Free Jaffa

The Free Jaffa are a union of Jaffa, which once served various Goa’uld and are now fighting against them for their freedom. Since Teal’c betrayed Apophis and the Tau’ri overturned one System Lord after another, more and more Jaffa began to doubt that their lords were gods. They allied themselves with the Tok’ra as well as the Tau’ri, organised uprisings and carried out sabotage acts against their former masters. Thus the Jaffa rebellion arose which gradually gained more and more, and in the course of time freed thousands of their brothers from oppression by false gods. Later they even took over the ships of the overthrown rulers and founded the Jaffa Nation after defeating the Goa’uld.
The Free Jaffa are one of the many non-playable races in TPC and acting as a pirate faction. They are allied with the Tau’ri and Tok’ra. Besides their new homeworld Dakara they occupy some other planets in the Milkyway Galaxy too. They can also be part of a campaign in some of the GC’s.
Space Units
Death Glider - Tel’tak - Al’kesh - Jaffa Ha’tak
Rak’nor - Gerak