Open Beta Patch 3.2.6

We’re back with a big update for the open beta!
A few of our older models have been updated like the Asgard DanielJackson-class, Asgard O’Neill-class & Ori mothership. There are also other visual changes like new icons, new particles and maps (more on those below).
The majority of Patch 3.2.6 however are lots and lots of changes to the Stargate Galaxies GC which include the addition of an Asuran AI & tuning of other AI like Tau’ri & Replicators. Unique event chains have been added for the Atlantis Expedition (Tau’ri) & to find eyes of the gods (Goa’uld). X302 will join Tau’ri players as minor hero at the beginning of the GC. For now it just spawns for you to test it and give us some feedback. Later on the minor hero will be moved to an event chain of its own. Additional good news: Issues with the dig sites after reloading saves should be fixed now. Also P2X_338 has been added while Talthus got removed from the GCs planetary roster.
To make sure you get all this changes working its best to start a new play-through of “Stargate Galaxies”. Old saves might still work but their function cannot be guaranteed. Also: The mod release version now gets displayed in main menu (bottom right corner) so you will know at a glance if you’re running the latest version or not.
Let’s have a look at the new maps that have been added with this patch.
Gamma Base MilkyWay
Alpha Base Pegasus
We hope you will like to play on those maps as much as we liked to create them.
Let us know on Discord what you think about the latest changes.
Full patch content below:
A few of our older models have been updated like the Asgard DanielJackson-class, Asgard O'Neill-class and Ori mothership.
There are also other visual changes like new icons, new particles and maps (more on those below).
The majority of Patch 3.2.6 however are lots and lots of changes to the Stargate Galaxies GC which include the addition of an Asuran AI and tuning of other AI like Tau'ri and Replicator AIs.
Unique event chains have been added for the Atlantis Expedition (Tau'ri) and to find eyes of the gods (Goa'uld). X302 will join Tau'ri players as minor hero at the beginning of the GC. For now it just spawns for you to test it and give us some feedback.
Later on the minor hero will be moved to an event chain of its own. Issues with the dig sites after reloading saves should be fixed now.
Also P2X_338 has been added while Talthus got removed from the GCs planetary roster.
To make sure you get all this changes working its best to start a new play-through of "Stargate Galaxies". Old saves might still work but their function cannot be guaranteed.
Also: The mod release version now gets displayed in main menu (bottom right corner) so you will know at a glance if you're running the latest version or not. 3D:- Add new models of Tauri_Space_Unit_DanielJackson.ALO, Tauri_Space_Unit_ONeill.ALO and Ori_Space_Unit_MotherShip.ALO with their respective DCs and texture (one for all 3 )2D:- Add new terrain image for Taranis, Wraith Homeworld and Wraith Clonebase- Overhaul of some of the upgrade icons- Add new icons: Wraith Repair Satellite Deconstruct, Ra's Pyramid Ship, Wraith Hive Upgrade- Add new icon of Hammond to Prometheus for Antarctica Mission (resolves #3435)- Icon update for replicator BS with nanite missileParticles:- New particle effect for thor antireplicator weapon- New replicator conversion ability effect- New wraith corruption effects- New Asuran system corrupt effect- New antireplicator weapon and effect for Thor- New doci weapon effect (space unit)- New bombs for Ori fighter- New sensor ping particle- Fix effect for replicator beliskner weapons for non shield hit- New ori beam muzzle flash- New ori weapon flashes- "New" planet explosion effect General:- Display mod release version in main menu (bottom right corner)- Fix Doranda having 3 space structure slots instead of 2- Fix duplicate name in command bar components- Micheal's infection ability no longer auto-fires to prevent unintentional damage to allied units (Resolves #0003656)- Updated ZPM unit code- Fix ZPM not being available when starting the battle using a pathfinder slot- Removed a few sfx debug warnings- Moved dig side units in GOF to get mod load back to 0 pass- Fix Repli Beliskner and Repli Hatak not being buildable for AI- Coded Replicator Ground Fighter- Correct some wrong placeholder maps as well as zoomed terrain indexes- Coded new Asuran heroes Lia and Koracen (WIP) - resolves #3692- Renamed Asuran_Aurora to Asuran_Aurora_Prop in order to avoid naming conflicts with space unit- Fix syntax error in Props_Stargate- Add P2X_338 and remove Talthus from Stargate Galaxies GC- Add deconstruction dummy for Wraith healing satellite - issue #3674- Fix issue with wraith extra money when inactive caused by thread kill command. Should solve other issues regarding dig sites and other events failing- Update information on tag Autoresolve_Health: The tag does not exist in the binary.- New replicator damage type and weaken ability with effect for battlecruiser- Various bug fixes found by Locutus- Fixes to pathfinding for rest of ship items- Fix silly SFX error- Huge changes to the way replicator missiles work - fear the new missile!- Minor changes to Doci Beam weapon and hardpoint- Add small income stream (25 credits) to ori and replicator AI barracks- Allow AI oberoth and replicator-BC to use abilities- Made better masks for OberothTauri:- Add SFX to captured Hataks Tauri- Add Asgard beam effect for Daedalus nuke- Add deploy ability to anti replicator satellite- Add 2nd way to get Apollo- Add eventual ability for BC 304 MK2 to be built at any asgard shipyard after the defeat of Ori and Replicator AI- Make Prometheus missiles fire better - issue #0003666- Fix auto target for the 3 plasma beams on the Sleipnir- Fix bug with dig site code related to save games- Fix description text for No-Beams-Odyssey- Minor fixes to the time jumper- Thor-GC has some shiny new toys- Made sure MK2 and refit cannot be build in other GCsGoauld:- Add hyperspace effects for system lord heroes- Buff super hatak shields (and Anubis mothership) due to being too weak.- Reduce shield drain of System flagship power to weapon abilityWraith:- Slightly nerfed standard hive ability so it isnt so crippling when fighting more than 2 hivesAsuran:- Removed super laser from SK Oberoth and replaced with virus abilityReplicators:- Replicator ships can now be built by replicator faction in GC- Add nanite missile to Repli-Carter- Minor improvement to replicator BS- Increased cost of replicator ground units as they were SWARMING- Fix for replicator starbase- Given other AIs a home system, improving AI performance in GC and removing bug - thanks Cody!- Add more comparable costs to replicator ground fighterStargate Galaxies:- Add mine to Rhenus which was missing from planet and ability description- Various bug fixes, text changes, and SFX to dig site units- Minor bug fixes/improvements and edits to files to spawn correct units, tidied up so other planet spawns in GC- Improved and fix many AI spawns in large GC- Add missing replicator heroes to GC- Rebalanced cost of Ori Warship in GC (4900 to 6000)- Add GTSW to Asuras- Sped up midway station lane to make it beneficial for when midway is opened- Modified starting time for replicator AI, giving more warning before the AI activates (Tauri/Goauld)#- Add tech levels to Asurans and Replicators (Tauri/Goauld)Stargate Galaxies - Tauri:- Move Thor spawn to Adara- Add X302 experimental fighter minor hero to Tauri start- Make anti replicator satellite buildable on any world with the DJ (Thor) and an asgard shipyard- New pyramid upgrade for Anubis when all eyes recovered- New Atlantis Expedition event chain- Add new event to ZPM chain to avoid confusion with Atlantis Expedition- New System lord AI activate text event for Tauri- New Tauri event chain for Asuras with explodey planets, danger and rewards!Stargate Galaxies - Goauld:- Add goauld dig sites for 6 unique eyes. Extra goodies in the form of other ships have also been added. Anubis's mothership upgrade now needs any 3 eyes to unlock, and you no longer sacrifice the eyes.- Add Goauld Asuran event- Fix typo in lord Yu death event when killed in space- Fix small bug with goauld replicator invasion- Anubis mothership upgrade now needs superhatak in orbit to complete, as per text- Made some planets around Anubis start slightly easier as they were bottlenecksStargate Galaxies - Wraith:- Fix one of the Repli prereqs - Add Map_GC_Ground_Sodan (resolves #0000289)- Add Map_GC_Ground_Gamma_Base_MilkyWay.ted (resolves #0000255)- Add Map_GC_Alpha_Base_P.ted (resolves #320)- Updated Abydos Ground- Updated Jenev Ground- Updated Kallana Ground- Updated Kallana Space: change planet prop to a more fitting one- Update Revanna Ground: Add some Tokra spawns- Fix missing AI Zones Celestis, Cunae, Gamma Base Milkyway, M6H-987, Wraith Clonebase and Wraith Homeworld- Fix Map_GC_Ground_Cunae using MP Reinforcement_Points - Allow passing arguments to planet count callback- Create new plot triggers- Add statistic change to lua XmlRewardsAI / Large Uni AI:- Allow all Ori buildings to be constructed by AI- Allow all current Asuran buildings to be constructed, and made each ground unit and warship buildable with reasonable costs and time for AI. This will allow Asurans to be more deadly when their AI activates.- Additon of Asuran AI- New AI hints for planets with mining- Removed scripted attacks from some minor factions in replace with actual AI- Add Cimmeria to AI hint list for shipyards- Fix bug where Tauri AI would send wave after wave of SG teams trying to corrupt a planet- Made Freyr no longer buildable by AI- Add replicator, and Asuran AI tech progression- Tauri AI can now build BC304 Refit after 30 minutes and MK2 after 1 hour in game time- Increase chance of building mining facility, large shipyard and initial starbases/groundbase if planet has mining site.- Increase chance of upgrading a starbase if planet can build large shipyard.- Made planets with mining more desirable to attack and valuable to the AI. - Added new Replicator convert sound effect - Various Text Updates- Text update for anti replicator sat3.2.6 (08.03.25)
See you next time! Your SGMG