Welcome to "Stargate Galaxies"!
Hello community,
you’ve waited for a long time, but today it’s finally here. We are releasing our biggest galactic conquest yet, the “Stargate Galaxies”! The name says it all: You can visit and freely explore four galaxies (Milky Way, Pegasus, Ida and Ori galaxies) with over 100 planets. Some of them you already know from the previous Galactic Conquests Pegasus Prelude and The Alliance of the System Lords, but there are also countless new ones familiar from the series, such as Hebridan, Othalla, Cimmeria, Vis Uban, Celestis, Orban and many more. Many of these locations have unique characteristics that could be important for victory.

For the first time, you can play with all three main factions in one Galactic Conquest: Goa’uld, Tau’ri and Wraith. Non-playable factions such as Asurans, Replicators, System Lords, Lucians and Ori will also be there and make life difficult for you! The AI can conquer planets and construct buildings and units, and they won’t just be sitting on their planets. So stay on your guard!

You will also have to explore and conquer to unlock new technologies. Heroes and special units are obtained by conquering certain planets or space regions. And even if the GC doesn’t follow a linear story, there are still some small, hidden events to give you a bit of variety. No matter which side you choose, every match will be different and provide many hours of fun.

The new Galactic Conquest is only available in the beta version of the mod for the time being. It’s in a playable, but still very early stage - bugs may occur here and there, such as the AI not working properly or the game crashing (we hope not so much :D). We continue to work on the missing content and any bugs you report on our Discord. Especially for ground battles, there are still many placeholder maps in use. Of course, more Stargate maps will follow, even though probably not every planet will get a unique one. Given the number of planets, that would be a huge undertaking. The planet layout itself might also change slightly with a future update.
That’s it for now. We hope you enjoy playing. But most of all we want to wish you happy holidays and a good start into the new year!
See you next time! Your SGMG