
The Replicators are intelligent machines that consist of a combination of several blocks and usually have the form of beetles or spiders. They exist in large numbers and can reproduce independently by converting any kind of metal and creating new blocks from it. They are also interactive and communicate with each other via a sub-space network. Because their only goal is replication, they assimilate every kind of highly developed technology and integrate it into their own one to become even better as well as more consistent. They can even form their blocks into interstellar spaceships. Also, they are able to control humanoid bodies, transforming them into a human-Replicator-hybrid. But the top of the Replicator evolution is the human form replicant, which is indeed a human form, but much stronger and even immune to any kind of gun fire. However, the only weak point of the Replicators is the Disruptor, which emits an impulse that simultaneously disables the Replicator blocks and breaks them apart.
The Replicators are one of the many non-playable races in TPC and acting as a pirate faction. Besides the Asgard homeworld Othala they occupy every planet in the Ida Galaxy and some less worlds in the Milky Way too. They can also be part of a campaign in some of the GC’s.
Space Units
Replicator Fighter - Replicator Bomber - Replicator Corvette - Replicator Spidership - Replicator Cruiser - Replicator Warship - Replicator Beliskner - Replicator Battleship