Playable Factions



Humans from Earth are known as Tau’ri throughout the Milky Way. The Tau’ri are allies of the Asgard which are an extremely advanced race from the Ida Galaxy. The Asgard support the Tau’ri with their space ships in their struggle against both Goa’uld and Wraith. The Stargate Center is a secret base of the US Air Force from which the Tau’ri are launching their expeditions to other planets. During these missions the Tau’ri are trying to trade with other species or liberate them from their false gods. Even though their technology might seem primitive and their space fleet tiny compared to those of the Wraith, Goa’uld or other races, they make up for this with an unrivaled inventiveness and are able to find helpful allies in the depths of the universe as well as new technologies to fight their enemies.



The Goa’uld are parasites with a snake-like appearance. They posses human bodies and declare themselves gods. Every important planet will be conquered by them, the natives will be enslaved to serve as workers in mines or as soldiers in their armies. The most powerful of all Goa’uld is called Anubis. He is the Supreme System Lord and partially an ascendent being due to the fact that the Ancients rejected him and partially sent him back. He gained an extensive knowledge of the technology of the ancients though his 1000-year-long exile. With this knowledge he was able to enhance and create new technology, ships and soldiers for the Goa’uld. Anubis has a vast space fleet and legions of Jaffa at his disposal. Even some of the other System Lords are serving him now. Like all Goa’uld he strives for power and his ultimate aim is the conquest of the galaxy.



The Wraith are a humanoid species which emerged thousands of years ago after human DNA and that of the Iratus-Bug merged together. In order to survive they need to feed upon animate beings – mostly humans – sucking out their life force. All over the Pegasus Galaxy they control planets which are inhabited by humans and are being used as feeding grounds. They are able to manipulate the minds of others and can cause hallucinations. Their technology is mostly organic but they also use some technical components. The Wraith are divided into many factions each controlled by it’s own queen. However one of them managed to forge an alliance with some of the factions and declared herself Supreme Queen, claiming all feeding grounds for herself. She will destroy all those who stand in her way.