Open Beta on Steam and new fixes

Hello dear community,
Today we have good news for everyone asking about to have the Open Beta on Steam Workshop!
The team worked hard to improve our release pipeline to make this happen and to make sure not to draw too much attention away from the actual development.
It took us some weeks but now we feel confortable to support this version on Steam as well.
You can access the Open Beta here:
For now the open beta contains the content of the stable public release and the “feature ready” version of the Pegasus Prelude GC.
Pegasus Prelude is a story-driven space-only galactic conquest that takes place during the ancient war between the Wraith and Ancient. Please note that this version of the GC in the open beta is of course still work in progress and that other bugs are still present including the following:
- The GC is prone to crashes. Save often!
- The Tau’ri tactical dashboard, GC space station and some other Tau’ri specific logos are still visible.
Pegasus Prelude is in Open Beta state for quite a while now as we got numerous reports of stability issues. We believe that we made quite some improvements but we would need your feedback on it! Therefore we would like to ask you to report every issue that you experience.
Please find the detailed changelog below.As always all changes are available both via Steam and our Launcher!

- Fixed a bug where SG1 wasn’t buildable any more.
- Fixed Wraith Hunter damage type
- Fixed Ori Mothership selection circle being too small
- Fixed engine sounds for:
- Wraith Scout
- Selmak
- SG-1
- Mitchell
- X-301
- HB-302
- B-302
- F-302
- Osiris
- Aris Boch
- Needle Threader
- Various Satellites
- Fixed weapon sounds for:
- Prometheus
- Odyssey
- Mitchell
- Daedalus
- X-303
- HB-302
- B-302
- F-302
- BC-304
- Teltak
- Deathglider
- Anubisglider
- Needle Threader
- Alkesh
- Ancient Cityship
- Tauri starbase
- Various Satellites
- AI should be much more aggressive on all difficulty settings
- Wraith Hunter: increased projectile damage from 100 to 150
- Wraith commando: increased tactical health from 100 to 130
- Mitchell: Reduced tactical health from 120 to 110
- Mitchell: Increased ability cooldown from 40 to 45 seconds
- X-303: slightly reduced railgun projectile damage from 4.0 to 3.8
- Osiris: increased both tactical health and shield points from 400 to 450
- Tauri Starbase: Increased health of shield generator hardpoint from 400 to 800
- Goauld Starbase: Increased health of shield generator hardpoint from 375 to 750
If you have the Steam version of Star Wars Empire at War but didn’t download our mod yet…it’s available here:

- Fixed a bug where SG1 wasn’t buildable any more.
- Fixed Wraith Hunter damage type
- Fixed Ori Mothership selection circle being too small
- Fixed engine sounds for:
- Wraith Scout
- Selmak
- SG-1
- Mitchell
- X-301
- HB-302
- B-302
- F-302
- Osiris
- Aris Boch
- Needle Threader
- Puddle Jumper (asuran)
- Various Satellites
- Fixed weapon sounds for:
- Prometheus
- Odyssey
- Mitchell
- Daedalus
- X-303
- HB-302
- B-302
- F-302
- BC-304
- Teltak
- Deathglider
- Anubisglider
- Needle Threader
- Alkesh
- All Asuran units
- Wallus
- Janus
- Ancient Cityship
- Tauri starbase
- Ancient starbase
- Various Satellites
- AI should be much more aggressive on all difficulty settings
- Wraith Hunter: increased projectile damage from 100 to 150
- Wraith commando: increased tactical health from 100 to 130
- Mitchell: Reduced tactical health from 120 to 110
- Mitchell: Increased ability cooldown from 40 to 45 seconds
- X-303: slightly reduced railgun projectile damage from 4.0 to 3.8
- Osiris: increased both tactical health and shield points from 400 to 450
- Tauri Starbase: Increased health of shield generator hardpoint from 400 to 800
- Goauld Starbase: Increased health of shield generator hardpoint from 375 to 750

- Added OpenBate Workshop support
Get our launcher here:
We would advice those of you who got issues launching our mod on Steam to download our launcher as it has proven to be a solution for quite a lot of people already.
We would love to get some feedback from you about the GC and the latest changes!
Feel free to join our Discord to get in touch: