New Website
Update 25.06.2018
After a little delay, user registration has now been enabled. If you want to join out new shiny forum, you’ll find the link to create an account either on the login page in the top menu, or in the dropdown menu in the forum header bar:
Original Article:
Hello dear community!
First of all we would like to welcome you on our new website!
For many of you, this website is the first point of contact if you would like to find out about or exchange information about our project. After several issues with the old website, a few months ago, we decided to take the website offline and rebuild it from scratch. The new website is now state of the art. From now on we use a design which looks good on every device and is also usable. Also, we now use a more modern forum platform, which reacts faster and is optimized especially for mobile devices. It was particularly important to us that the forum with all posts and users could be completely moved over, which was also one of the reasons why it took a relatively long time. All the content that you have appreciated on the old website is also available here. Overall, it was
- 996 User Accounts
- 82698 Forumposts
- 350 Articles (Wiki, News, etc.)
- 6328 PM’s
- And dozens of smaller things like images and downloads
Just take a look around and tell us what you think in the forum (use the Join the Discussion button or this Link ). We hope you like it!
But that’s not all! With the site offline, we noticed that the launcher was still trying to load data about updates and changelogs from our website that were a remnant of the past and are no longer needed. So we decided to optimize the launcher code and can now proudly announce that updates are loaded more reliably (non-steam versions, we have no control over the steam update process) and the mod-launch now works more reliably, especially for Steam users (The Launcher will now make sure that Steam is fully loaded before starting the mod when you want to launch the mod).
Since the LAN multiplayer service Tunngle had to cease operation due to the new EU data protection regulation, we removed the Tunngle integration from the launcher. For the Steam version, this results in no limitation, since the multiplayer there is operated by steam itself. If you do not own the Steam version and still want to enjoy the multiplayer, we recommend the Tunngle alternatives Hamachi or Evolve . These should in principle work with Empire at War, but we can not guarantee anything.

Those who are now worried that the development of the mod has come up short during all these things, we can assure you that this is not the case. Over the last 3 months, we have continued to work hard on the ground combat and incorporated your feedback on the balancing of the Pegasus Prelude GC. Thanks to the comeback of our AI expert Commander Cody, you can expect improvements in this area as well in the future :) Things have changed a lot and we can not wait to share the next patch with you!
See you soon, yours SGMG