes the bug with the O'Neill time dilation field ability and adds three new maps for space skirmish.
Furthermore, a new SSG dial up system has been added and a new ship as well: The Pegasus Cyborg ship from The Daedalus Variations. Models:- 7 new racers and several new props for the Space Race map- Sol: overworked rig for hangar light- Pegasus Cyborg mothership and fighter added- New F302 fighter model- New Wraith Dart modelTextures:- Wraith Destroyer: added alpha layer to tech textureIcons:- Some icons improved: ESF SOL, Goauld Jamming Satellite- New icon for the Supergate variants (Milkyway and Pegasus galaxy) and the Pegasus Cyborg shipEffects:- P_Death_Explosion_XX removed smoke from deathclones (all variants)- Aschen_Particle_Fighter_Engine.ALO added- Ancient_Projectile_Satellite_Laser.ALO modified for more "OOOMPH"- Replicator_Projectile_Laser.ALO added (for the cruiser, currently supergate-unit only)- Hangarlight blink effects for Sol General:- T5 ships now better against starbases compared to lower-tech ships- Space Race racers code addedAschen:- Increased the firepower and shields of the Aschen Battleship- Aschen Cruiser and its ability balancedBuildings:- Completely revamped Supergate system, different Supergate versions (galaxies) now available from one base gate -New text strings for UC variants- Ancient Corvette now buildable for all factions in the Ancient Sensor - Created an MP variant of the corvette for tech 2- The Goa'uld station turrets can now fire in a wider angleGoauld:- Changed the Superlaser ability of the Goauld version of the Ori Mothership. Target acquisition now available- Changed the space layer of the Anubis Battlecruiser- added the speech sounds for the Goa'uld hero Osiris- Aris Boch Star Wars sounds (ability) removed- Changed the ability of Herak (Skirmish). He now boasts a special version of the Ion-Shot ability- The AI should build more New Hataks and Pyramid Ships and less Artillery Hataks nowPegasus Cyborgs:- Pegasus Cyborg battleship added! Can now be built for Wraith players in every Pegasus SupergateReplicators:- New beam projectiles added to the Replicator Frigate- Replicator Frigate rebalancedTau'ri:- Balanced the Prometheus' missile ability- Balanced the Tau'ri Traveller Frigate- Balanced Thor- Swapped the good/weak against text strings for the Beliskner and the Daniel Jackson class ships- Mitchell not being buildable fixed- Balanced the SOL- Ranged_Target_Z_Adjust for the F-302 adjusted so they hit other fighters while chasing them- The Tau'ri Traveller Frigate is now capturable by SG-1Wraith:- Iratus Battlecruiser: Star Wars sound is not being played anymore when the Shield Leech ability is activated- Balanced the regeneration rate of Wraith satellites - New Map: Hebridan - The Loop of Kon Garat- New Map: Wraith Homeworld - The Awakening of the Wraith- New Map: P3Y-229 - Decision at the Supergate- The Aschen Ruse: Fixed an issue where one of the resource mines didn't match with the asteroid- Battle for Abydos: Moved starbases slightly so that Wraith players cannot use the Manta Artillery to fire from theirstation to their opponent - New Space Race scripts- New script for self-destruct of Astro Gun asteroids- Fixed the ONeill time dilation ability- AI unit build list updated: The AI can now use every ship from the SSG, Ancient Sensor and Aschen Station- AI construction build lists updated: It can now build the new SSGs - General text improvements- Spelling and grammar checked, planet descriptions rewritten- New planet descriptions added: Hebridan, P3Y-229, Wraith Homeworld- Changed ability name and ability description from Herak- Some MISSINGS fixed1.1.0 (29.06.13)
Star Wars Empire at War: Forces of Corruption
Stargate: Empire at War - Pegasus Chronicles
Table of Contents
1. Preface
2. About The Pegasus Chronicles
3. Installation
4. Known Problems
5. FAQ (Troubleshooting)
6. Credits
7. Disclaimer
1. Preface
We thank you for downloading the mod "Stargate Empire at War- The Pegasus Chronicles" and we hope you'll have
fun playing it.
This version is a space-only version, meaning it only enables space combats as of now.
However, the mod is under constant development and will be updated regularly thanks to the enclosed modlauncher.
Feel free to visit us on the internet:
We gladly receive your new-found bugs, criticism and ideas at the site's forum.
2. About Stargate Empire at War - The Pegasus Chronicles
The SGMG hereby introduces its latest mod-project. "Stargate Empire at War -
The Pegasus Chronicles" is a total conversion of the popular "Star Wars Empire at War: Forces of Corruption".
All currently available factions will be replaced by other factions of the Stargate-universe.
The mod encompasses:
- 3 playable species: The Tau'ri, the Goa'uld and for the first time the Wraith
- Lots of other, independent species like the Replicators, the Asurans, the Aschen, the Grace and many more
- Countless new ships and planets
- New and completely reworked sounds, animations and effects
- Numerous new and unique multiplayer maps
- Completely reworked AI
3. Installation
1. Execute "SGTPCSetup.exe" and follow the instructions. The mod will be installed automatically.
2. To launch the mod, simply click on the modlauncher shortcut from your desktop and press "Start".
Alternatively, navigate to the root directory of "Empire at War Forces of Corruption".
The directory should look like this by default:
C:\Program Files\LucasArts\Star Wars Empire at War Forces of Corruption
D:\Games\LucasArts\Star Wars Empire at War Forces of Corruption
Now run the modlauncher: "SGTPCLauncher.exe".
The modlauncher serves the purpose of keeping "The Pegasus Chronicles" up to date at all times.
Should there be any updates available you will be given notice.
Finally click on "Start" to launch the mod.
4. Known Problems
1) Hopefully, there are none ;)
5. FAQ (Troubleshooting)
1) When clicking on "Stargate.bat", nothing happens. What next?
Possible Reasons:
I. Your game is not up to date.
Make sure you have installed the FOC Patch 1.1!
II. The mod has been installed incorrectly. Go to the root directory of Star Wars Empire at War Forces of
Corruption and check the "Mod"-folder for a folder named "Stargate".
If such a folder doesn't exist, the mod has been installed incorrectly.
Download and install the mod once again.
III. If you're running Windows Vista or Windows 7 and are using more than 3 GB RAM, the RAM-fix could possibly
solve your problem.
IV. You're using an older version of Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5. or are lacking it entirely.
Install a current version.
2) Will I be able to play "The Pegasus Chronicles" without the add-on "Forces of Corruption"?
No, the add-on is obligatory.
3) I've found a bug, where can I report it?
At our forum:
4) I'm unable to download updates via the modlauncher.
You have to run the modlauncher with admin-rights (right-click -> Run as Admin). Make sure you possess the
necessary admin-rights.
5) The FAQ doesn't solve my problems. Where can I find help?
We'll gladly help you with any problems at our forum:
6. Credits
Andr "MerlinGalgotta" Johannes - Project Lead, 3D Artist, Rigger, Animator, Community Manager
Andreas "Kozuke Kamizu" Burbach - Coder, Sound Artist
Bastian "maroon83" Schorm - Translator, 2D Artist
Benedikt "McKay" Hug - Special Feature Coding, Video Artist, Effects
Christian "Locutus" Baulig - Level Designer, Coder
David "Dave 93" Aberl - Modlauncher, Installer
Eric "Duke auf Dune" Nitzschkea - 3D Artist
Filip "The Art of War" Hrnsten - Coder
Jan "Hugussi" Schlottbom - Event Coder, Scripter, Event Texter
Marius "Klon" Meierhfer - Co-Lead, Level Designer, Community Manager
Ron "Jack Hunter" Reinhardt - Texter, Planet Coder
Rudolf "wolf" - 3D Artist
Sascha "Origin" Heler - Coder, Scripter
Thore "Commander Cody" Andresen - Event Scripter
Beta testers:
General Stefan
A big "thank you" to our former members, supporters and everyone who deserves praise:
Attractor (Effects), Colnol Emerson (Level Design), Cuntar (Coder), Cratch (3D Artist),
Daniel Jackson (Sound Designer), Genesis (Level Design), Hermiod (Sound Artist), Hok'ta (Coder),
John Bello (2D Artist), Kane (2D Artist), Larkis (3D/2D Artist), Nostrum (Coder),
ONeillJack (Coder), Orlin (Coder), pifroggi (Video Design), prshakrey (3D Artist), Rex (Coder),
Selmak (Texter), Sylar (GFX Designer), Thor (Sound Design), xenon82 (Website)
Baal (2D Support), Fregge (Support), Jedi Lu (Pointers on event coding), $leeper (Eagle 5), Toth (Ship names)
Special thanks go out to:
- Dave 975 and Dkealt for providing a series of source models and textures we're still using
- xxdabtxx for providing the source model of the ZPM Hive
- Jeff for providing the planet texture-pack
- Capt. Ford, Captain Elgy and Dr_McCoy1701A for providing the background fog and the star fields
- The Celestia Motherlode for providing planet and nebulae textures
- Sidious Invader for providing the Twin Moons skydome which we've modified
- IG11 for providing his prop pack
- CCP for providing the Asteroids from EVE
- Yuuzhan Vong at War Modding Group for providing nebulae and planet textures
- Rommel2K, the founder of the Stargate mod for EaW
- Once again our beta testers which where of great help
Finally, we want to thank all those who weren't explicitly mentioned here, but who were nevertheless aiding
this project's realization in some way or another.
7. Disclaimer
Stargate and all other copyright material is property of MGM or their respective owners.
"Stargate: Empire at war - The Pegasus Chronicles" is a non-commercial modification of "Star Wars Empire at
War: Forces of Corruption" and does not make use of any other content other than the one of the "Stargate
Modding Group"(SGMG).
A commercial background does not exist.
The rights concerning models, textures, designs and other material are subject to the regulations of
their respective owners or creators.
Neither LucasArts nor the SGMG assume liability or responsibility for eventual damage.
Visit our homepage to contact us:
Have fun!
- the SGMG1.0.0 (16.12.12)